AN: This story will be a series of drabbles 1000 words or less, requested by my dear friend Rory so here you go my little tater tot I hope that you all enjoy it enough to leave me a review if you wish for me to continue that is.

It was a routine hunting trip, one done solo for various reasons. He liked to study the earth as he hunted, enjoyed the challenge of counting the stars visible at nightfall by himself. The sense of peace was overwhelming in the forest but very welcomed. He didn't need the usual weaponry that one tended to use when in the wild, he was different then most game hunters. Vampires were special creatures, faster, stronger, more agile and graceful. They could make homicide look like a sensual dance but Edward had sworn off killing human's ages ago. It was tempting but he knew better, he wasn't planning on getting on his coven leaders naughty list any time soon.

He bounded from tree to tree, stalking the herd of deer that waded through a sea of green grass just below. Sometimes when he was feeling particularly cynical he'd chase them, let them feel as if they had gotten away before surprising them and tackling one of the large bucks that was too paralyzed by fear to dart out of his way. He was up for the chase tonight; the idea alone brought a purr of satisfaction to his lips as he dove from the tree feet first. The deer separated, flinching away from Edward when they sensed he was a threat. He allowed them to startle and disperse like chickens with their heads cut fresh off their shoulders and counted to ten, giving them a head start just for the sole purpose of being a gentleman.

When their time was up he bounded after them, growling from the depths of his throat as he tore through the forest, branches breaking, clothes tearing. The darkness did nothing to deter him on his hunt, he could see just as well in the darkness as he could in the morning light. The smell of fear trickled into his senses and he leaped around a fallen oak tree that was half hidden underneath a bed of vines. The auburn haired predator let out a victorious hiss has he straddled one of the fleeing deer, latching onto its hide with his nimble fingers and digging into its flesh with his sharpened teeth. As the skin broke under his bite he let out a moan of pleasure, suckling like a hungry babe would upon its mother's breasts. He didn't let the creature go until it kicked for a find time and the heart gave up beating. By then, the poor creatures skin was sunken in from the blood loss, a hollow remain of what it once was.

Edward sank down beside the dead carcass, licking his hands clean although he felt remorse for taking the innocent buck's life. It was him or the animal and bloodlust always made him choose himself. He continued to lick at his fingers, glancing up only when a different scent filled his nose. Edward stiffened as he gazed into the forest he had just torn through; stunned when he saw a limp figure crumpled against the base of a tree not far from where he sat.

The copper scent of spilled blood filled his nostrils and he stood from his seat on the muddy forest floor, bending down onto his haunches as he slowly approached the form that was bathed in the heady aroma of blood. If it had heard Edward approach, the figure didn't so much as move. He came to a stop and frowned when his eyes rested upon a pair of bare feet darkened with dirt and a large gash that was placed on a tanned naked thigh. It was a human. Edward stopped breathing to detain himself from licking the wound clean of the blood there and observed the fallen creature before him. It was a man, a rather large man to be exact. Curly black hair fell sloppily over a set of broad shoulders and the man's chest moved almost sluggishly in attempts to keep a heart beating within. To call him beautiful would be putting it in the simplest of terms. He had a strong jaw, large hands, couldn't have been over the age of twenty. Edward had taken to liking the man's skin tone, it was absent of any imperfections save for the one on his thigh and a strange tattoo like scar tracing just over his shoulder and disappearing behind a mound of curly locks of hair.

There was a strange scent to the man, he didn't smell human but he was certainly not a vampire either. That intrigued Edward enough to bring his eyes up to meet the closed ones of the man lying before him. He frowned when he realized that he couldn't just leave the man laying here in the forest like this, Carlisle certainly wouldn't approve of his lack of forethought it he did and he would never hear the end of it from Alice nor Esme if they found out either.

So with an unnecessary sigh, Edward hefted the load of the unconscious body onto his shoulders and started to sprint toward home. He'd have to continue his hunting trip later if he wanted this unlucky lad to survive.

AN: Don't forget to review.