Mason entered, his eyes adjusting in the absence of light. The room was dim, the sole source of light coming in from the full moon as it filtered in. In other circles - those in whom fear had been instilled - it was believed that the man sitting behind this desk had been born of a devil and of a woman, cambion. Mason knew better, Padrino was very much human but thrived in the dark. He was fearless in it while other men cowered and that had made him great.

"Is it done?" the raspy voice emerged.

"Yes. They have agreed to the alliance."

The quick nod acknowledged his words, "And what of Tyler?"

"He is ready."

"Are you certain?" The question was clear. If his nephew was not ready this was the time to say so.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. And what of Carolina?"

"She is by his side, as always."

"Without her mother's interference, I see. There is something there, find out what it is. She will make him a good match if we are correct about Favara's betrayal," the old man stood then, "You have done well, Mason."

"Grazie Padrino."

"Now set the meeting, I wish to be in Mystic Falls by this weekend."