A/N - Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while! It takes me a long time to write my stories! Don't worry! I'll post a third chapter of Paralyzed soon! LOL!

Anyways, here is my new story, the crossover I was talking about! This will be the very first Dragon Ball Z/Big Time Rush crossover in the crossover archive!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush!

Big Time Dragon Ball

Chapter 1: Sucked In

The guys of Big Time Rush are sitting on the orange couch, in apartment 2J, wondering what to do on their weekend off.

"I know! We could go to the pool and do an awesome stunt!" Carlos suggested.

"Carlos, we've done it many times already! Let's do something else for a change!" Logan says.

"He's right! We need to come up with something different to do!" Kendall says, agreeing with what Logan said.

"And, what do you suggest we do?" James asks.

"We could watch an awesome anime."

"Ooh, ooh! I know what anime we could watch!" Carlos shouts.

"What would that be, Carlos?" Logan asks the excited Latino.

"DRAGON BALL Z!" he enthusiastically answers, clapping his hands.

"Hey, that sounds like a good idea!" Kendall says, happy that him and Carlos found something fun for them four to do.

"At least we don't have to sit through the Saiyan, Frieza and Cell story arcs, just to watch the Buu Arc, since we already watched them. We don't have the Season 7, 8 and 9 boxsets, though." Logan says.

"How do we get those DVD sets?" Carlos asks Kendall.

"Don't worry, guys! We'll find a way to get them!" Kendall assures his three best friends.

"I suggest we go to the nearest Target, to get them, because I need more Cuda man spray anyway." James suggests, as he is combing his hair with his lucky comb, while his friends rolled their eyes at him.

"Then let's go to Target." Kendall says, smiling.

"I'll drive." Logan says, grabbing the keys for the BTR mobile.

As Logan is already out the door, Kendall runs after him, saying, "Oh no you're not!"

James and Carlos both shook their heads and ran out the door, slamming it shut.

BTR Mobile - Friday, May 25, 2012 - 12:17 p.m.

James and Carlos catch up to Kendall and Logan, who are already in the tour bus.

"Where are you guys and Kendall going?" a motherly voice asks, with a girl standing next to her.

"Oh, hey, Mrs. Knight. Katie. Me and the guys are going to Target to get me some hairspray and get a couple of DVDs." James answers.

"Oh...welll... Have fun, but try not to break anything or you four are grounded, even though you're 18!" Mrs. Knight sternly warns.

"You have my word, Mama K!"

"Yeah! What he says!" Carlos says, saluting to what she said.

"Good!" With that, Mrs. Knight walks away with her groceries in hand.

"Bye Carlos! Bye James!" Katie says, following her mom to the Palm Woods.

After that, Carlos and James get in the BTR Mobile, while Kendall and Logan are still fighting over who gets to drive. "I'm driving, Logan and that's final!" Kendall insists.

"Fine!" Logan says, folding his arms over his chest, pouting.

"Wow, dude! You're acting just like Carlos!" James comments.

"Hey! I'm nothing like that!" Carlos shouts, feeling offended.

"Sure you are!" James teases.

"Oh, that's it!" Carlos says, then he tackles him. They both get into a silly slapping match, which would put catfight to shame.

"Guys!" Kendall speaks up.

Both stopping what they're doing, Carlos and James shout, "What?"

"If I'm driving, you guys need to be on your best behavior or no Target!" Kendall sternly warns.

"Awe!" The other boys say.

"I mean it!"

"Man, you sound like your mom!" James comments.

Kendall glares at the pretty boy.

"Are we gonna go or what?!" Carlos impatiently asks, getting ready to burst.

"Don't worry, Carlitos! We're going right now!" Kendall assures his Latino friend, putting the key in the ignition, starting up the BTR Mobile. He pulls out of the parking spot, then he drives out of the parking lot and onto the road towards Target.

Target - Friday, May 25, 2012 - 12:27 p.m.

After seven minutes of driving, Kendall finally pulls up to the parking lot of Target.

"For the last time, Carlos! Dragons do not exist!" Kendall heard Logan shout in frustration.

Before a fight could break out, Kendall says, "Guys! Settle down! We're here!" With that, Logan, James and Carlos look out the window, realizing that they are, in fact at Target.

"Oh..." They say.

"Yeah 'oh'!" Kendall says, putting air quotes to 'oh' for emphasis.

James and Carlos are the first ones out of the BTR Mobile, followed by Kendall and Logan.

"Target, here I come!" Carlos says, as he is running towards the entrance.

"Cuda, here I come!" James says, as he is running also.

Kendall and Logan both rolling their eyes, while chuckling at their hyperactive best friends. They then followed them in, before any chaos could start.

Target - May 25, 2012 - 12:40 p.m.

After being in the store for almost 20 minutes, the boys of Big Time Rush walk out, with shopping bags in hand.

"I can't believe they're letting us have free stuff for a year, all because we're famous!" James excitedly said.

Logan looks at him like he's stupid. "Dude! That is not why they did that! The cashier was very nasty to Carlos and made him cry! So, Kendall stepped in and threatened him, saying 'If you don't drop your attitude, I will knock your teeth out, with my fist!' Just when I thought we were getting kicked out, they let us have free stuff, because they're scared of him!"

"What? Are they scared I will punch them?" Kendall jokingly asked, laughing.

"Not funny, Kendall!" Logan said.

"I don't know, Logie! Maybe it is!" Carlos said, chuckling.

"First of all, DON'T call me that! And, lastly, it's NOT funny!" Logan said, giving Carlos a stern look.

"Whatever you say, Logie!" Carlos said, disobeying Logan's command, which set him off.

James grabs Logan around the waist, before he had the chance to attack him, while he is trying to break free of his grasp.

"Ooh! Let me at him! Let me at him!" Logan shouted.

"Whoa there, buddy! Relax. He is just messing with you! You know how he is!" James reminds his friend. Logan calms down after this.

"I suppose you're right!" Logan admits.

"I'm always right!" James said, taking out his mirror, combing his hair, which is the second time that day.

Logan rolled his eyes at James, while Carlos giggled.

While that was going on, Kendall already had the shopping bags loaded into the tour bus.

"Now that we're all settled down, let's get going!" Kendall said.

The other boys of Big Time Rush follow Kendall into the tour bus.

Apartment 2J - May 25, 2012 - 12:51 p.m.

The boys of Big Time Rush return home, with the shopping bags in hand. Well, mostly Kendall's hands.

"Guys! Seriously! Must I carry everything? What do I look like? A doorman?" Kendall asks, with irritation in his voice.

"Oh, sorry about that, Kendall! I just got distracted by a text from Camille." Logan apologetically said, grabbing three of the six shopping bags.

They both put the shopping bags on the counter, with James and Carlos following close behind. The boys are excited about watching their favorite anime, Dragon Ball Z. They've all been wanting to watch it since season sets came out. They have also known about the anime since it came to America.

The boys would always go to Kendall's house and watch it on Toonami together after school. They were devastated when they canceled Toonami, but they were happy when they recently revived it. They never get tired of that space robot, TOM. Sadly, the revival doesn't have Dragon Ball Z in their line-up, but at least they have the season sets.

Speaking of which, the boys are getting ready to watch it right now. Getting the popcorn out, Logan asks, "Who wants popcorn?"

"I do!" The other three boys said all at once.

Logan chuckles. Sometimes things never change, like that one time when Mama Knight would make corndogs, Carlos would immediately say yes, whenever she offered some.

After the popcorn was done popping, Logan grabs the bag only to burn his fingers with it.

"Ow!" He yelps, dropping the bag in the process. Before it could land on the floor, James, who was standing next to him, caught it.

"You okay, dude?" James asked.

Logan doesn't say anything, since he has his fingers in his mouth, trying to relieve the pain.

"I don't think that'll help your fingers, dude... Do you need ice for it?" James offered.

Logan takes his fingers out of his mouth and says, "I'm fine, James! It was just a minor burn! See?" Logan shows James his fingers, which looks a little red.

"But, Logan! They're red!" James exclaimed.

"Like I said. I. Am. Fine."

"Guys! Are we going to start the show yet or what?" Carlos suddenly asked, with impatience and irritation in his voice.

"Don't worry, Carlitos! We're getting there!" James assured the impatient Latino.

"Yeah! Now be patient!" Logan hissed.

Carlos sat back down on the couch, crossing his arms with a pout.

After ten long minutes of getting comfortable on the orange couch, Logan pressed play on the remote, after Kendall put the DVD in and after a fight over which audio setting it should be. So, they ended up picking "American Broadcasting Version", making Carlos happy.

"Carlos, would you please pass the popcorn?" Logan asked Carlos, who currently has the popcorn bowl.

The Latino grabs handful and throws it at him. "Here you go!"

"Gee, thanks!" Logan said sarcastically.

Kendall asked him, too and Carlos does the same thing to him, then the Latino started laughing.

"You think that's funny, huh?" Kendall asked with a mischievous smirk, then he squirts his canned cheese at him. Carlos caught it with his mouth.

"How did you- nevermind." Kendall had no idea he could do that.

"Oh! Look guys! Gohan is transforming on the tournament stage!" James suddenly shouted, excitedly.

The other boys turned their heads toward the TV, to see what he is talking about and he was right. There, they see Gohan transforming into a Super Saiyan 2. (A/N: The scene I'm talking about is where Gohan blew his cover, by transforming in front of the whole crowd at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament)

"Cool!" Carlos said.

Once they were done with Disc 6 of Season 7, they decided to play the next Season of Dragon Ball Z, which is Season 8.

"Alright! Here we go!" Kendall said, as he pops the disc in. After he put it in, he started hearing weird noises.

"Um... Guys? Do you hear that?" Kendall asked.

Logan, Carlos and James nodded yes in unison.

Suddenly, Kendall was sucked into the Television.

"AHH!" Kendall screamed.

James ran to the TV and started knocking on it.

"Don't worry, buddy! We'll get you out of there!"

"James! Was that really necessary?" Logan asked.

"Well, I don't know! Maybe we should call the- AAAAAAHH!" That was the last thing James said before he was sucked in.

"Okay. Don't worry! Maybe if we stick together, we could- AAHH!" Logan was the next one to be sucked in.

Carlos buckles his helmet and said, "Alright! This is going to be a bumpy ride! WHOOOOOOO!" He was the one to be sucked in.

Where did the boys of Big Time Rush go?

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Cliffhanger! Don't worry! I'll post a second chapter as soon as I can!

I appreciate it when people review my stories! I would love to hear what you have to say!

Please answer this question in a review.

Do you want me to focus on Big Time Dragon Ball first or Paralyzed?

Anyways, thank you for reading!