
If your not going to read the below, I want to make some things clear.

This story will have MomokoxBrick, KaoruxButch, and MiaykoxBoomer.

Hi guys ^^;

Anyways their are reasons why I haven't updated but you'll think it's an excuse. Some of it is...if you've ever seen my Deviantart account.

One- no it's not and never was a writers block. And all the blanks you saw in the previous version(the questions you had) will be answered int he next version.

OKay here's the thing, I'm redoing the whole story all over. Some things may and may not be the same. BUT the pairings will be the same how ever. I want to thank every one who had read and reviewed this story.

Before I thank them; I'm going to explain why I'm rewriting this. First off, there were things that were going to get confusing in the future if I didn't explain and write some things them before hand. SO that fault was mine and mine alone, I'm sorry. Next, I love Bipinkbunny but this is MY story and I'm going have to keep it that way. Besides I decided I'm going to do something different. Like saying screwing the idea of giving human names to the RRBs.

Another, you've seen the PPGZ episodes right? Well, I'm just assuming you did okay?-Okay, glad we came to an understanding no EH-hummm-cough.I remember how there were some things that never made any sense to me. FOR example 'where did Mojo get all his supplies from if he was broke?', 'Why did the boys not show any signs of super powers until HIM gave them some?', 'Why was Octi looking through the fridge when he got possessed' and much more. I hope to fill in those gaps with this story. This is not from the anime and this is just my imagination put into a fanfiction.

The one of the two major reasons WHY I'm rewriting is because I had started thinking as if I was brick then I realized how OC I made him. I'm going to imrpove their characters and try to get in their shoes. I'm also going to try and be more realistic with story but it'll be pretty hard considering what I'm going to type.^^;

OH and their are some things I'm gonna keep, like Momoko's OC Mom- Miriko (i can't call her my OC cause...well shit...I guess I can) and Ken's OC Mom Emily.


Anonymous REviewers

jensen I'm guessing you forgot you commented or even recall this story but, Jensen is probably the only one who noticed that there were no monster attacks, yes I am aware of that. I did it for a reason. It's probably one small reason why I'm rewriting. I wanted to put it in earlier.

Myra159 I added dexter beacuse I could and thanks for your review

BanditaFox Girl I'll tell you on DA.

Noodles Thank you for all your reviews and it means alot to me. I'm serious. I'm so glad you liked this and your one of the people I'm deadicated my this too. People if you want to read the pervious chapters that were here, you can read them in a Trash-Chapters fanfic for the PPGZ on the chapters I thinks is a pity to just delete. Besides, like hell am I going to trash all that hard work. YOUR WELCOME!

Wings I know who you are and thanks anyway. :D

Wickedanimefy Thank you for all your reviews! YOu are one of the anonymous reviewers that I always anticipated to see. Beacuse they would make me JUIST SO AHHHHHHHHH~! HAPPY! I hope your reading/have read this...and that your going...to kill...me...for not continuing the story and- SHIT *starts running like hell*

Friend15 Thank you for your review. I hope you like the rewritten version.

Account Reviews

Made2352 Thank you for being the first person who had ever reviewed for this story. Thank you for all of your reviews in the other chapters as well!

DragonRose Thanks for reviewing all those times!

Hidingbehindacurtin Thank you :D

Topfaith Don't ever doubt your artwork girl. I'm sorry I don't talk to you that often on DA. Heck, I don't even talk to a lot of people because I'm busy.

Lovesacrlet Honestly thank you for all of your reviews! They've always made me so happy. Reviews like yours make me smile in hard times and gave me a reason to post another chapter. I hope you would like the revised version of this story; it would mean alot if you do.

xXxEmeraldBlueXx Thank you for all those thougtful reviews. It always made me glad to know someone laughs and enjoys my chapters. They always made me so happy. I hope you like the revised version of this story beacuse like I've said to others- I'm sacred as hell people won't like them...

GreenGirl Thanks for your review it's good to know I don't suck at grammer. I don't plan on being an author though.

SmilesLuvsCreampuff Thank you for all your reviews!

CookieQueen13 Thank you for being so enthusiatic with all your reviews and it would always make me happy when I read them. They would make my whole week happy and joyful.*starts hugging you like crazy before running away* I hope You like the revised version. Seriously. I seriously hope you do beacuse I'm scared that no one will.

Child of the Night 13 Thank you for all of your reviews. I hope

GillyBoy Your probabbly the sanest person who's reviewed my story. So thank you for your review, your's is probably the honest and sanest review I've ever gotten.

Its meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Thank you for reviewing.

GeekyGirlMeow Thank you for reviewing and for liking my sotry. I hope you enjoy the rewritten/improved version

ppgzmlpfimlover Thank you for you reviews and you a good friend thank you for you understanding. I hope you like this version of Memories Lies.

Lolibeagle Thank you liking my previous work.

IT Bluebead TIThank you for liking my story

Angles's Evil Thank you for liking it

Now hit the next button for the first chapter of the remake. It may start off slow at first but give it a shot. Kay? :D