Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything like that. (Though I wish)

First attempt at fan fiction so take it easy on me. Review no flames plz constructive criticism is fine as long as you let me know what I can do to make it better.

Summary: What if Naruto excelled in genjutsus and kenjutsu with a bloodline. Watch as Naruto wakens the Mokuton and also the use of paper.

On a minor note I am looking for a beta.

On to the story Illusion of the Sword

Chapter 1

One day there was a little boy who was only at the young age of 5. His name was Naruto Uzumaki, he was currently going through the alley ways looking for some food since he hasn't been able to eat at all. As he was going through the alley ways avoiding the villagers that hated him, he noticed a very appealing scent in the air, he was following the scent. It finally led him to the ramen stand called Ichiraku's. So when he got the the ramen stand he went straight to the back of the stand going through the trash looking for some food that may have been thrown out. Now why would he be going through the trash, well the answer is that every place he went into would always kick him saying that they don't serve his kind. So as he was going through the trash looking for food, the owner of the stand Teuchi went out to take out the trash, when he stepped out he noticed that someone was going through the trash.

Teuchi coughed to get Naruto's attention. When he got the attention of Naruto he asked, "what are you doing going through the trash?"

"I…I…I was looking for some food," replied Naruto who was a little afraid at this point.

Teuchi who noticed that he was afraid said, "don't be afraid I won't hurt you."

Naruto then nodded not sure what to think at this moment.

"Come on inside and I will get you something to eat." Said Teuchi.

Naruto not sure what to do at the moment just stood there thinking it was a trap like all the other times when someone said that they were going to help him with something. With all the times that the people of the village would trick him into a trap he got him into thinking that this was another trap. Thinking back, it brought him to the worst trap that happened on his birthday last year, when he turned 4.


October 10

Naruto was seen walking through the village looking for something to eat, as the orphanage just kicked him out early this morning, and here it was already about noon. He was currently wearing an orange jumpsuit that the orphanage gave him as nobody else wanted it. So the orphanage gave it to him as it seemed to make the 'demon brat' stick out, so it would be easier for him to be spotted and get what is coming to him. He was also getting hungry as he been out on the streets for about 4 hours now. Here he was hungry looking for something to eat when a person who looked to be working at a restaurant noticed him and immediately knew that it was the 'demon child.' He then called Naruto over and told him to come inside and he will give him something to eat.

Little did Naruto know that this was a trap as the person knew that the orphanage kicked him out already and gathered everybody he could find to help him out with his plan. His plan was to lure Naruto into the restaurant and then have him sit and wait for the food when everybody else would come around and start attacking the 'demon child.' As Naruto walked in he sat at the table the person told him to sit at. When he did he was immediately attacked from behind from the angry mob which consisted of civilians and even a few shinobi ranging in rank from genin to chunin. The shinobi would come from behind and tie him up in ninja wire, that way Naruto couldn't move or flee.

Once he was tied up one of the genin said, "get him he's not going anywhere."

Once they heard their cue to attack they knocked the chair down and started attacking. They were stomping on him, kicking on him, and even throwing anything they could get their hands on. When the civilian were done with him, Naruto had bruises and blood all over his face and clothes even some on his hair. When the villagers were done the shinobi then decided to take their turn. They would take their kunais and start cutting anywhere they could on him. Then they would take some shurikens and throw them. Using Naruto as a human target. All of the shruikens that they threw landed either on his legs, arms, and any other non vital points. They did this to make sure that the 'demon child' as they called him suffered as much as possible.

After they were done with him and attempting to leave a lone kunoichi with long black hair come walking in. When they saw that it was none other that the 'genjutsu mistress,' Kurenai Yuhi, they all decided to leave and leave her alone with Naruto.

When she saw that he was tied to the chair with a large amount of blood on the floor that came from his wounds. When she noticed the blood she went over to check on his wounds when she got a closer look she noticed that the wounds were already healing up. When she noticed this she did the first thing that she could think of at the moment and that was to untie him and take him to the hospital.

As she picked him up she noticed that his eyes were starting to open.

Kurenai then said, "rest you'll be fine, so go ahead and rest."

At that time Naruto saw a lovely flowing black hair and red eyes that looked at him.

"She's beautiful." Was Naruto's thought at the moment. Before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When Naruto went back to sleep Kurenai visibly relaxed as he was resting now and it would be easier for him to recover.

When she got to the hospital she went straight to the front desk and told them that she needed doctors to care for this boy.

When the nurse saw the boy in her arms the first thing she said was, "he is the 'demon brat,' we don't treat his kind here."

At this time all Kurenai could do was glare at the nurse that just said that to her. So Kurenai did the next thing she could think of at the time and that was to take him to the Hokage and see if he could find some help for him.

So Kurenai went directly to the hokage's tower. When she got there she went up to the secretary and told her, "I need to see the Hokage now." In a calm voice not to show how worried she was about Naruto and all the wounds he suffered.

All the secretary said as she kept her head down in her own things was, "go on ahead."

As Kurenai left the secretary to her business, she was quite thankful that the she didn't look up from her business as it would have caused a scene because of Naruto being in her arms.

Kurenai in front of the Hokage's door knocked and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in." said the Hokage as he was secretly glad for the distraction from all the paperwork he had to do.

Hearing the ok to enter, she opened the door as best she could with Naruto in her hands. As she entered the door, the Hokage was watching the door and when he noticed who was Kurenai's arms he jumped out from his desk and ran as fast as he could to Kurenai to check on Naruto.

When he got up to where Kurenai was standing he immediately asked her, "what happened to him!?" With his emotions running a little high as he saw Naruto as a grandson and tried to look over him since the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze, Naruto's father sacrificed his life to seal the kyuubi into his son, Naruto.

Kurenai then asked, "can I put him down first, Hokage-sama?"

"Go ahead and put him down on the couch." Was Hiruzen's relpy.

"To answer your question I found him at a restaurant tied to a chair that was kicked over and he had shurikens stuck to him. I tried to take him to the hospital but the nurse said that they don't treat his kind there." Replied Kurenai.

At this point, Hiruzen was absolutely livid if the amount of KI he was leaking was anything to go by.

"You can go, I'll take care of things from here. And thank you for bringing him here, Kurenai." Replied Hiruzen.

"Hai, Hokage-sama." Was Kurenai's reply.

When Kurenai left, Hiruzen sat there looking out the window wondering what happened to the final wish of Minato's and how the village has openly disregarded the wish.

"Anbu!" Was Hiruzen's order calling for his Anbu.

Out of the shadows came 4 Anbu who immediately knelt in front of their leader and replied, "Hai."

"Go to the hospital and take the nurse and everyone who ever refused to help Naruto and take them to Ibiki and Anko." Hiruzen ordered.

'This is serioius if he is sending them to Ibiki and Anko.' Was the thoughts of some of the Anbu.

"Hai" came the reply of the Anbu as they left the office and went to the hospital and take them to Ibiki.

***End Flashback***

Teuchi took a couple of steps and turned around and noticed that Naruto was not following him but just standing there with the look of doubt on his face like he didn't know what he should do.

"It's alright I promise I won't hurt you." Came the soft reply to Teuchi to try and calm Naruto.

"Y…Y…You sure you won't hurt me." Replied Naruto quietly that Teuchi that he almost missed it.

"Yes I'm sure I won't hurt you, now come lets get you some food." Teuchi said.

'I know the stories, but I don't understand how people can be this cruel to a child.' Thought Teuchi.

As Teuchi walked into the ramen stand this time Naruto followed him a little on edge just in case this was a trap like the last time. For the past year he has been either in his apartment that his jiji got for him when he found out that the orphanage kicked him out when he was only 4. While he was at the apartment he had food taken to him by one of the Anbu that the Hokage as assigned to watch over Naruto. If he wasn't at his apartment then he was over with Hiruzen and his family for food whenever they invited him over.

As Teuchi and Naruto walked into the ramen stand, Naruto noticed that it was empty. Since it was empty and Naruto couldn't see anybody else around he relaxed a little bit.

"Go ahead and take a seat, while I get you something to drink." Teuchi said.

So Naruto decided to take a seat in the far corner and waited for Teuchi to return. When Teuchi returned he gave Naruto his drink.

"Are you hungry?" Asked Teuchi.

"H…H…Hai." Naruto stuttered out.

"Ayame get a bowl of ramen out here!" Teuchi shouted.

"Alright coming right up!" Ayame shouted back.

"It'll be just a little bit longer for the food." Teuchi told Naruto.

A little later Ayame brought out the food for Naruto.

"Here's your food, sorry for the wait."Ayame said.

"It's alright." Replied Naruto.

"So, whats your name?" Asked Ayame as she watched Naruto eat.

"Naruto." Answered Naruto.

"My name is Ayame, if you need anything let me know and I will try and help. If you want to be my friend. " Ayame said.

"You want to be my friend?" Naruto asked a little surprised that someone wanted to be friends with him.

"Sure you seem like a nice boy." Ayame responded.

Naruto was overjoyed that he had a friend finally besides his jiji. After the conversation Naruto started to inhale his food since he was hungry since he hadn't been able to get anything to eat yet.

After he finished he thanked both Teuchi and Ayame for the food and left satisfied and a little happy since he got something to eat and also made a friend.

Naruto, after leaving the ramen stand decided to start walking around town to head back home. But on his way home he noticed that there was ninja that wasn't wearing a hitai-ate that he was familiar with.

The foreign shinobi noticed that Naruto was staring at him, and he decided to run after Naruto since he thought that Naruto was going to stop him from accomplishing his mission.

When Naruto noticed that the shinboi was starting to chase him, he started to run as fast as he could. But he was too slow as the shinobi caught up with him quite easily since Naruto had no formal kind of training. When he finally caught up to Naruto, he decided to scare Naruto off that way he wouldn't get in the way.

The rest of his team, which consisted of 3 other ninjas, decided to come out of hiding and continue the mission they were given by the Raikage. As they left they went straight to the Hyuuga compound to kidnap the Hyuuga heiress, Hinata Hyuuga. When they got to the compound they snuck in and went straight to Hinata's room. When they got there they went into the room and then they knocked her out and put her into a bag to carry her easier and make it easier to escape.

"Lets go and wait for leader at the meeting spot that way we can get out of here." Said one of the Kumo shinobi.

They then left and went straight for the meeting spot, when they got there they noticed that the leader was already there.

"Lets go before we are spotted by any Konoha shinobi" Said the leader.

As they got closer to their exit on the side of Konoha, they noticed that Naruto was standing there looking at them, or more precisely the bag they were carrying.

At that time they decided not to take any chances and attack Naruto, thatway he won't be able to let anyone know of the situation. They then went to attack Naruto all at once where only one of them stayed back holding the bag that had Hinata in it.

Hyuuga Compound

At the Hyuuga one of the brance members ran to Hiashi's chambers or his office to inform him of the grave news.

"Pardon my intrusion, Hiashi-sama but it appears that Lady Hinata is not in her room or anywhere in the compound." The branch member reported to Hiashi.

Hiashi was absolutely livid at this time as his daughter was missing.

Outside of Konoha

Konan was just outside the gates of Konoha as she finally made it to the village of her sensei. As she has been traveling for a week. She thought it would be for the best to leave Ame and get away from things there. So she figured that it would be for the best that she go to the village of her sensei.

As she walked up to gate and showed them her papers they then let her in, and welcomed her to Konoha.

As she continued walking toward the Hokage's tower start her search in the village for Jiraiya.

When she got closer to the tower she could hear the sounds of battle going on off to the side. Wanting to check it out she then went over toward where the battle was taking place when she got there she was shocked at the sight she just saw.

Naruto was in a very bad situation as 3 of the Kumo shinobi went to attack him.

One of them said, "You won't get away from here."

Naruto at this point was absolutely scared of the situation, since he had 3 shinobi ready to kill him armed with kunais and tantos.

When they got to where he was standing they went to attack him but was shocked when one of them fell to the ground with what looked to be paper sticking out of him. When they went to look at what it was that made their team member fall, they found it to be a very long senbon needle that was made out of paper. After they saw that they went to regroup and figure out a plan to get rid of Naruto.

Naruto was still standing there with his hands over his head, when he didn't feel anything he moved his hands to see one of the Kumo ninja laying there dead with a long paper senbon needle.

This is the sight that Konan walked in seeing. After seeing that someone else able to use paper just astounded Konan and she didn't know what to think that there is someone besides her that use the paper.

The Kumo shinobi after they regrouped then went back to attacking Naruto.

Konan seeing this became pissed at this point as the Kumo shinobi was attacking a little kid in her eyes and not to mention that kid was able to use paper just like she was.

So when they attacked she decided to help him out and attack the 2 Kumo ninja that was attacking Naruto. She attacked them with her paper shurikens.

Then she caught the leader as he was the one holding the bag.

When she caught him he ended up dropping the bag. When Naruto noticed that the bag was laying on the ground he immediately opened the bag and noticed that someone was inside the bag.

With the bag open finally the first thing that Hinata saw was Naruto. "T…t…t…thank you for saving me." Hinata stuttered out while giving Naruto a hug.

Hinata was no stranger to Naruto as she would constantly watch him whenever she could, and when she finally got him in the embrace she refused to let go.