A/N: It has been forever since I last updated this story! Not to mention that it's been forever since I last worked on it! I have started working on it again, and I've started over. I'll be adding in a lot of chapters of Yuko's life in Kumo and add in new family members that I've added to her family! I will keep the chapters here as they are and not update them until I reach a new chapter 24.

I apologize on hand if this will take a while, but please bear with me. I'll make a new update once the chapters have been updated, in case anyone wishes to read the new chapters.

Thank you for now.

Yuko, a 5 year old girl with emerald green eyes and dark magenta hair, was at the third training ground to practice her weapon skills, since her ability at handling weapons were the worst in her entire class at the academy. She had just started in the academy not that long ago, but she was already at the bottom of her class. She tried to hit the targets with her kunais as she jumped from side to side while aiming, but she tripped over a stone and fell to the ground, hitting the grass with her face first. "Ow…" She mumbled to herself as she sat up and rubbed her forehead.

"You're so clumsy. You are never going to be a great ninja!"

She looked around with a few tears in her eyes from the impact with the grass when she heard a familiar voice. She blinked when she saw the silver haired masked boy, Kakashi, by a nearby tree. Yuko sniffed a bit and rubbed the dirt off of her cheeks. "Shut up Kakashi! Why are you always so mean to me?" She asked frustrated, not understanding why he was always teasing her about her abilities.

Kakashi shrugged slightly and folded his arms over his chest. "Hmm, maybe it's because you're making it too easy for me? And what I say is true. You're clumsy. You're about as talentless as Gai. The only difference between you two is that you can do ninjutsu and he can't." He said with a scoff.

Yuko got up from the ground as she rubbed her eyes, trying to wipe away the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes and hide the fact that she was on the verge of crying. "You are such an idiot Kakashi!"

"And you are such a clumsy ninja." Kakashi said with a bored tone in his voice and placed his hands behind his head while leaning against the tree.

Yuko grabbed one of her kunais and threw it at him, but she missed him big time and the kunai hit the tree that stood next to the one Kakashi was leaning up against. She looked at Kakashi when she heard him scoff, like he was trying to hold back a laugh. "Seriously Yuko. You couldn't hit me even if you were as fast as Gai." He said somewhat mockingly, which made Yuko frown and folded her arms over her chest. "Just you wait and see Kakashi! I will get better and prove to you that I'm a good ninja!" She said with a convincing and confident tone in her voice.

Kakashi looked at her with a raised eyebrow and shook his head a bit. "You're too confident for your own good Yuko. You show no talent of being a ninja. Both of your parents are retired ninjas, and they're still in their twenties. The ninja life must have been too difficult for them to handle, so now they own a weapon and herb shop."

"So what if my parents aren't ninjas? They're good people! And even though they aren't ninjas it doesn't mean that I can't become one!" Yuko said and looked at Kakashi with an angry frown. Her parents owned a shop where they sell all kinds of weapons, tools and herbs. The name of the shop is 'Tohiro weapons and herbs'. It is named after her father's surname, which is Tohiro. Her parents are not ninjas anymore, but her father still sometimes used the medical jutsus he used when he was active as a medical ninja, and he had promised Yuko that he would teach her some of the techniques when she got older.

Kakashi sighed and walked over to Yuko. "No matter how many weapons you try from your father's shop you will never be good at using them. You've been training with your weapons for how many times now? I know that you are often here to train how to use your kunais and shurikens, and Gai, Kotetsu and Izumo are sometimes training with you, but you don't show any signs of improvement. You just don't have what it takes to become a ninja." He said with a bored tone in his voice.

Yuko was getting fed up with Kakashi's endless criticizing and teasing of her and her ninja skills. She felt the tears fight their way to her eyes and she did her very best to hold them back. She did not want to give Kakashi that satisfaction of seeing her cry. "I'm only 5 years old! What do you expect from a 5 year old girl?!" She snapped at him through slightly gritted teeth and clenched her small fists to try and stand strong towards him.

"Yuko, I was 5 years old when I graduated from the academy as the top of my class. I became a chunin just a year later." Kakashi said and kept looking at her with that usual empty expression of his. Though, Yuko could sense a faint smirk play on his lips through that ridiculous mask he always wore, which annoyed her even more. "No one can be as perfect and skilled as you! Just because you're some sort of prodigy child that graduated from the academy when you were 5 and became a chunin a year after, doesn't mean that everyone can do it!" She snapped at him once again and with a slightly raised voice this time.

Kakashi seemed like it was amusing him to see her that annoyed. He was pushing her limits like this on purpose to make her want to work harder. It was a tactic that clearly worked on Gai and Obito, so why would it not work on Yuk was well? "You know Yuko. When you become 9 years old, like me, you will still be a clumsy ninja that can't hit a target with a kunai."

Yuko's eye twitched annoyed, but also because it was becoming difficult for her to hold back her tears. She turned around as a few tears began to run down her cheeks. She would not let Kakashi see her cry. She simply would not give him that satisfaction. "You are so mean Kakashi!" She said before she ran off to her home with tears flowing down her cheeks. She did not understand why Kakashi always was so mean to her. She knew that he was pretty ignorant and kind of mean towards everyone, but it felt like he was being twice as mean to her compared to others. Once she got home she rushed through the front door and ran up the stairs, ran inside her room and threw herself on the bed with her face buried in the pillow.

Sachiko, Yuko's mother, had heard her daughter run through the house and into her room. She walked up the stairs and inside her daughter's room. "Yuko? Sweetie, are you okay? You ran through the house so fast that I didn't get to say hi to you." She said with a worried tone in her voice and sat down next to her daughter on the bed. She began to rub Yuko's back in a comforting way as she heard her sobbing. "Oh Yuko. What happened?" She asked with a more worried tone in her voice than before.

Yuko lifted her head a bit from the pillow and turned her head to look at her mother with red and teary eyes. Her vision was so blurry from all the tears that she could barely make out her mother's face. "K-Kakashi happened..." She said in a mumble and sniffed.

"Oh dear. What did Kakashi say this time?" Sachiko asked with a concerned voice, yet she sounded like she was mad. She was not mad at her daughter, but at Kakashi. He had made Yuko upset and cry many times now and it got on her nerves that he did not have any parents she could talk to about his behavior.

Yuko wiped away the tears as she sat up in the bed. "H-he told me that no matter what I do I will always be a clumsy ninja… He basically told me that I have no talent in ninja arts." She said and sniffed again. She knew that her skills as a ninja were not the best, she was at the bottom of her class after all, but she really did her very best to become better and to understand what she was being taught at the academy.

Sachiko pulled her daughter closer for a loving and comforting hug while she gently rubbed her back. "Don't listen to him dear. He is a kid who has no parents to tell him the differences between right or wrong, even though it should be common sense not to treat others like that. It's not your fault that ninja arts don't come easy to you. We're all different in how we learn things and how fast we learn. You may not be the best at the moment, but with hard work and training you will get better. You're already training hard, so I know you'll get better, but you'll get better at your pace." She said to comfort Yuko and kissed her forehead gently.

"I-I know mom, but it just hurts so much when he tell me those things. It's not funny anymore." She said as she slowly pulled away from her mother's warm and comforting hug, but her mother then placed a hand on Yuko's cheek and looked into her eyes. "Listen to me sweetie. You are only 5 years old and no one expect of you to be as good as him, okay? You develop in another pace than he does and that is okay. Don't rush yourself just to prove him wrong about your abilities." She said and held Yuko's hand. "We are moving to Kumogakure tomorrow, so you won't have to worry about Kakashi ever again. You're going to get some new friends and forget all about him, okay?" She said and smiled kindly at her daughter while giving her hand a light squeeze.

Yuko nodded lightly and hugged her mother again. She always knew how to comfort her and she loved that about her mother. Yuko had only gotten the news about the move three weeks prior and it had saddened her, because she would be moving away from her two cousins, Hideki and Kouki, who were also her best friends. She was still sad about the move. Her parents' reason for moving to another village was that another weapon shop had opened up just a few streets away from theirs, and the new weapon shop had lower prices on their weapons. Because of that, her parents' were losing customers. They had heard from a friend that the prices on weapons in Kumogakure were higher than the prices her parents had, which is why they had decided to move to Kumogakure. Of course, they needed the permission to move to a new village from the Hokage and the Raikage, which they did get.

The front door opened and in stepped Yuko's father, Daichi. "Yuko, Sachiko, I'm home!" He shouted from the front door and closed the door behind him while stepping out of his shoes.

Yuko let go of her mother and got up got up from the bed, ran down the stairs and hugged her father tightly while burying her face into his stomach. While she did like being comforted by her mother, she loved it when she was being comforted by her father. She was a daddy's little girl after all.

"Hi there sweetheart." Daichi said with a smile and ruffled his daughter's hair a bit, even though he knew that she did not like that. "Are you ready to move tomorrow Yuko?" He asked as he picked her up and held her close to him.

Yuko held onto him tightly and nodded lightly while looking at him. "Yes I am daddy." She said and sniffed a bit. Her eyes were still red and her cheeks were tear stained.

Daichi noticed the tear stained cheeks on his daughter's face and figured out right away what had happened, but smiled warmly at her and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry sweetheart. You are never going to see that Kakashi kid again." He said and rubbed her back gently to comfort her.

Sachiko came downstairs and looked at Daichi with a loving smile. "Welcome home dear." She said before she walked inside the kitchen where she had been preparing the ramen she had bought from Ichiraku's ramen shop just before Yuko came home. All of their stuff was packed into boxes, so they had nothing to cook in.

Daichi smiled and followed his wife to the kitchen while carrying Yuko. He kissed her head before placing her on her chair by the table while his wife placed the bowls with ramen on the table. Both of them sat down and they began to eat. No one said a thing the first few minutes, but then Sachiko broke the silence. "Did you finish packing the last things at the store dear? We're leaving tomorrow after all." She said as she looked at her husband.

Daichi looked at her and nodded. "Yes I did. I loaded the last boxes in the moving carriage. The carriage is on its way to Kumogakure as we speak." He said with a smile.

Yuko finished eating her ramen quite fast and looked at her parents. "Thank you for the meal. I'll take a shower and go to bed. I'm tired." She said as she got up from the chair and left the kitchen. She walked upstairs and entered her room, grabbed her pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower to wash off the rest of the dirt from her impact with the ground earlier. She turned on the water in the shower, undressed while the water was heating up and stepped into the shower once the water was not cold anymore, and enjoyed the feeling of the water hitting her skin as it washed away the dirt. She was going to leave the village the next day, so she did not want to bring with her all of the negative things that had happened to her while living in Konoha. She was going to get a new start, meet new people and best of all; never see Kakashi ever again. As he finished the shower after rinsing her hair and body with soap, she dried off, put on her pajamas, brushed her teeth and walked inside her room. She sighed as she laid down on her bed, snuggled under the blanket and closed her eyes.