Long A/N is long: Before you read my Smurfs fics, you should be aware of a few things. Firstly, English is not my native language, so there may be some mistakes or errors. If there is an error that I tend to make often, please let me know - I'm always happy to learn!

Secondly, I like to picture the Smurfs with body hair and a bit more distinctive looks than they canonically do. Their eye colors and hair colors/styles are all different, they HAVE hair in the first place, as well as facial hair for some of them. I hope it's not too weird for you.

The most important thing to know, though, is how I depict their society, mainly their relationships. As the Smurfs are an all-male species and the stork brings them their babies, there is no need for reproduction. Sex is just for fun, a recreational thing instead of reproductional. There is no such thing as 'being gay', since there aren't any naturally-born females. So the Smurfs are all mostly bisexual.

As the Smurfs are also a peace-loving society, there isn't much jealousy going on. Everyone shares, and it's very common for the Smurfs to have several lovers - separately or all together in a nice polyamorous relationship. Of course, there are individuals who will get jealous easily (the fiery-tempered Painter, for example), and some may prefer monogamous relationships, but even having just one lover in a lifetime isn't viewed as strange.

(And hey, because of this polyamorous society, there are several different pairings that I like, and I'm always open for ideas for new pairings. Just tell me why your favorite pairing could work and I'll see what I can do. ;D )

Oh, and I almost forgot! Some of my headcanons and pairings stem from the Finnish Smurfs songs. We have awesome Smurfs covers of a lot of popular songs. If I use a song for a ficlet, I'll let you know.

Thank you for reading my author's note, and even more for reading my fiction!

Morning Sunlight

Vanity Smurf wakes up in his king-size bed, both his lovers beside him. Painter is snoring softly, his arm slung over Vanity's stomach protectively. Poet breathes through his mouth, curled up against Vanity's side. Vanity gazes up at the ceiling above him for a while, wonders if he should finally ask Handy to install that ceiling mirror for his viewing pleasure.

Yes, he definitely should, he decides after imagining what they would look like right now. Heavenly. Just heavenly. Vanity sighs wistfully and reaches carefully over Poet to get his mirror from the nightstand. He always looks horrible in the morning, hair a mess and a slight stubble decorating his beautifully carved chin.

Poet has always been a light sleeper and no matter how careful Vanity tried to be when retrieving his mirror, the writer is stirring awake now, yawning and slightly stretching his body next to Vanity.

"Good morning, Vanity," he says then, smiles groggily up at Vanity. Vanity flashes a charming smile.

"And good morning to you too, Poet."

"Beautiful as always," Poet whispers and shifts into a better position, resting his head on Vanity's shoulder. He caresses Vanity's skin, from his collarbones to his adam's apple to his jawline and back down. Vanity's eyes flutter closed and he smiles at the affection.

"You're so amazing, Vanity," Poet whispers, smiling softly and dreamily. He's rolling his r's again, a sign of his poet mode. "You look fresh like the morning dew every time you smurf up, and for me to smurf up next to you… it is like smurfing up in my own private heaven."

If Vanity was a modest Smurf, he would blush at Poet's superfluous description. But instead he just smiles, completely enjoying himself. Poet sighs happily, Vanity feels his eyelashes and the soft brush of air against his neck.

"Should we smurf up Painter?" Poet asks after a long moment of happy silence (and Vanity inspecting his face in the mirror). Vanity glances at the sleeping artist and chuckles.

"Maybe we should. He gets jealous of me so easily, I'm afraid. I'm sure he wouldn't like us two spending private time together like this."

"I know…" Poet smiles again and reaches over Vanity to move some of Painter's black hair out of his face. "Hey… smurf up, Painter. We'd love to see your eyes of cloudy steel…"

Painter just snorts in his sleep and frowns slightly. Poet retracts his hand and nuzzles Vanity's neck, distracted. Vanity plants a kiss into his hair and then concentrates on getting his other artist lover awake.

"Smurf up, Painter," he says gently. "I miss your eyes on me."

Painter's snoring stops and his light gray eyes open slightly. He slurs a few French words before realizing where he is and who he's with.

"Bonjour," says Poet in his bad French. Painter turns onto his back and shields his eyes from the light seeping through the lacy curtains, groaning quietly.

"Too much smurfberry wine again, my dear?" asks Vanity in an amused tone. For being French, Painter has a ridiculously low tolerance for alcohol. Vanity pets his hair lovingly, holding Poet close as well.

"I didn't even drink much," complains Painter melodramatically, his arm over his eyes. "Only a glass or two!"

"Or five," Poet remarks against the skin of Vanity's throat.

Painter is quiet for a moment, then sighs and turns back onto his side, settling in a position similar to Poet's, except more possessive - he slings his arm over Vanity's stomach once more and his leg over one of Vanity's legs.

"Mmmmbut even as I am in zis kind of state, you… you're always so parfait," he whispers in a thick French accent, sending shivers down Vanity's spine. "I'll ignore ze zrobbing 'eadache just so I can look at your perfect, beautiful body in ze sunlight… Ach, I wish I 'ad something to immortalize zis sight…" He runs his hand down Vanity's chest and to his abdomen.

"Don't worry," Poet mumbles sleepily. "I've already composed an ode to Vanity's beauty in the morning… I just need to smurf it down…"

"And 'ow are you supposed to do zat when you're falling asleep?" Painter smirks at Poet over Vanity's throat.

"I'm not," Poet retorts weakly.

"Oh, Poet darling, you simply must get up and smurf that ode down," fusses Vanity. "It'd be such a shame if a masterpiece such as that was forgotten because of you sleeping!"

"But you smell so good, Vanity," Poet protests. "Like flowers and love and beauty. It's exhilarating… I just want to breathe you until the sun goes down on this day. I want to breathe in your essence and remember it forever, to carry it inside me until the end of time…"

"Oh, you're such a sweetheart, Poet," coos Vanity, absolutely loving the attention. "Tell me more, please?"

"I want to caress every inch of your soft, sky-colored skin, to feel it under my fingertips… kiss butterflies on your chest and stomach… curl my fingers into your silky hair and press my lips against yours, drown in your talented, amazing kisses, your warmth and absolute perfectn- mmmmf?" Poet's soft rambling is interrupted by a loving, passionate kiss from Vanity. The shorter Smurf exhales softly against those amazing lips and curls his toes in pleasure.

Painter watches this for a moment, his fingers itching to paint it, sculpt it, sketch it, whatever. He feels left out but it's still undeniably beautiful - the way Vanity lovingly caresses Poet's cheek and jawline with his thumb, the way Poet sighs and flushes a lovely shade of purple. Poet's not picture perfect like Vanity, but he is cute - and it makes a wonderful contrast; perfection versus imperfection. It brings out Vanity's superior beauty.

But just watching becomes too much for Painter eventually, he wants some of that too. So he grabs Vanity's shoulder and quite forcefully pulls him away from Poet, only to crush their lips together now. Poet is left panting, a blissful smile on his face and an inspiration for a love song in his mind.

Painter's fingers slip into Vanity's hair as he deepens the kiss, enjoying the feeling of Vanity's breath catching. Their tongues battle for dominance, Vanity pushes Painter against the mattress and nibbles at his lower lip.

Poet slips out of the bed quietly, smiling to himself. He grabs his notebook and a quill and sits back on the bed, his back against the headboard. He starts writing, stealing small glances at the other two Smurfs.

Painter is the one to break the kiss. His breathing has become ragged and he watches Vanity with adoring, half-lidded eyes. "You are so beautiful, Vanity," he murmurs, tracing Vanity's face with his fingertips. "My eternal inspiration, ze most perfect muse. No piece of art could ever compare to you."

Vanity smiles, clearly flattered and perfectly content with all the praise he's getting this morning. "Why thank you, love… You're so sweet." He leans in to plant a soft kiss on Painter's lips before sitting up and stretching, his movements like a cat's.

"I must go shave now, and then it is time for my morning exercise," Vanity says then, getting up from the bed and glancing back at his lovers, both of whom are staring at him with a dreamy smile. He basks in their love for a moment. "I expect you two to take part in the training music this morning as well. Okay~?"

Both artists nod.

Vanity giggles and winks at them before disappearing into the bathroom. "Thank you, my dears~!"

Painter and Poet sigh happily.

"Such inspiration," Painter declares.

"Yes," Poet replies. "A perfect muse."