As Mickey walked to the Gallagher house he couldn't help but think about what he had talked about with Jamie. And what would happen if Jamie ratted him out and told Terry or Tony or Iggy or Joey or Nickey; but Jamie wouldn't do that-he wouldn't risk Mickey letting his secret spill as well. Jamie wasn't that stupid, was he?

Mickey sure as fuck hoped not.

Mickey stood outside the Gallagher house for a long time contemplating whether or not he was going in. The choice was taken from him when Fiona walked up behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Your fucking brother owes me money. I came to collect." Mickey came up with a lie pretty quick, it was a good lie, a believable lie.

Fiona didn't say anything just ushered him inside the house. Mickey wanted to go find Ian but this wasn't his house and he didn't want to get his ass kicked by Fiona for running all over her house.

"Which one ya looking for?"

"Ian." Short and simple, he didn't wanna be talking to her anymore than he needed to.

"He's probably up in his room. Don't at blood on anything, it's a bitch to clean up." Mickey sorta stared at her like she'd lost her fucking mind.

Mickey didn't wait to see if she'd say anything else, he headed up the stairs.

He didn't bother knocking, he didn't give a fuck what Ian was doing.

As it turns out the redhead was napping. And Mickey couldn't resist the urge of fucking with him.

He pulled the pillow out from under Ian's head and pulled the blanket over Ian's face before he jumped on top of Ian so he was sitting on top of the squirming redhead.

"What the fuck? Get off me!" Mickey started bouncing on Ian, he felt like he was little again, playing with Ian. Ian got one good shove in and Mickey went tumbling to the floor.


"What the fuck Mick? You jump on me and try to kill me and I get called the dick?"

"Obviously dumbass."

"So what're you doing here?"

"I can't just come see you?"

"We'll yeah I guess but-wait how'd you even get in here? Please tell me you didn't pick the lock."

Mickey snorted and laughed, "Told your sister you owe me money. She told me not to get blood on anything."

"Fi right?"

Mickey rolled his eyes.

"So I better have some money when I leave here so she doesn't get suspicious." Ian laughed and threw a couple ones at Mickey.

"The fuck? I ain't a stripper."

"You're hot enough."

"Fuck off."

"C'mon strip for me."

"Yer fucking crazy."

"Please." Ian was giving Mick 'the puppy' look-Mickey couldn't resist that shit but he'd try.

"Fuck off."

"C'mon Mick strip for me."

"No fucking way.

"Mick please." Ian whined.

"Fuck no. I'm not getting caught by your bitch sister, or your nosy sister, or your annoying brother or your sociopath brother."

"We won't get caught."

"Not risking that shit."

"You're no fun."

"Fuck it, I'll see ya at work tomorrow." Mickey headed for the door.

Ian grabbed him by the waist from behind.

"Let go."


"Gallagher off." Mickey's tone was warning but not harsh.

"Make me." Mickey threw his shoulders back knocking Ian off of him And causing the redhead to land on his ass on the floor.



Ian had this look at his face, Mickey found it hard to decipher, it was playful yet angry, full of lust and a hint of drowsiness.

Mickey wanted to pounce on the younger boy.

"C'mere Mick."



"This door lock?"


"Then no."

"Move the dresser."

"You move it."


Fuck it, there was a chair sitting there-closer than the dresser and easier to move-Mickey pushed the chair underneath the doorknob effectively preventing the door from being opened. Then Mickey pounced on Ian.

"Clothes off, now." Mickey pulled at Ian's shirt before yanking his own off.

Mickey bit down on Ian's clavicle. He was biting and sucking gently.

Ian popped the button on Mickey's jeans then slid the zipper down making a loud 'zzz' sound.

"Ugh Mick less biting more touching."

Mickey slid his hand inside Ian's sweat pants and gripped the redhead's cock without his teeth leaving Ian's collar.

Mickey lifted his hips and kicked his pants off, he was completely naked; he'd been lazy when he got dressed and hadn't put boxers on.

Ian wriggled around under Mickey trying to get his sweats and boxers off without Mickey moving off of him or releasing Ian's cock. Ian wasn't succeeding.

Mickey bit down hard before standing and yanking Ian up with him. He shoved Ian's pants down before pushing the redhead back on the bed.

Mickey climbed on top of Ian, so he was straddling him.

Ian's cock was pushed against Mickey's ass.

"C'mon Gallagher. Fuck me." Mickey pushed back as Ian thrust up. Ian slid into Mickey easily.

Mickey set a fast pace, bouncing on Ian's cock as he held in moans and groans and tried not to pull stupid faces.

Ian met every one of Mickey's thrusts. Ian was struggling to stay quiet.

Mickey put his hand over Ian's mouth as a particularly loud moan escaped. Mickey hoped no one had heard.

Mickey could feel his climax approaching-fast. Ian must've sensed it because he wrapped his hand around Ian's member and began stroking at an agonizingly slow pace.

Mickey bit down on his bottom lip-drawing blood-in an attempt to stop himself from yelling at Ian to hurry the fuck up; definitely not to stop himself from screaming out in pleasure.

Ian's hand stuttered to a stop on Mickey's cock. Mickey almost whined.

Ian bit Mickey's palm as he came, deep inside him.

The sensation of Ian's hot cum spurting inside him-against his prostate along with the feeling of Ian's teeth digging into the sensitive skin of his palm triggered Mickey's climax.

White pearly streaks covered Ian's hand, belly and chest.

Mickey tried not to but he collapsed on top of Ian. Covering himself in his own sticky cum and smearing it all over Ian.

Mickey saw it coming but did nothing to stop it; Ian pressed his lips against Mickey's.

It was chaste. Nothing more than a peck, really. But it sparked something inside of Mickey. Something he didn't quite understand.

They must've dozed off because they were woken up by Lip pounding on the door and yelling, "Let me the fuck in Ian."

"Shit." They spoke at the same time in hushed voices.

"What do we do?"

"Obviously I go out the window and you pretend you were sleeping-alone."

"You can't jump out the window. But you can hide under the bed."

"What? Fuck that."

"Hurry up and get your clothes on, you're going under the bed."

Mickey didn't try to fight, Lip's yelling was getting louder and more aggressive.

Mickey pulled his clothes on hastily then dropped to the floor and shimmied under the bed.

"This isn't gonna work. I barely fit."

"Shut up."

Mickey stayed silent.

He heard Ian walk to the door and move the chair.

"Shit Ian. What the hell?"

"Sorry. I was sleeping."

"Why wouldn't the door open?"

"I wanted some fucking privacy."

"Did you jerk off in here?"

"Fuck you Lip."

The brothers argued back and forth for what seemed like hours until finally Mickey heard Lip leave and Ian slide the chair under the doorknob again.

"You can come out."

"Shut up Gallagher."

Ian flopped down on the bed once Mickey was safely out from beneath it.

"How am I getting outta here?"

"We wait until they're all asleep then we sneak you out the front door."

"Fuck that."

"We'll you can't go out the window."

"Too bad, I am."


"Yes, I knew if was a bad idea coming here."

"Whatever. Hurt yourself falling out the fucking window."

Mickey slid the window open.

"Later Gallagher."

Mickey climbed out, holding the windowsill, he looked into Ian's eyes once before letting go and dropping down.