Not Liquored Up Enough

Words: 491

Summary: Sequel to "Liquored Up' and 'Hiding Out'. Dave goes looking for Hotch and Emily.

Disclaimer: I do not own.

Dave went and looked for Hotch in his office only to find it empty. He saw JJ going over to where Garcia and Morgan were propping up a passed out Reid at a table that had been set up in the corner of the room.

"JJ, have you seen Hotch or Emily around here anywhere?" Dave asked the blonde.

"Uh yeah about twenty minutes ago. They were heading for the elevator I think. What happened to Spence over there?"

"A little too much of Garcia's cider." He laughed.

"Ah… right." She said smiling over at where Morgan and Garcia had set the younger profiler out on display.

His head was resting in the curve of the corner of the wall; they had taken someone's long blonde wig and put it on his head and had put someone else's cone shaped Madonna style bra on him. Garcia had even done his makeup, dark blue eye shadow with bright red lipstick and the darkest eyeliner she had, adorned his face.

"I am not liquored up enough for that." Dave said before shaking his head as he heading for the elevator.

Dave was fixing to push the button on the elevator when he noticed the door was cracked leading up to the roof. Deciding to check the roof first; he knew of Emily's love for the solace she found up there. He never bothered her in the only place she could find that comfort. On the nights she chose to visit her place of solitude, he would wait for her to return to the bullpen before he would leave for the night. He always felt the need to make sure she was ok before going home.

If she had invited Hotch to share in her special place Dave knew things were starting to shift for his friends. Maybe Emily was just what Hotch needed to pull him out of that damn shell he kept wrapped around himself.

Dave made it to the top of the stairs and noticed the brick she used to keep the door from locking behind them. He pushed the heavy steel door open just enough so he could peek out. The sight he saw made him cringe and smile at the same time.

Emily had lost her tank top and jeans and all she had on was her black boy short style underwear. Her bare back was to him while Hotch had his head in the curve of her neck, his shirt was unbuttoned and Emily's hands were running over his chest.

"I am really not liquored up enough for this either." He muttered to himself as he eased the door closed and made his way back to the party.

Dave walked over to where Morgan, Garcia and JJ stood. He looked at Reid shaking his head.

"Well kiddo the night wasn't a total lost. Hotch and Emily are in the process of losing their clothes." He said to Garcia.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. Please let me know what you think.