Antonio smiled, drinking in the comfy, roasted scent of coffee and pastries. He always adored small coffeehouses and was particularly enjoying this one. The appropriate tan of the walls with antique wood paneling for the bottom half, the small bar where you could pick up your order, the crystal clear glass windows making up the front entrance, the small 'ding' of the bell when a new customer entered… the entire atmosphere of the one-room café gradually unwound even the most stressed-out and tense of people.

"One more cup, please." He extended his hand out with his empty white mug for the server – who had been walking by – to take and refill with his usual morning routine of café con leche with extra steamed milk.

This was part of the reason he especially liked this coffeehouse. Although he wouldn't be quick to admit it, ever since he first entered the establishment he had garnered a small crush on the young (and very handsome, he'd add) Dutch server: Lars. The man entranced him and completely mystified him. What stood out the most to him – other than the overall grumpy and standoffish attitude combined with the drowning-in-hair-gel spiked blonde hair – was the single vertical scar running down the other's forehead. He always wanted to ask about it, but generally figured that the other would avoid the question in whatever way possible.

"Oy. Your refill." Lars handed him the newly refilled mug. "And stop staring at me; it's annoying."

"Thank you~" Toni sipped at the cream-colored liquid, raising a single brown eyebrow. "And is that any way to talk to a customer~?"

He grunted, slipping off his uniform apron and hanging it up on a nearby hook. "Not right now you aren't."

Like a little child, he smiled broader, drinking some more. "So, how'd you get it anyway?" Antonio pointed at the scar on the other's head.

Hazel eyes narrowed and the Dutchman raised a hand, tracing over the injured skin. "Car accident."


"Yeah." As though realizing he couldn't even win a battle against the curious Spaniard, he leaned against the wall and rolled his eyes. "A stray piece of glass nicked me; that's all that happened."

"Aw~ And here I thought you would've gotten it from saving a princess or something~"

"Tch. Yeah, right."

With another of his many different smiles (the man had one for every positive emotion you could think of), Antonio set his mug down. "Hey, why don't I treat you to breakfast?"

Obviously, Lars was a little more than confused. Sure, the Spaniard had been coming by regularly for almost two months, but that didn't mean they were friends or anything of the sort. He was just one of his more preferred customers since he kept to himself for the most part, ordered the same thing each morning and generally didn't bother him. Which was a plus since he HATED morning people who tried to talk to him too much with a burning passion. Needless to say, this Dutchman wasn't a morning person in any sense of the phrase. "No."

"Come on~ I know you're hungry~ You've been working all night, after all."

"Then I'm going home to sleep."

"Come oooooooooooooon~" Toni whined playfully, stretching his arms across the table like a large cat would. "It wouldn't hurt~"

Lars pouted, crossing his arms. He was hungry, but wasn't going to admit it. It was one of the reasons why he hated working the graveyard shift; it just made him hungry and tired. Tired mostly, but the hunger only helped in make him even MORE tired and even more irritable at anyone that bothered him too much.

After a long minute of hesitation, the Dutchman sighed and sat down. "Just this once. I'm not making this a habit of mine."

"Of course~"