Prince of the Land of Snow

Summary: The Land of Snow's Queen Koyuki Kazehana is at her wit's end with the marriage proposals from neighboring countries and its up to her son Yukirei Kazehana to bring this to an end. He must go on searching for his father who will reclaim the throne and return this country to its formor glory.

Part 1: Spring's End

Chapter 1: The Prince's Mistake

It was an average day in the capital of the Land of Snow, it's inhabitants where the children of those involved in the Akatsuki War 20 years ago, a new younger generation led by the young Queen Koyuki Kazehana. The land was peaceful with warm days in the winter and cold days in the summer it was the ideal place for any vacation for the surrounding countries to pay a visit and take a break from the weather back home.

In terms of economics the Land of Snow's vast wealth was nothing short because of the inventions the country had to offer: refrigerators, microwaves, trains, generally house hold essentials for cleaning.

An average day in the kingdom usually protained with basic morning addresses from the Queen's double in case of any attacks. The attacks where few, but not one double was ever harmed once thanks to the shinobi in the Land of Snow. The Land of Snow's Shinobi sported a headband with a tree on it, with half its leaves missing on one side to represent winter and spring.

They're shinobi where few, but they're knight guards where plentiful, they maintained the peace and pledged they're undying loyalty to the Queen. The capital had been renamed to: Setsuko, the name of the Queen's first child who was killed 5 years ago in search for the missing King.

Now the heir to the throne was her younger son Yukirei Kazehana who was now at marrying age; 16 in the Land of Snow. What he was doing now was training in the castle grounds where the knight guards trained, Yukirei knew he wasn't cut out for the job so he'd be sure to grow strong and mature enough to one day take his mother's throne.

He held a katana ready, he stared at a tree with wet leaves, it had drizld the night before and he'd take full advantage of it. He glared hard as the drop of water fell, he quickly drew his katana and sliced the drop in half. He sheathed his weapon, it must've been around three o'clock. He's been here since eight o'clock, the other knight guards watched his intense focus as he drew his katana, cut the drop on half, sheathed his katana, and repeated.

"Oy Yukirei," He turned glaring and fell back as something hit him in the face, he fell back on his backside. He gripped the object hard, it was water bottle. "You focus to hard and you shut everything else out," He looked up and grinned at the old man in front of him.

"Hey Berri," He said taking a drink, "Thanks." Berri was an aged old knight guard, he wore thick metal armor, white robes underneath, leather gloves and boots, and finally a deep blue cape. He was big and burly, bald, his face aged with wrinkles indicating he smiled a lot. He had a scar over his right eye and a faded pale mole above his lip blending in with the rest of his pale face.

"Now then, why are you so focus on a tree in a hot sweaty field like this?" He questioned, "If I was you, I'd be focusing on the girls." He said grinning devilishly, "Your fellow knight guards are beginning to question your S.O. kid."

"What? I'm not gay, I'm just focusing on becoming stronger. A katana wielder must be precise," He said getting up glaring at his elderly teacher.

"Ah well you should be precise on getting a girl, you don't look half bad, plus this country will need another queen eventually." He said pushing Yukirei back on his butt, Yukirei glared. Yukirei had midnight black hair with a few deep blue colored strands in the front and back of his head. He was 5' 8", fair skinned, and his sharp black eyes where enough to scare an animal away. He wore long shorts and a long sleeve shirt with light leather armor covering his chest, legs, and his feet.

"My Mother is still young so I have plenty of time to work on my duties," He said and got up, "Then I'll think about girls."

"You sure? Because as I walked here this morning I've heard quiet an ear full of gossip from passing by girls?" He grinned again.

"Not interested," Yukirei said gripping his sheathed katana, he swung it up, sheath flying off landing in the dirt sticking up behind him.

"Straight to training just like always Yuki," Berri said drawing his huge claymore sword, it was just about tall as he was; 6 feet tall, truly a behemoth of a man.

Yukirei smirked, "You know me," He came in running and took an experimental slash at his gut, Berri blocked it his sword and came it with a swing with the flat of his blade. Yukirei had to dodge backwards rolling on his back up to his feet, he took off with the balls of his feet and their swords clashed sparks raining down on the grass fading away.

"You're still just a child reusing his worn out cards," Berri said pushing him back. Yukirei glared and came in with another slash, his blade slid off Berri's claymore and he rolled behind Barri; exposing his flank.

Just as he was about to take a hit, Berri jumped backwards pushing Yukirei back on his back. "That's new, but risky." Berri hefted his sword and brought it down toward Yukirei, he rolled to the side. The heavy metal impaled the ground, Yukirei kicked off it moving backwards and rolled to his feet.

"That's it," Yukirei ran jumping spinning and used his strength and momentum to use one of his strongest slashes yet. Berri yanked his claymore out of the ground and blocked using the edge, clang!

Yukirei's katana broke right at the base flying away landing behind Berri, all went silent. Every knight in the surrounding area turned to look. What would happen now? Berri glared and kicked Yukirei away, "That was stupid."

Yukirei looked at him confused, "What?"

"You're stupid Kazehana-sama!" He shouted, everyone winced; even the prince. Berri always used last names when he was dead serious, "You lost your weapon in combat do you know what that means?" Before Yuki could answer Berri interrupted, "It spells death for its weilder. This battle isn't over, summon it Kazehana." Berri pointed his huge claymore at the prince menacingly.

Yukirei nodded shakily, he reached into his pocket and took out a glowing rainbow crystal with a small chain attached to it. He looked down at it, all the knights drew in a breath. This was gonna be good...

To be continued...

Author's Notes: How do you like the first chapter? I plan on making the fanfiction at least 80% original so it you're hooked on Naruto's adventures feel free to never read this again. But if you'd like to know what happens to this new hero please feel free to read. This DOES take place in the future, so Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, etc. are now adults and maybe have children. Maybe they'll make appearances, you'll see! Please remember to...







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