Hey guys guess what?! I'm not dead yet!

(Dodges stuff being thrown)

I am sooooo sorry for taking literally years to do anything else with this story, and I want to dedicate this to all of you who have favorited it and given a review. Please stay for an important Author's note at the end of the chapter.


"What?! What happened to her? Where is she?"

What happened indeed... However we must go back to the inside of the airport once again; to see another man with blue eyes, though with black hair this time and his eyes are more of the cobalt shade. Anyway, he is wearing a black turtleneck underneath a long black overcoat, yes apparently black is a favorite color among many men. He is accompanied by another man (in a buttoned down shirt with a dark gray vest and silver tie with black shoes and slacks) but, he is much taller than the people who surround them. He has black hair as well but part of it was much longer covering the left side of his face leaving a lone silvery grey eye to be shown. Furthermore, this man is quite the oddity in the airport with his astounding height of 6'4" this causes some staring from the crowd either in awe or *ahem* lust but their attention is taken when they hear:


"Ow! Crazy woman what was that for?!" screams a light brown haired man while he holds his head. He is within a group that consisted of three other people. A young Japanese woman with very pale skin and short hair in a very elegant purple kimono covering her mouth with her sleeve trying not to laugh at the spectacle the other woman with intense dark red hair in a form-fitting lavender dress suit was causing. She was the one who evidently hit the first man her left hand on her hip while holding a black purse that she used to hit him with. The final member was a young looking platinum blonde haired blue eyed boy who had his arms stretched out towards the first man as if he wanted to help him but from his facial expression was too scared to. Just as the red head was going to reply, the two dark haired men approached the group.

"Hmmm, I guess it's good to see that you all are ready for a job. However, I don't remember saying that we should all meet together in any place other than our office. Also, you two should refrain from making such a scene, especially at your age" the man with the blue eyes said with a raised eyebrow at the two causing the scene.

"Hey! I wasn't the one who started it Naru, it was Ayako who decided to suddenly hit me with her two ton purse. What do you have in there anyway?!" the man who was hit said while still holding his head in pain and now glaring at the redhead.

"Humph! How dare you?! A lady like myself never reacts unless provoked, you are the one who forces my anger by constantly making comments about my age even when you're the one who is older than me Bou!" Ayako exclaimed indignantly while crossing her arms in front of her and turning her back on Bou. Fortunately before Bou could provide more fuel to this fire, the blue eyed man we now know as Naru raised his left hand to stop any further comotion. And said in an exasperated voice with his right hand pinching the bridge of his nose:

"Okay enough of whatever this is. Lin and I only came back here from England right after an assignment because of a supposed emergency. Now, what has happened that was so bad that I had to cancel on a very important client for SPR?"

Everyone in the group except for the Naru and his companion looked around anxiously and even the two who were making a scene were uncharacteristically quiet. The silence went on for another couple of minutes and with Naru getting much more impatient was about to ask a new voice is accompanied by one more person coming into Naru's view:

"Now now Naru, is that anyway to greet us after we have been without your illustrious presence for so long?" A new man said in a quite coy voice as he came to a stop in front of Naru. At first glance the man looked unassuming and a basic nice guy; you know, the type who would be the class president or something (which he was). He even had the looks to match with his neatly coiffed black hair and innocent brown eyes behind glasses with a white shirt and black blazer to finish it off. But, never judge a book by its cover for this man is what one may call a sly fox, always playing tricks on many unsuspecting people and his friends at times. Don't worry though, he's not malicious in them he's just very fun spirited.

"Ah Yasuhara-san, good. Now, maybe you can be the one to tell me what the important emergency we were called in for? Since everyone else suddenly lost their voice all at once." Naru blankly said with a raised eyebrow at the rest of the SPR team as they tried to not look at Naru.

"You mean you guys didn't tell them?! Oh come on guys why didn't you? I mean we're supposed to meet the other group soon!" Yasuhara (Yasu) said to the SPR team ignoring Naru as he looked at his watch in horror.

"YASU! What in the world is going on!? What other group? Why must you all insist on wasting my time with this? Ugh, nevermind. I guess with all of this commotion I had uncharacteristically missed something. Where is Mai? As an investigator and a part of this team, any absence is unacceptable" Naru said after finally losing his patience and tried to get things back on track.

"I guess I'm going to have to give you the very fast version of what happened because time is of the essence! Anyway, Mai was kidnapped from the same organization as another girl who is friends with the group of new people we are going to meet. And apparently, we gotta work together with them to get her back for reasons even I don't know yet. Got it? Good!" Yasu said in a rush. Then, he suddenly turned and started to quickly walk through the bustle of people in the airport, not towards the exit but towards another part of the airport. As he took out a cell phone and started to call someone he waved for the rest of the group to start following him.

Naru was left stiff as a statue with the flood of information and emotions that had just hit him as the rest of the group suddenly took off to follow Yasu and to get away from any subsequent outburst from him.

"WAIT YASU! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" He yelled not caring anymore about keeping his image professional as he and Lin tried to keep up with the rest of the SPR team ahead of them.

A/N: Okay guys, hopefully this chapter is long enough for you. I promise I will try to not have such a bloody long hiatus before the next chapter is published. I honestly have a really hard time writing out all of the details and dialogue that flows in the way that I want because I have the basic outline of a couple of chapters for the story ready.

I didn't want to distract anyone from the story too long so this author's note will be quite long. Please bear with me. I want to thank you all so much and I am sorry for taking so long. Anyway, here is the new chapter (finally) I hope you all enjoy it; as you can see since I have taken YEARS to publish anything you may notice a different writing style I hope you're all okay with it. (I may have to revise the first chapter later because I kinda cringe at it today. I mean I can't even spell "guardian" right!)

As for the timeline of everything:

Shugo Chara: This is years after Shugo Chara Party, and in my story Ikuto didn't come back to Japan. He has been gone for 4 years but has kept in touch with Utau so he knows almost everything that happened so far. As for the manga, the wedding/reunion didn't happen yet.

Ghost Hunt: This might be a little confusing to people who haven't read the manga because my timeline takes place right after the end of the "Evil Spirits" novel series.

I was going to put a link to help you guys catch up but I forgot I can't. So, I guess you'll just have to google it. I'll be following the first blog post I found.