Edit: Heeey this is Stacy from the future. How goes it. Thanks for deciding to click on this. XD I'm back to working on my fanfictions for a while, and while I'm about to finish this one I'm also going through and editing it to be a bit… Less awkward… And easier to read… Anyway please enjoy.

Alright! I'm adding another story to my long list of stories I'm currently working on! I am so busy…O.o

MereMcQueen314 has started a new story; Prom Week. With her permission, I am going to make a version of that story with Finn and Holley! :)

So, basically, Finn, Holley, Leland, and Siddeley, are all the same age, and are attending C.H.R.O.M.E. High School together. Their personalities are those of Raindrops, so, Siddeley's a dork… :) And another thing in common with Raindrops, it's humanized. Ta da!

And I'm just gonna make up a last name for Siddeley…I'm not sure he has one…Poor Sid.

Enjoy. :)

Chapter 1

The school bell echoed down the halls, triggering the busy trips of dozens of different high school students filling the air with excited chatter.

"Yes! The weekend!" cheered one boy in particular with pale, green eyes and caramel hair that had a slight red tint to it.

"You know, you should really should spend some of weekend studying…" The girl walking next to him with the same eyes and hair, told her twin brother.

"Aw, come on, Holley. I can do that after school. You know, after my homework is done…"

Holley and Harry Shiftwell walked through the bustling halls of C.H.R.O.M.E. Academy, the best training facility in Europe to also doubled as a high school… Or as close as it could be to one.

Holley sighed. Soon they came to the hallway that forks in two directions; one to the boys' dorms, the other to the girls'. As the Academy was basically in the middle of nowhere, the students stayed at school like a special college.

"See you at dinner, Harry."

"Bye." Harry smiled as he gave a light wave, and walked off down the hall.

Holley continued walking towards her locker alone. All she had for homework for the weekend was history, math, and of course, practice using a grappling hook, so she went to put everything else away. She could always come back to her locker to retrieve books over the weekend, but it seemed like too much trouble.

Almost to her locker, she tripped over something, causing her to fall and her books to fly everywhere.

"Oh… Bloody hell. I'm so sorry!" Holley didn't recognize the boy's voice. Brushing her hair out of her face, she could hear the boy picking up various books and papers that had scattered everywhere.

"Here," The boy said, and Holley looked up at his worried brown eyes, then to his outstretched hand, which she accepted gratefully.

"Thanks…" She stuttered.

"It was my fault… Sorry about that…" The boy apologized, nervously combing his black hair out of his face with his fingers. "To be honest, though, I'm just glad it wasn't me who fell,for once."

Holley laughed lightly. "Hang on, you look familiar. You're in some of my classes, right?" Holley asked, taking her books back from him.

"Uh, yeah." He smiled. "Let's see… Math… History… Gym…" He counted on his fingers.

"Oh, right." She smiled back. "I'm so sorry—what was your name, again?"

"Oh, Siddeley. You're Holley, right?"

"Yeah." Holley let out a nervous chuckle. This whole situation seemed straight out of a cliché comedy. "Well, I'd… Better go put my things in my locker… Uh, m-maybe I'll see you at dinner?"

"Yeah. See you." He smiled once again, and turned to leave.

"Bye." Holley timidly waved.

After putting her things in her locker, Holley headed back to her dorm room. Her roommates, who luckily doubled as her friends, were already there.

"Hey, Holley! What took you so long?" asked her friend Jessica, who was currently having her red hair braided by her other roommate, Katie.

"Oh, I, uh, I ran into some trouble." Holley sheepishly smiled, playing with a strand of her hair.

"What kind of trouble?" asked her other friend Mary, her brown eyes glinting with suspicion. Holley's roommates must have gotten incredibly bored waiting for her, because Mary's blonde hair was up in an extravagant-looking ponytail. Katie must have convinced the other two to let her do something with their hair.

"Nerd trouble?" asked Katie. Her black curls were falling freely all over her shoulders, as they usually are.

"Not exactly. Siddeley isn't a nerd, and I just tripped over some of his things… I think. Anyway, and he helped me picked up my books and such."

"Siddeley?" Katie's sharp blue eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, Siddeley Wright." Holley nonchalantly explained.

Her friends gasped. "Doesn't he hang out with Finn McMissile?" Mary enthusiastically asked.

"Finn McMissile…" Holley's friends dreamily sighed, while Holley just rolled her eyes.

"You are soo lucky that he's in four of your classes! FOUR!" Jessica shut her green eyes in excitement as she spoke.

"He's not in any of our classes… Besides gym…" Mary sighed.

"I've got him in math, too!" Katie boasted with a grin.

"Lucky…" Mary stuck out her lower lip.

"Not as lucky as Holley, obviously." Jessica smiled.

"Hey, at least we can watch him in gym. He's so… So…" Mary sighed loudly. "Awesome…"

All the girls—excluding Holley—sighed dreamily once again.

"He's going to be such a good spy…"

"Yeah, and all of you are going to be horrible because you're more focused on him than your own work." Holley crossed her arms.

"Can you blame us? He's so…" Jessica started.

"Dreamy…" Katie finished.

"Strong…" Mary added.

"I just… Get lost in his eyes…" Jessica sighed.

"And I'm sick of hearing about him!" Holley snapped. She looked at the clock on the wall. "Come on. Let's head down to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Holley. Your friends still ogling over Finn McMissile?" Harry asked his sister.

"To the point that I'm sick of hearing his name…" Holley rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that afternoon.

"Poor you. Come on, it's pizza night."

"Pizza night?" Holley echoed. "Since when does the school serve pizza?"

"Since now. Come on! Me needs my pizza!"

"You mean 'I need'…" Holley corrected as Harry pulled her by the hand to the food counter.

Meanwhile, Siddeley and none other than Finn McMissile were sitting at the round table they had claimed as their own.

"Since when does the school serve pizza, anyway?" Finn wondered aloud.

"Who cares? It's good!" Siddeley said, stuffing his mouth.

Their friend, Leland Turbo, approached them with his own plate with a couple slices of pizza.

"Hey, Finn. Siddeley."

"Hello, Leland."

"Wewo, Wewand!" Siddeley, whose mouth was full of food, greeted.

Leland took a seat next to Finn.

"Hey, Finn. Those girls are starring at you, again…" Leland said in a hushed voice, looking over at the table where Holley, her friends, Harry, and Harry's friend, John, were sitting.

"Yeah, well…" Finn sighed.

"Every girl stares at Finn. It's the natural order of things. They stare at you, too, Leland." Siddeley said.

"Why?" Leland turned to look at him.

"Duh! You hang out with Finn McMissile!" Siddeley replied.

"Well, so do you." Leland pointed out.

"Yeah. And I'm noticed for it."

"That's not the only reason you're friends with me, is it?" Finn cracked a smile.

"Of course not. We've been friends since preschool."

"Kindergarten." Leland corrected.

Sid shooed him away. "Whatever."

"Actually, not every girl goggles over Finn…" Leland said after a few moments of quiet eating.

"You mean Holley Shiftwell?" Siddeley thought back to earlier that afternoon. "She's actually quite cute. I bumped into her earlier and she seemed absolutely flustered."

"Yeah? Well, she's in most of Finn's classes, though never pays him any attention." Leland reminded him.

"I think she's playing hard to get." Siddeley joked.

"And I think it may be working." Leland teased.

"What? What do you mean?" Leland had Finn's full attention.

"Oh, you know, it's just that you're usually looking in that direction." Leland smirked.

"He likes one of those girls, I'll bet." Siddeley joined in.

"What? No!" Finn frowned. "It's just a convenient place to look."

"Right…" Siddeley smiled.

"Oh, shut up." Finn rolled his eyes. "If I fancied someone, don't you think I'd tell you?"

"No, not really." Leland raised an eyebrow. "You're hiding something, all right."

"Ugh…" Finn picked up his tray. "I'll see you back in the dorm."

"Aww, you're leaving?" Siddeley pretended to pout.

"Goodbye, Siddeley." Finn stressed as he stood up and left.

"I think I'll head back to the room. See you tomorrow, Harry." She hugged her brother from behind.

"Night, Hol." He half-heartedly hugged her back.

Holley walked out of the cafeteria. Once she was walking through the hallways, she noticed that Finn was walking ahead not far from her. She hid behind the nearest row of lockers as he turned around. She didn't want him to think she was following him…

To Holley's horror, he started walking back. She quickly formulated a plan. She came out from behind the lockers pretending to have just turned the corner.

She stopped walking as soon as she came out, however. She was face to face with Finn McMissile. She opened her mouth in surprise. Finn had a similar reaction.

"S-sorry…!" Holley stuttered. Ugh, this is Siddeley all over again but worse… She thought.

"N-no, it was my fault. Um, your name's Holley, right?"

"Y-yeah." Holley gave a small smile at the fact he knew her name. "And you're Finn. Um, how-how'd you know my name?"

Let's see, you're the only girl that doesn't stare at me all day... Finn thought. "Oh, uh, Siddeley mentioned you bumping into him, or something."

"Oh." Holley nervously let out a small laugh. "He told you about that, huh?"

"Yeah…" Finn smiled awkwardly, as well.

"I, uh.. I-I better get back to my dorm." She smiled apologetically.

"Oh, of course." Finn smiled. "See you."

"Yeah," Holley agreed, and she continued walking on.

Despite how she spoke to her friends, Holley was suspicious that she had a crush on Finn. However, even if she was one-hundred percent positive, she found the idea of staring at him all day ridiculous.

Likewise, was incredibly fond of Holley. He would never let anyone know, of course, but why wouldn't anyone like Holley? She was a straight 'A' student, she was beautiful, athletic… Basically, very well-rounded in… Almost everything, actually.

Finn sighed and leaned against the lockers. "She's so beautiful I can't even talk to her…" he murmured to himself, then put his head in his hands.

Little did he know, Holley was spying on him from around the corner. Hearing what he'd said, her face turned bright pink. She turned and quietly ran down the hallway to her dorm room.

So far, so good…I think…I enjoyed writing this… *Grins evilly*

Review if ya wanna. (But of course you wanna, this is one of MY stories! Just kidding. :) )