
Rido visibly relaxed once his 'son' was back in his sights. But the fearful expression he received was not what he wanted to see. So he tried his best to calm down and step forwards slowly, placing a palm on his genie's cheek. "I'm sorry. I promised you I'd never be like this again…. I'm so sorry." He leaned to rest his forehead on Zero's, as the genie found himself calming down slightly. 'So he's clueless…'

But the pureblood's next words made a chill run through his bones, making him realize what a truly gave situation he was in.

"My love… My Ichiru…"

Zero raised his head slowly, contemplating exactly what he should do next. Having just found out that genies had actually been assigned to vampires before, especially that genie, he needed to think this trough. He had never been one for honesty, but he could just tell the pureblood that he was another genie. But then he likely wouldn't believe it, since he seems to be completely sure of his identity.

He could very well pretend to be his brother and explain this all to his current master later. That would not bring any harm to him… Moreover, why was this guy so in love with Ichiru? He'd never pegged him for the type to fraternize with his charges. Especially when he hadn't finished the job, and had just left this Rido guy to suffer the loss forever- Wait! This could mean a double hit for him couldn't it? Yes!

Zero smiled at the thought and put on his very best impression of his brother, considering he hadn't seen the other in so long and he had no idea how he had acted around this pureblood. "Rido-san, please… not here." Zero spoke using the most tender tone he could muster. And apparently it worked wonders.

Rido leaned back a bit to look into his eyes, a deep longing in his gaze as he graced the redhead's lip with his thumb. "I understand, love. But I need to talk to you. To tell you everything that's happened! This is my family." He smiled and motioned slightly to the other two purebloods in the room, who watched them intently for two very different reasons. Zero smiled up at him lovingly, "Yes, they are wonderful. You've kept your word." He paraphrased as he let himself be embraced by the other. Rido chuckled spiritedly as he felt arms slowly wind around his neck, just like they used to. "Now, may you please exit my son so that I can see you properly…?" He knew how odd things could get when he showed affection to his genie openly when Ichiru possessed someone, especially when that person was Senri.

"I'm afraid I can't. I'm no longer assigned to you, so you wouldn't be able to see me." Rido laughed as they separated and the warm hands were placed back on his cheeks. "Don't joke about such a thing Ichiru. You very well know that I set you free with my last wish. You may do as you wish." Burgundy eyes widened considerably for only a moment before returning to a mellow glance.

"ah, that's right… Well I'm attending to some very important business and we wouldn't want to cause a scene with these two here so… Please give me some time and I will return to you as soon as I possibly can." He spoke trying to sound as honest as possible before placing a light kiss on the pureblood's cheek, making the man sigh and whisper. "Tough, It has been so long already… I'll wait for you."

Zero almost grinned slyly, but kept it innocent looking. So Ichiru was free now? Things were even more dire than he'd imagined! He needed to step up his plans and follow through efficiently. If only his master would just hurry up with the dammed wishes. Zero turned to the ever different emotions of the other two inhabitants of the room. "We should be going back now. What do you say we all dance one last time and end this ball on a fun note?" He almost flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard words whispered only to him. "At least change into a different body, so I can dance with you and keep those memories till our next meeting." Zero looked back at Rido's smile and reluctantly nodded with a smile.

Kaname frowned deeply, only consoling himself with the fact that his genie would explain everything once they returned. When he noticed Zero nod at Rido for whatever reason, he advanced and placed a hand on Zero's back to lead him out of the room and away from his uncle. But once they'd stepped foot into the ball room, he no longer felt the genie's presence. Kaname successfully hid his frown and retracted his hand when confused eyes burgundy turned towards him. "Kaname-sama, I'm afraid Rido is hiding something…" Senri spoke and Kaname simply nodded "As am I… Go enjoy the dance. I believe we're not in any immediate danger." He lied. Now sure of what he'd use his first wish on.

Rido looked around trying to hide the anticipation and eagerness he felt when his eyes landed on a beautiful noble woman who had always been rather loyal to him and had arrived at his invitation. Ichiru had always known how to choose them to his liking. He extended a hand and was delighted when it was taken, then the movement began. He pressed the genie flush against him, as if fearing he'd disappear; with good reason, since Ichiru had done so before.

"I always loved dancing with you." He spoke after a while, reveling in the genie's responding smile. "Likewise, Rido-san. I've missed this. And I will miss you too, but rest assured. You will see me again. This time I promise you." Time was moving too fast for the pureblood, the song ended and the woman separated from him, eyes glowing lavender for a moment before she noticed him standing in front of her and bowed politely, spurting out praises to their pureblooded Kuran king. Said vampire was immediately sobered of the cheerfulness he'd displayed and simply walked to the top of the stairs to announce the ball's ending.

Kaname sighed once Senri was out of sight just as Yuki walked up to stand at his side, bringing a hand to grace his softly. They observed in silence as Rido looked around looking almost exasperated. Yuki laughed a bit. "I believe his intentions are more honest than you think."

Yuki finally allowed herself to truly relax for the first time in that long night. Her hand took hold of Kaname's as she pulled him to the crowd with a spirited laugh. "Come on! Let's at least have this dance!" The male brunette smiled at her display and followed her lead. Pureblood or not, she would never change. His Yuki had always been sweet and high spirited, so they danced. Enjoying the soft music and the feather-like atmosphere. Kaname twirled her like he knew she would enjoy. Yuki responded with a giggle and landed on his chest smoothly, looking up at the smile that he'd only held for her.

They continued that way, the first truly fun moment they'd shared in a long time, coming from the strangest of places. Soon enough tough, the music stopped and Rido spoke up, announcing what they'd all silently agreed on. So the night came to its' end much more easily and pleasantly than they'd all expected.

But as Kaname exited the building with Zero now safely in Ruka and Yuki also safely at his side, he looked back at Rido's longing expression and knew that they'd see each other again very soon. He was not as naïve as his sister and the memories of his uncle's past actions remained vividly in his mind. So he would remain cautious, now exceedingly aware that he had a lot to protect, even more so than he had first thought.

Kaname had all but stared back and forth from Ruka to Yuki on the long ride back to Cross Academy. The latter had looked rather uncomfortable at the extra occupant of the car, especially seeing as Ruka had been smirking shrewdly while looking out the window the whole way back.

But now they were home, safe and sound. Yuki had followed Kaname almost the whole way to the night class building before almost bumping into him when he turned around sharply. "You should go see Cross. He has been very worried about you." "But-" "No buts right now, okay?" He smiled a bit at her pout and leaned to place a kiss on her forehead, making her smile as well. "Fine. But I'll come see you afterwards." He nodded, knowing Kaien would keep her there all night and she would fall asleep at his side, safe and sound.

So he sent Aidou and Kain to accompany her to the chairman, just in case. Once she was out of sight, and everything else was dealt with, he sensed Zero exit Ruka, and bid her a good night. He had to keep himself from running to his room, where he knew Zero awaited with much wanted explanations. But what received him was admittedly surprising.

Zero smiled, happy to be seen in his own form, while he poured his favorite wine into two empty glasses he'd made appear. As he filled each, one floated towards Kaname while the bottle set itself down on a table that suddenly made itself visible out of thin air, or purple smoke for that matter.

"What is this about?" Kaname asked suspiciously. The genie simply smirked and sipped on the sweet liquid. "Can't we celebrate? You have Yuki back and you didn't even have to waste a wish on that!" Kaname frowned, as he was reminded of his earlier intention. "About that… I want to make my first wish." Zero's eyes widened momentarily before his face twisted in amusement. "Oh? Pray tell."

The genie walked towards Kaname slowly, the pureblood's own body easily accepting the advance and his senses overlooking it. The genie's pheromones using the vampire's will to act on his body as strongly as any spell would. "I wish for Rido to never be able to harm the ones I care for…" He spoke earnestly with a taste of his own drink.

A rather haunting, melodious laugh interrupted his musings. "I never pegged you for such a softie."

Kaname glared in response, as he knew the pureblood would. "Can you do it!?" Zero grinned easily, entangling slender fingers in chocolate brown locks, making the pureblood become all too aware of just how close they were. "….As You Wish….."

From this proximity, Kaname was able to fully take in the bright purple glow of his genie's beautiful eyes, and the equally stunning radiance of the tattoo at his neck. They were gone far too soon as Zero leaned in to grace his lips against the pureblood's softly, sending sparks down Kaname's spine. "It is so. He cannot harm those you care for."

If Kaname hadn't been so focused on other matters, he would've paid more mind to the momentary spark in the genie's hands, before feeling the overwhelming urge to pull the genie into a searing kiss. His mouth moved instinctively, primal urges reached in ways they never had before. The two glasses of wine floated back onto the table, now pleasantly forgotten.

Zero was rather shocked when he felt the familiar pain of being slammed into the wall but the pureblood distracted him rather efficiently as he trailed wet hot kisses down his neck. "mm… You seem to know what you're doing" the genie spoke as he unbuttoned Kaname's shirt effortlessly.

But that couldn't have been further from the truth. The brunette was so absolutely lost in this trance that he didn't even hear those whispered words. Nor was he fully aware of his current actions, simply letting his hands move under Zero's shirt to touch what they wanted to, and his lips ravish the soft neck as they pleased. Not even noticing the sudden lack of clothing on his part.

This is your chance to skip to the part where it ends :) Also marked in bold :D

Zero tired of not being active and knew his neck would be marked for a while with the pureblood so enthralled with it. Surface bites and kisses had him admittedly reeling, especially when they continued down his chest to a pert nipple. When had his shirt been taken off? Zero didn't think on that as he quickly pushed the pureblood and transported them both to the bed, landing on top of Kaname and straddling him easily.

He observed the subtle lavender mark that swayed across the almost spell-bound pureblood's soft, warm skin. Zero leaned in to kiss Kaname roughly enough, feeling the brunette's hands wonder down his back, pressing him down further.

It was an odd thought to allow the pureblood to bed him. But he knew the lightly strung spell-like urgings would break if Kaname was displeased with anything; if he truly did not want this. So he would rather not push his luck with this vampire's attractions.

"Tch.. You-mm, you have to prepare me. I've never allowed such a thing before." He whispered closely near the lost pureblood's ear. Said vampire grunted as Zero moved backwards, biting down on his own lip hard enough to draw blood, a silent incentive.

It was as if the words rang through Kaname's whole body and the luscious scent allured and teased his senses to no end. With a feral grunt he rolled to push the genie back down deep into the soft sheets, a hand grasping the top of his neck tightly to steady his chin, but letting him breathe as well. As much as he could anyways, with the pureblood sucking on his lip and exploring his mouth as much as he could. Kaname's other hand fumbled raggedly with the genie's pants, the hem tearing slightly as he pulled them and the underwear down.

The arms that wound around his neck enveloped him in such comfortable warmth and the blood that slipped past his lips was like nothing he had ever savored in his long life. Zero moved his tongue skillfully; savagely. Legs moved around him easily, enticing him to do more. And something in Kaname wondered for only half a moment, where Zero had learned such lecherous things. And whom the pureblood would have to destroy for teaching him. Zero moaned lightly, the sounds enticing Kaname's own voice to sound out and join it.

It had simply been the spelled nudges to his will that made him have enough sense to place his fingers in Zero's mouth for the other to suck greedily. Even more responsible were they for the fact that he slowly worked three of them into the genie's entrance to prepare him, so as not to hurt the beauty that laid under him.

His ragged senses felt the blood stop coming from the other's mouth, making sharp fangs extend on their own, eager to provide more of that addictive liquid. "ah!" The pain of a long cut inside his mouth, on his lower lip as Kaname bit it and pulled, was enough to drag Zero out of his daze.

What was he doing?! He couldn't let the pureblood bite him for real. He needed to take control of this... But the thought didn't last too long, as he felt a searing spark run through his spine to land right under his abdomen. "Mnnnn! Mast-ahh…"

Kaname grinned sowing sharp teeth, visibly aroused and captivated by Zero. He continued his onslaught on the genie's mouth as the other kissed back furiously, allowing the pureblood to enter him roughly. Zero tried his best to keep his voice in check, while all Kaname desired was to hear that voice forever. Primal urges controlled him as he moved with an unsteady, frantic pace in and out of the genie, who moved with him, wrapping long legs tighter around his waist. The friction of Zero's skin against his own, the taste of his astounding blood, the muffled sound of the genie's beautiful voice, the lingering touches, the deep scratching on his back as he pounded into the sliverette… Altogether, Kaname was sent over the edge, followed almost instantly by Zero.

End of scene. You are now mildly safe :P

He let himself fall onto the genie's chest, ragged breaths matching almost rhythmically. The pureblood lifted himself up only slightly, putting his elbow next to Zero's flushed face. He stared deeply into those glistening lavender eyes and that erotic expression that was only for him to see. The pureblood found himself focusing on the genie's lips; those luscious, irresistible, reddened and slightly swollen lips. He watched as they shifted into a smirk once Zero had finally caught his breath, face still reddened deeply.

"You satisfied?" Kaname was too far gone at the moment to respond to that, as he simply leaned down to lick and kiss the genie's already marked neck. But a hand on his chest halted him from doing what he so craved to do.

They separated just enough for Kaname to have a view of Zero's face once more, when the genie leaned to place a long kiss on his lips, moving the hand on his chest to tangle in his hair. The pair separated, gasping softly. Zero smiled, laying his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes. The pureblood hadn't moved when he opened them again. Kaname had been staring down at him so intently…

Zero smiled up at the pureblood. "Goodnight, master. Rest well…" Was all he said before a cloud of purple enveloped him and took him into the lamp for the night, much to the pureblood's anger.

Ah well, I know nothing about writing M-rated scenes. XD This is my first and I shall likely edit it as soon as I can! It may seem rather sudden, but it is quite necessary, I assure you. Thank you to the people who reviewed the last chapter! It made me get all excited so I pushed past the self-consciousness at that scene (since that was part of the reason I had separated it into two chapters) and continued the night of the ball. Hope you enjoyed! :D