Title: Familiar
Characters: Sanji and Zoro
Word Count: 320

He wasn't sure why but something about the mans face made him sad.

He had been the one to fire the gun, to shoot him down—to kill him. The man was just that—a man, he had no name to him and there was nothing about his face to make him think that he knew him. But gazing down at those open eyes, the blood dripping out of his lips—

It made him sad.

He crouched down, placing his gun next to him. The fight was over, he could hear the others moving and walking. But he couldn't—wouldn't move. The man's gaze never faulted from the sky, and he stared at those foggy gray eyes that would never close on their own again.

Reaching out, he gently shut his eyes. For some reason he felt like that was the right thing to do.

The man wasn't the first man he'd ever killed, and wouldn't be the last. He didn't enjoy it, but at the same time he didn't hate it. It was just something that happened and would always happen.

The man was the first one to make him sad.

He tried staring at his face longer, to see what about it was making him want to weep. He reached out and touched his cheek, barely warm, and smoothed his hand across his straight nose. He recoiled his hand, feeling odd about touching a dead man. And because touching him—well it made him sadder.

He didn't know this man. He had never seen his green hair before, heard his ear rings chime in the wind—he didn't know what he sounded like when he was happy or sad. He had no clue how he fought, how he loved, how he lived. He didn't even know his name.

But staring down at him, the calm expression on his face, and the blood that was still pooling around him—

It made him very sad.