Elphaba's world spun. It turned cold. It turned black. She fell to the ground unable to think or speak. Nessa...Fiyero...and where was Glinda? She heaved herself back up, the sound of the crows getting louder as she approached the balcony. She didn't get to look over before the scent of blood and death filled her nostrils, and she retched into her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She screamed, then. A loud and pain filled scream as she watched a pair of vultures swoop down and fight over a disembodied arm...


She turned, wiping her hands on the stiff part of the broom and made her way back to Fiyero.

"Fiyero...if you die, I have..." Elphaba placed a hand on his arm. "Fiyero, I can't..." She sobbed and cast her head down. "I can't..."

"Well, when you get your spirit back together let me know," Fiyero weezed. "This knife hurts in my chest, see."

Elphaba gave a noise of weak laughter, and pryed the knife loose. Tearing the bottom of her dress, she wrapped it around his chest and began to call for help. After she heard her name called back, she placed a kiss on Fiyero's sweated forehead. The nurse came tumbling in, her hands flying to her head as if bees were swarming it; one look at Fiyero and she knew action had better be made.

"It's all okay, now, love." The nurse patted Elphaba's hand as she gently tried to seperate them. "Just change, and meet your darling in the infirmary, alright? west wing, up the stairs, first door on the left." Elphaba bent to give Fiyero one more kiss before departing from him. On her way back to her room, she passed the kitchen. Maybe Fiyero would like something to eat.

Fiyero woke with his head wrapped in cloth, and stitches along his chest. He ran a finger along them, looking up to see the nurse holding out a glass of water.

"Where's Elphaba?" He inquired, not taking the glass from her.

"She'll be along, now. She's been through enough." The nurse held the glass further towards him.

"I need her now," The prince said, trying to sit up to see out the window.

"Here." The nurse ignored him, holding the glass out to hit his chin.

"Where is she? Is she alright? I need her now!"

"Yes, all right!" The woman's eyes rolled back into her head. "Take the glass and I'll find her!"

Fiyero stared at her blankly. "The glass?"

"For Christ's sake!" She sloshed the water on him, and slammed the glass down on the table next to him.

"Hey, I would have had that!" Fiyero called as she flounced away. He muttered to himself, trying to drain the last drops that survived. He played with the glass for a while before a strong gust of wind came through the window. Weakly, he got to his feet and closed it, then looked over it time to see the wind had blown one of the curtains back and he caught a glimpse of a sleeping blond figure.

"Glin?" He whispered. He looked around; no nurses in sight. He walked over beside her bed and smoothed her hair. Her beautifully even complexion was pale, her wonderful golden curls were now matted and in dissaray, her graceful arms were wrapped in a cast.

"Oh, Glinda..." He cried, and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry, too."

He turned to see Elphaba, dressed in a white lace dress. And her hair, she had it down...

He walked over to her as if in a trance, wrapping his strong arms around her."

"Fiyero..." She whispered. "I've brought you an apple."