Here's the new Chapter. I'm sorry its so late. I'll try and update more often when the muse calls. For now, enjoy. Nothing belongs to me except Alexa Pond, my OC

(Normal POV)

Captain Jack Harkness. The man who can never die...Oh all right so he can die, but not for long. Killed on Satalite five when shot by the Daleks. Now, I know what your thinking, 'One shot from a Dalek can kill someone. How on earth is Jack alive today?'

There is a simple explanation for this, two words in fact. Rose Tyler. When Rose absorbed the Time Vortex from the heart of the TARDIS she was able to give life if she needed to, so Rose brought Jack back. However, she couldn't control the power and brought Jack back for good. When the Battle of Canary Wharf occurred, Jack had received the list of the dead. There were several names on the list, all alphabetical order by last name of course...When he reached the "T" names, his heart sank as he saw the one name he DIDN'T want to see. Rose Marion Tyler. Along with Rose's name was her mothers, Jackie Tyler. The first person blamed was the Doctor. That Doctor, the man who left him behind to save Rose on Satalite five...Jack didn't mean to blame him but, it was the first person that crossed his mind...Jack had been more than happy when he found the TARDIS again, met up with the Doctor and everything else that had happened. Jack's fears were relieved though when the Doctor informed Jack that Rose had been alive, and was trapped in a parallel world.

Snapping him out of his thoughts, Jack heard an alert go off as he set down the most recent file from when he was working on and ran to the center of the Torchwood hub. "What on earth could have set those off?" He muttered to himself.

"Jack...its the Daleks!" Gwen Cooper explained to him. Jack's eyes widened. "I'm going up top!" Jack shouted grabbing a gun and ran outside to the streets of Cardiff. As Jack ran outside, he saw not only one blue TARDIS, but two. Jack saw the Meta crisis Doctor, the real Doctor and Rose Tyler all running towards the TARDIS, not the Doctor's TARDIS; To Jack's surprise there was more than one TARDIS. One of which was engulfed in a bright light. The original Doctor was the first one to reach the TARDIS and shouted at the door and was pounding on the door. He was deeply concerned and the worry in the tone of his voice was recognizable. The only time he would have ever sounded like that was if one of his companions was ever in danger. However, the tone in the Doctor's voice was more concerned than ever. He'd only used this tone of voice if Rose was in danger.

"Doctor, what's going on!" Jack shouted at him. The Meta-crisis and Rose turned to look at him.
"He thinks Alexa's been trapped inside by a Dalek and she's accidentally opened the heart of the TARDIS." The meta-crisis started to explain before being cut off by Rose.

"Which could kill her and the Doctor won't let that happen. He kissed the heart out of me and he's worried he won't get to her in time."

Soon, a loud screeching noise was heard inside the TARDIS. It wasn't a human scream...No it couldn't have been a human scream. It sounded robotic. The Dalek was in pain. Soon the glowing inside the TARDIS subsided and the doors opened revealing a unconsious Alexa Pond inside.

(Alexa's POV)

The Dalek had pointed its eye stalk and ray gun at me. screeching 'EXTERMINATE' every time it advanced on me. I was growing terrified. The Dalek had shut and locked the doors, leaving me trapped inside, just like I had been in the dream. I backed up and hit the console of the TARDIS. Not my Doctor's TARDIS, no this was the TARDIS of the Meta-Crisis's and Rose Tyler's TARDIS. It looked the same on the inside as the Doctor's TARDIS. The Choral beems and the occasional blue light surrounding the console when the lights were dim. Oh, the lights were dim alright. It was as if the TARDIS herself was scared, not only for me but because of the intruder. My heart was thumping into my chest so hard that the adrenaline was raised and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. Then, unexpectedly, the thumping stopped and the console room of the TARDIS was filled with a bright light and there was singing in my head. It didn't sound like anything I had heard before, however the music was so soothing and calming. I saw golden swirls in my body and felt more relaxed and glared at the Dalek.

"You are a threat Dalek. You've caused the Doctor nothing but pain and destruction! Is this all you were designed for!? To kill and torture! You shall be destroyed!" I shouted angrily at it. It shot a bright blue beam towards me, I held up my hand and shot the beam right back at it, causing it to scream loudly in pain...Over the screaming, I could hear the worried cries of the Doctor. My Doctor. The man I loved with all my heart.

"Alexa! Alexa, open the door! Please open the door! You've looked in the heart of the TARDIS, its gonna kill you please!" he cried worried and he was pounding on the door desperate to get inside. The Dalek was destroyed, I held up my hand and unlocked the door of the TARDIS before falling to my knees then the floor, when I was engulfed in darkness, and as I blacked out, I felt the Doctor pull me into his arms and kiss me gently...but I wasn't able to kiss him back. I was already in darkness, and was unsure if I was ever going to wake up..

I couldn't see anything, yet I heard everything that was around me. I felt weightless, as the Doctor picked me up and carried me to his TARDIS. I could tell we were moving, due to the cool, english wind I felt on my skin. The Doctor kept calling my name. Wanting me to wake up...he kept saying I was dead. Dead? How could I be dead? I had only just passed out...Soon, I was layed on what felt like the medical table in the TARDIS, I was hooked up to all sorts of wires and tubing as the TARDIS ran tests on me. As soon as a heart monitor was hooked up to me. A single flat tone emitted into the room.

"No...No...NO!" The Doctor shouted and started throwing things about in the room. I could imagine. Rose walking up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down, trying to calm the oncoming storm that the Doctor had now become. I didn't see the gold swirls in my eyes anymore. Rose then spoke to the Doctor calmly and soothingly.

"Doctor...Try kissing her again." Rose suggested. I could see the Doctor shaking his head even though my eyes weren't open.

"She's gone Rose...the person I love and care for the most." he said as his voice broke. "Alexa's dead and I couldn't save her."

Rose would have walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye. "True love's kiss Doctor, is the most powerful thing in the world." I could imagine the Doctor smiling slightly and then heard him walking towards me and he hovered over me, and leaned down and kissed me tenderly. It was different from our kiss on the rooftop in Paris. This was a kiss of love and care. As the Doctor released his lips from mine, my heart monitor began beating and my eyes fluttered open ever so slowly and I smiled weakly and managed to say one word.


The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief and hugged me gently, I hugged him back weakly and felt tears fall down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Doctor, the-the Dalek. It attacked me." I said quietly and stuttered and slurred over my words. I was still recovering from my attack. A deadly one at that. From behind the Doctor stepped out a tall man, wearing a blue shirt, not as blue as the TARDIS but a sky blue, he also wore some suspenders and gave me a charming smile and held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness" Of course he was. I don't know why I hadn't recognized that charming smile before. The Doctor of course glared at him. I just smiled at the Doctor letting it know Jack wasn't doing any harm. "Don't worry about him. He just gets jealous when I say hello to fine women like yourself" Jack added with a laugh. The Doctor then ran his fingers on my necklace which was still on my neck and he smiled as they glowed a bright red. I looked at the Doctor and smiled, the necklace had never done that before.

"One thing I forgot to mention about that necklace..." The Doctor said. "When the giver and the receiver are truly in love with one another...and..." The doctor trailed off. I nodded knowing what he meant. Rose and the Meta-Crisis Doctor stood behind the Doctor with Jack. I leaned up slightly and smiled at Rose.

"You must be Rose Tyler. The Doctor's told me so much about you" Rose smiled and nodded. She then looked at her Doctor, then back at me.

"The catch up's been nice Doctor but...we need to get headed back" Rose said quietly and Jack looked at her with a frown.

"You just got back Rose." Jack said sadly with a small frown and Rose nodded and grabbed hold of her Doctor's hand.

"I know Jack and I'm sorry, but John and I have that universe to protect while Alexa, you and the Doctor have this one." The meta-crisis Doctor nodded as if to confirm Rose's explanation. I slowly edged myself off the medical examination table before feeling rather light headed and my ankles weak. I slid ever so slightly before the Doctor caught me into his arms. I nodded and he helped me walk over to Rose and I hugged her, then the Meta-crisis.

"You take care of her John," I tell him. "Just like the Doctor will take care of me." With a nod, Rose and John hug the Doctor and escort themselves out with Jack in toe. Jack salutes both myself and the Doctor

"Sir...Ma'am." He said with a grin and ran back off towards the water tower and I looked at the Doctor confused.

"Where's Jack going?" I ask and the Doctor just simply grins and replies with one word.


There we go! Chapter 11. I'm sorry I'm not updating much but I'm running out of ideas...Please review with an idea? Oh, Tomorrow 2/5/2013 is my BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday to me!