Title: The Pirates of Boeshane: The Curse of the Myfanwy

Fandoms: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tommy/Tosh, past John/Jack, one-sided John/Ianto, Owen, Kathy, Gwen, Mickey/Jake, Harold Saxon, Rhys/Andy, Martha, James Harper, Ross, Rory, brief mention of the Doctor/Rose, Donna

Prompt: The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Summary: A Pirate Captain seeking to reclaim what was stolen from him joins forces with a young Blacksmith seeking to rescue his kidnapped best friend. Together they find more than just the adventures of their journey.

Rating: PG-15

Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or Doctor Who.

Beta: royalladyemma

Written for Reel_Torchwood Round 5

Chapter 1

By the 51st Century human kind had reached the stars and spread across the universe. But instead of going forward with technological advances and wonders, they had developed a tendency to move backwards in time and to make use of simpler methods of doing many things. For example, when they began exploring the new seas they discovered in the benefits of old-fashioned wind-powered sailing vessels. Having learned from the follies and experiences of their ancestors, and not wishing to make the same mistakes of the past, these new adventurers vowed to keep their new worlds clean and the water pristine and teeming with life.

Sailing had become the new way of life and UNIT had replaced the Royal Navy as the protectors of the sea. But not all sailors and explorers sought an honest living and opportunistic pirates quickly began to roam the new seas, seeking nothing but fortune and ill-gotten gains.

But as one group of pirates would learn, some fortunes come with a steep price…

The HMS Valiant

The Middle of the Boeshane Sea

Dusk had just began to fall across the crystal clear, cloud-free sky and UNIT's sailing ship, the Valiant, was calmly and steadily navigating the foggy ocean waters. Standing at the bow of the ship was young Toshiko Sato-Saxon, the adopted daughter of Governor Harold Saxon. Newly appointed by His Majesty, King William IV, the governor and his daughter were travelling from New New England to Boeshane Peninsula under the protection of UNIT soldiers and sailors.

As she surveyed the beauty and freedom of a large pod of graceful whale-like creatures frolicking happily alongside the ship, she was singing softly and innocently. "We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack. Drink up…" A strong hand on her shoulder startled Tosh out of her song and she spun around to see who had interrupted her.

Toshiko gulped as she found herself face-to-face with the very stern and very private Owen Harper. From the day she'd arrived, the sailor had made no attempt to hide his disgust for the fact that there was a woman onboard, even if she was only a child. He had emphatically stated on many occasions that her presence would bring them nothing but bad luck. She'd once overhead him say. "Just cos she's small don't mean her trouble is too."

Now he stood over her, glaring dangerously as he hissed, "Quiet, missy! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now do you?" Owen scowled down at the young girl; even in the dim light of dusk, his distaste for her was clear on his face.

'Real pirates!' Tosh stared wide-eyed at Owen and excitement filled her at the thought of meeting such frightening creatures. Unlike everyone else aboard the Valiant, Tosh didn't hate pirates. No, she longed for the freedom they enjoyed as they sailed the oceans without a care in their minds or a worry in their hearts. They had no responsibilities to keep them tied down to one place. Unlike her, their lives and their future were theirs to do with as they pleased; their daily life wasn't planned out for them years in advance as hers had been.

"Mr Harper, that will do!" A new voice cut through the air and Tosh felt her romantic young heart flutter wildly in her chest as Lieutenant Tommy Brockless approached them. It registered in a corner of her mind that even though he was reprimanding Owen, he did not raise his voice above a low tone.

Owen scowled at the young UNIT officer; he did not appreciate having the man as his superior. "She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words, Sir." If Tommy noticed the sarcastic inflection to Owen's final word, he didn't react.

Instead, Tommy just raised an eyebrow as he surveyed the sour man before him. He was never one to believe in superstition like most of his men, but he saw no reason not to humour the man. "Consider them marked. On your way," he ordered Owen.

Owen saluted. "Aye, Lieutenant." Although she was just a teen-ager, even Tosh could appreciate the completely sarcastic tone Owen used. "It's bad luck to have a woman on board, too." His eyes swept over Toshiko's slight form with disdain. "Even a miniature one."

Tosh's eyes narrowed in anger. She longed to stick her tongue out at Owen; she was so tired of his remarks about her being an omen of bad luck. However, the wicked side of her decided that instead of acting childishly, it would be more fun to piss the man off. "I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate." Her voice had a dream-like quality to it as she pictured herself as the swashbuckling captain standing at the helm of her very own pirate ship.

"Miss Saxon!" Tommy was clearly shocked to hear such an outrageous statement coming from such a sweet young girl. He shook himself and frowned at Tosh; "Think again, Miss Saxon. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or who wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves, a short drop and a sudden stop."

Tosh was confused by the unknown reference but she didn't want to reveal her ignorance to Tommy; she glanced past the lieutenant's shoulder to Owen who grinned wickedly and mimed a hanging. 'Maybe that'll teach the little twit she's not at a garden party!' he thought with satisfaction when he saw how wide Tosh's eyes got as she covered her mouth in shock.

Having overheard the conversation Harold Saxon quickly made his way over to the trio; he knew full well of his daughter's irrational love of pirates and he didn't want her head filled with any more such nonsense than it already was. "Lieutenant Brockless, I appreciate your fervour, but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter." Harold kept his words and tone conversational, but it was impossible to miss the authority behind them.

Tommy understood completely and bowed his head slightly. "My apologies, Governor Saxon."

'Phooey with acting like a lady, being seen and not heard!' Tired of being ignored, Tosh decided to voice her own opinion. "Actually, I find it all quite fascinating."

Refusing to take the bait, Harold nodded his head. "Yes, I know, Tosh. That's what concerns me." It was at times like this that he wished his daughter would act more like the other girls her age, the ones that didn't have dreams of being a pirate. 'Where did I go wrong?' he asked the heavens for the hundredth time and for the hundredth time, there was no answer.

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes in the front of others, Tosh turned away so her father wouldn't see her very unlady-like behaviour. Tosh looked out over the ocean, wondering where the pirates might be, and as she gazed out across the dark expanse, something in the water caught her eye. Squinting down into the gathering gloom, she saw a water-logged albeit still frothy parasol float by her but it was what came next that had Tosh gasping in shock.

Bouncing along on the waves was a battered piece of wreckage and clinging precariously to it was a boy just a little younger than her. Quickly regaining the use of her voice, she called out for help, "Father! Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!"

Tommy was the first one to reach Tosh's side and the moment his dark eyes landed on the boy, he began barking out orders. "Man overboard! Man the ropes! Fetch a hook! Haul him aboard!"

Tosh felt her heart do another set of flip-flops at how commanding Tommy sounded and she wondered if anyone could tell that she had a crush on the man. She felt a blush begin to colour her cheeks when Tommy's arm brushed against her as he made room for a sailor. 'Mrs Tommy Brockless.' she daydreamed amidst all the commotion.

Several of the crew men scrambled to obey Tommy's orders and in a matter of moments the young man was pulled onboard. The moment the sailors laid the unconscious figure on the deck, Tommy swiftly bent down to examine him; he was relieved when he felt the young boy's chest move shallowly under his hand. "He's still breathing." A feeling of relief went through everyone at his words.

Owen was paying no attention to the rescue efforts; he was busy tracing the reverse path of the next few things to go floating past the ship. As a result, he was the first man to spot the outline of a ship burning in the distance. The flames made a dramatic showing against the horizon and a plume of dark smoke stretched out across the twilight sky. "Mary, Mother of God!"

Upon hearing Owen's words, Tommy, Harold and Tosh quickly joined him at the railing and followed his pointing finger. Ever mindful of who they were standing with, the frightened and excited sailors crowded respectfully behind them. After enjoying an easy and peaceful voyage from New New England, they were now unsure of their position in the scheme of things.

"What happened here?" Harold Saxon was in utter shock as he watched the ship burn before his eyes; even at a distance, he could see that it was listing badly and he knew that it would soon sink below the surface. He offered a passing prayer for the victims of the carnage.

As Tommy spoke, his heart was heavy and his voice was full of regret. "It was most likely the powder magazine that went up. Merchant vessels run heavily armed in these waters, thanks to the threat of piracy." He glanced briefly at Tosh, wondering if she still thought of pirates as romantic and misunderstood heroes, but her eyes were fixed on the burning ship. 'May God have mercy on their souls,' he thought as he followed her line of sight.

"A lot of good it did them." Not caring a whit who saw him, Owen uncapped the flask he always carried with him and took a long hard swallow of rum. "Everyone's thinking it; I'm just saying it." He took long, deliberate pause as he recapped his flask and tucked it away. Owen took a bit of perverse pleasure in making the assembled group wait for his wisdom. "Pirates."

Harold Saxon shook his head reprovingly; he did not want his impressionable young daughter to hear that kind of talk. "There's no proof of that. It was probably an accident." 'Please, let it be an accident!'

Tommy quickly took control of the situation and once again began barking out orders to his crew. "Rouse the Captain immediately! Heave to and take in sail! Launch the boats!"

A sailor saluted Tommy smartly as he rushed past. "Heave to!"

Unsure as to what she should be doing, Tosh stood next to her father as the crew swarmed around them following Tommy's orders. Tosh wanted to be of some use but at this point she knew she would be more hindrance than help.

A firm hand on her shoulder had Tosh looking up at her father. "Tosh, I want you to accompany the boy and stay with him. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him." Harold knew his daughter well and he could see her desire to help; 'You are so your mother's daughter,' he thought fondly. He knew that making her responsible for the rescued stranger would give her the chance to help and keep her safely out of harm's way at the same time.

Tosh smiled gratefully at her step-father, nodded her head and made her way through the busy sailors over to where the young boy lay near the bulkhead. Taking a seat on the deck beside him she adjusted the closest lamp and studied his face in the flickering light; she was pleased to discover that she was indeed older than him. 'He is pretty cute, but not as cute as Tommy though,' Tosh decided with a sharp nod. 'He'll probably be even cuter when he doesn't look like a drowned rat; he does have an adorable button nose.'

Tosh was startled out of her study of the young boy when his eyes abruptly shot open and he grasped her wrist tightly, his eyes wide with terror. His mouth moved soundlessly, as though he was searching for the words. "Shh… It's okay," Tosh told him in a soothing tone as she gently prised his fingers from her arm and took his hands in hers. "My name is Toshiko Sato-Saxon."

Even with his teeth chattering with the cold and eyes wide with shock he still managed to get his name out, "I'm… I… Ianto Jones." His eyes were haunted as he searched her face, wondering if he was amongst friends or foes.

Tosh smiled down gently at him. "Everything's going to be okay; I'm watching over you, Ianto." To Tosh's horror, Ianto suddenly sagged backwards in a faint and as she moved closer to check on him, she noticed a strange-looking medallion poking out from beneath his shirt. Checking to see that he really was out of it and wouldn't notice her prying, she pulled the necklace free and then nearly dropped it in shock. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the gold piece in her hand; it had the unmistakable image of a pirate's skull etched into its face.

"You're a p… pirate!" Tosh whispered in awe as she looked down at Ianto; 'I can't believe that this sweet-looking boy is a real pirate!' Even though she was excited by her discovery, she still noticed that Tommy was growing closer and she quickly hid the medallion behind her back.

"Has he said anything?" Tommy asked her once he was in range. He immediately noticed that the difference in their heights left her under-aged bosoms in plain view and it took all his will power to keep his eyes focused on her face, no matter how much he wanted to look down and feast his eyes on the soft swell of her creamy young breasts. 'You are an officer and a gentleman, Brockless, not a pervert and a pirate!'

Tosh nodded her head. "His name is Ianto Jones. That's all I found out." She wasn't exactly lying; just because Ianto had a pirate medallion on him didn't mean that he was in fact a real, honest-to-goodness pirate. 'He could have a perfectly logical reason for having this on him.'

Satisfied with her answer Tommy turned his attention to a passing sailor. "Take him below."

Tosh waited patiently until the sailor had carried the still unconscious Ianto below decks and Tommy had returned to his duties before she turned her back on them. Facing the ocean she pulled out the medallion and studied its design; it was a beautifully hand-crafted piece of gold and she found herself wondering about its maker. 'I wonder what it means?'

Sudden movement in the distance caught her attention and when she lifted her eyes they landed on a distant ship with a black flag flying ominously atop its mast. "Pirates!" Tosh breathed the word and for the first time in her life, Toshiko Sato-Saxon let her eyes fall closed as darkness swept over her.