So, here I am, avoiding filling out my fafsa and creating another fan fiction to obsess over with updates. xD This one is a bit more…Uhm… risqué than the others. I hope that you enjoy! And of course, it's a laven.

Wind bit at Allen's shoulders as he walked down a crowded sidewalk. With each step, the white haired male was counting down how long it would take until he developed frost bite in his forearms. Winter was finally settling in and it wasn't pretty. He lived in the San Fernando valley of California, where it was supposed to be sunny and beautiful all year long. That is why property taxes and the cost of living were so expensive. How was he getting frost bite, you wonder? This was the first winter in possibly twelve or fifteen years when the weather decided to hiccup and change. The forecast was calling for snow, in the middle of October!

The short boy rubbed at his bare forearms and kept his head down as he trudged through the streets, hoping to find a place to sit down and sleep soon. Allen had been homeless now for possibly three years, maybe four now. Time kind of meshed together for the pale boy. Allen used to live with a family friend named "Cross Marian" when he was 14. His parents, having died in a fire, left him in the maniac's care. They had lived in a small town in the middle of Arizona. The first chance he got, Allen took every dime he had collected over the years and bought a bus ticket for sunny Los Angeles, California.

Having not realized how different sales taxes and the work force laws were between states, Allen was left to do odd jobs and pan handle on the streets only weeks after moving to the city. Every fiber in the young male's being refused to go back to the red haired demon of a man. He slept at homeless shelters when he could, but mainly in parks and other public ventures. The male wore what he could; mainly what he found in lost and found bins or what was available at the homeless shelters. He typically tried to wear anything long sleeve, because of all of the burns and scars on his body thanks to the fire that took his happy family from him. Nothing was as bad as his left arm, though. Near all of the skin had been so horribly scarred and near melted when he was pulled from the house that the doctors had considered amputating it. For some strange reason, he still had his arm, but his was a horrid ugly red color and looked like exposed muscle and tendon; even his fingernails were black. There had never been a medical explanation as to why his nails suddenly started growing black.

Walking forward, Allen was happy to see an empty park bench maybe 10 to 20 yards from him. That would give him a place just off of the frozen ground to lie down for the night. He got to the bench and sat down, huddling his knees to his chest help and warm his body. The boy hadn't eaten in a few days, so that would have to be tomorrow's adventure. He shut his eyes and leaned his head on his knees; hoping sleep would take him quickly.

Tousled awake slightly, Allen noticed a sudden weight resting on the bench as well as radiating warmth. There was another person sitting beside of him. The albino turned his head to look at the intruder of his sleep. It was a male with black hair that flipped in different directions underneath a beret. The male looked Asian.

"Are you sleeping?" The male looked over at Allen and tilted his head. It made the fair skinned one to imagine a puppy.

"I was trying…" Allen's voice was hoarse from lack of use. That was part of the reason he liked the city; people tended to mind their own business.

"It's going to get down in the low 30s, high 20s tonight. Shouldn't you try to be sleeping at home?" The Asian man kept on with his small talk.

"You're sitting on my home of the moment, mister." There was a bitter edge to Allen's voice.

"Oh, I thought you were an art student. Especially with all of that make up on your face and arm…and, the college is only a few minutes from here. My apologizes; kid." The male sat with his back on the bench, his left ankle on top of his right knee.

"Allen… My name is Allen." Allen spoke quietly, hating being called 'kid' or anything of the like. People were rude, they never introduced themselves anymore.

"Ah, well, Allen, I am Komui. I am the manager for the B.O.L." The beret wearing man turned back to the white haired adolescent and smiled widely.

Curiosity spiked in Allen's stomach; he also had a distinct feeling that this Komui fellow wanted him to ask. "What is the B.O.L.?"

"Ah, B.O.L. is short for Black Order List." Komui's face twisted into a weird smile. "I am the manger and owner, actually. It is a talent agency and it majors in adult entertainment."

Adult entertainment…porn? This guy was in the porn industry? Why was he talking to Allen? The white haired boy's eyes narrowed and he looked at Komui. "Porn? That's nice… I suppose."

"Ah, yes. The human body is a perfect instrument, really. The sounds a person can make at the foremost of arousal is quite amazing, my boy." Komui chuckled softly.

Allen didn't know what to do other than stay quiet and wait for this odd man to leave so he could try and sleep again. Maybe tomorrow he would try and find a tree to sleep in.

"You are homeless, yes?" Komui asked, suddenly.

"…yes." Allen hated to lie to people. His father never raised him to be a liar.

"How would you like to sleep in the warmth of central heat and a nice comfy cot? I could use a new kid on my team." Komui's eyes were sparkling and that same twisted smile was on his face. "I can also buy you some food. You look like you're about to get picked up by the wind, good chap."

"I don't sell my body, sir. If I did, I wouldn't be sleeping on a park bench right now." Allen's bitter tone was back in his voice. His body wanted to betray him and take everything this male had to offer… well, almost everything.

"Well, you aren't technically sleeping on this park bench. You are awake, talking with me. Also, you look a bit young to even be considered for in front of the camera just yet," Komui chuckled again, obviously amused by Allen's conclusions.

"What exactly would you want me to do?" Allen's head lifted from his knees.

"I want you to be the maintenance and make up guy for when my actors go on set. You can sleep in the building rent free on one of the resting cots in the dressing rooms and I will pay you for the hours you work." The black haired male's voice seemed to raise an octave before he finished talking.

Allen looked Kumui in the eye and weighed his options. Was this really a morally acceptable job? But, it was a warm place to sleep… His stomach loudly interrupted his thought process, basically answering for him. "Okay, I'll do it."

:D New story, you guys! Please tell me what you think! I'm trying to broaden my writing abilities with these stories, which is why all of the plots are so out there and different. I think this one is going to be one of my favorites though, :3