A/N: Oh my gosh. You guys are amazing. I know this is a really slow start but just please bear with me. It will get better. And

As they make their way to Kurt's navigator, Kurt tells Sebastian he needs his address so he can put it in his GPS. When Sebastian gives his address and they're on their way to his house, Kurt tries to wait patiently for Sebastian to explain what he couldn't in the coffee shop, but after 30 minutes of silence, Kurt snaps. "Would you just tell me what the hell I don't understand?!" but when he looks over at Sebastian sitting in the passenger seat, he can tell Sebastian is having a war against himself in his mind, and feels bad for snapping at him, and mutters a soft "sorry."

After another minute of silence, Sebastian finally speaks up. "I'm not happy here. I'm trying to move on from everything you brought up earlier, but everything around this place reminds me of it. And if I am actually able to forget about it, I'm being harassed for who I'm attracted to, even by my mother. So I guess you could call me a coward for running away,but I need to be happy and for that, I need a fresh start. I can't do that here. I don't wanna change completely, but Dave's attempt really affected me."

"Okay," a soft voice says from the driver seat.

"Really?" hopeful green eyes look towards sympathetic blue ones.

"Yeah, I'll talk to my dad about it tonight. When do we leave? I need to go on independent studies."

"If you don't mind meeting my family today instead of next weekend, we can leave Friday afternoon. But if you don't want to meet them today, you can meet them on Saturday and we can go Sunday." Kurt looks over at Sebastian and sees how excited he is and laughs while agreeing to meet them today. "Can we play music? You're car is boring," the excited boy asks with a grin.

"I suppose, can you plug in my iPod? It should be in the back of the glove box."

Sebastian opens the glove box and the first thing he sees is a pair of scissors. When he looks at Kurt suspiciously, Kurt has no idea what the look is for and just laughs, but his eyes widen while the color in his face drains when Sebastian pulls the scissors out. He stammers on his words until he's finally able to explain, "oh those? Don't you keep a pair of scissors in your glove box? They've come in handy in an emergency before." Okay so maybe he wasn't telling the whole truth, but he wasn't lying. They were a great source of relief when he needed it. "Now can you get my iPod, please?" he asks impatiently. When Sebastian plugs in the iPod, and music starts to flow through the speakers, Kurt's eyes widen again. He had forgotten what he was listening to on his way to the Lima Bean, but now he's trying to think of a way to change the song quickly without raising suspicion. He can't say he doesn't like the song because why would he have it on his iPod? That's just stupid. Before he can think of anything else, Sebastian is singing along to the song coming out of the speakers.

I want your heart-shaped lips, lips, cooler hula hips I want to feel my bones on your bones

"You know this song? Most people don't know it.." Kurt looks at Sebastian curiously. He'll never forget the first time he heard this song.

"Yeah, I found it on YouTube a while ago. Why?" Sebastian has an obvious glint of suspicion and curiosity in his eyes, as if he knows what Kurt is thinking, but they're quickly clouded with worry as he thinks about how *he, himself* knows this song. Is that how Kurt found it too?

"Just wondering, is all. Most people don't know this song, or even this band. I found them on Youtube too," Kurt hints. The two boys look at eachother with matching wonder and worry. "So you don't mind if I leave it on this playlist?" When Sebastian agrees on the playlist, Kurt listens to the rest of the song.

I wear my heartache on my sleeve,
I love myself to much to see
It haunts my dreams

Every boy wants a body to die for,
And every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful.

I'm gonna shed me some skin,
Get me real real slim,
I want to feels my bones on your bones,
I am a teenage Drama Queen,
I throw my guts up for self-esteem...
It haunts my dreams

Every boy wants a body to die for,
And every girls who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful.

Every boy wants a body to die for,
And every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for...
Skinny is sexy,
Sweet anorexia!
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful!

They continue the ride to Sebastian's house in silence, listening to every other song in the playlist on Kurt's iPod. When they finally arrive at the residence, Kurt's mouth falls open. He knew Sebastian obviously came from money, but dear god. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was currently staring at. The house was two stories and he honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was as wide as the White House. Okay, so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it is huge. He's snapped back to reality when he hears Sebastian laughing at him. Sebastian looks sick all of a sudden as he mutters "shit" under his breath. "Okay, here's the deal Hummel. If you're supposedly my bestfriend, you'll know that my mother's name is Laura and she doesn't aprove of my gay 'phase'. My dad's name is Criss and he fully supports me in anything I do. I have a 6 year old sister named Laney and a 1 year old sister named Kiley. They mean the world to me. And I have a dog named Sugar. Got it?"

Sebastian was surprised to see that Kurt didn't look overwhelmed at all, in fact he looked amused. "Got it."

Once they were in the house, Sebastian was yelling out for his parents. "Dad? Mother? I brought Kurt!"

"We're in the kitchen bud," a strong male voice rang out through the house. When the green eyed boy guided Kurt to the kitchen, he was immediately pulled into a hug, and squeals at the surprise.

"Hello, sir. My name's Kurt," he says as he's released from the hug. He looks up at a man that looks to be in his late forties with bright green eyes and deep set wrinkles around his mouth and eyes. He has a strong jaw but a loose grin planted on his face.

"Don't you dare call me sir in my own house, Kurt. Jeez, do I really look that old to you? Please, call me Criss." he says with a light chuckle. "This is my wife, Laura."

"Hello, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says looking down at a petite woman who looks roughly 40, give or take, with brown eyes. "Sebastian has told me so many nice things about you," he adds at the last minute. He figures if she's really as disapproving as Sebastian says, he's doing them both a favor. Sure, he hasn't actually announced he's gay but as Sebastian is so kind to remind him, he has a bad case of the Gay Face.

"Oh, please call Mrs. Smythe, not ma'am," she replies while her husband softly shakes his head and her son rolls his eyes.

Kurt starts to appologize but is quicky cut off by a little girl squealing and running into the kitchen. She has dirty blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back with soft waves and the biggest, brightest blue eyes he's ever seen. He watches as Sebastian crouches down and she runs into his arms with a huge smile. The hug looks so tight that Sebastian looks like he's crushing her bones. "Sebby! I missed you..ooh! Is this Kurt? Hi Kurt! Sebby talks about you alot." At this, Sebastian laughs and makes a mental note to explain her comment to Kurt later.

"Hi, cutie. You must be Laney, I've heard a lot about you too." When Kurt looks back up from Laney, he sees another little girl in Sebastian's arms that has a strong resemblance to Laney, but is much younger. The only difference is that while Laney has dirty blonde hair, this little girl has strawberry blonde hair that barely brushes the top of her shoulders and makes her eyes appear even brighter. "And this must be Kiley. She's gorgeous!"

"Yes, these are 2 of my 3 princesses. Sugar is in the backyard, probably bathing in mud. You wanna go see meet her?" Sebastian immediately laughs when he sees the look on Kurt's face as he thinks of muddy paw prints on his designer clothes. "You sure? You're gunna have to live with her." Again, Sebastian laughs at the look of horror on Kurt's face. When Kurt finally nods, Sebastian leads them through the house to a pair of french doors.

When they walk through the doors, Sebastian sits in a cushioned chair and chuckles lightly when he notices Kurt still standing. "God, you're the most awkward person I've ever met. *Sit down* "

Kurt glares at Sebastian and sits without saying anything, but immediately stands back up when he sees a petite, pure white Pit Bull running towards him. When he realizes she's not covered in mud he squats down and doesn't try to hide his smirk when he looks over at Sebastian and sees shock clear on his face. When the dog finally reaches him, he sees that she has gorgeous green eyes and a pink nose. She tries to cover his face in slobber, but he turns his head and she settles with nuzzling her head in his hands.

"So this Sugar, as you can tell. And yes, she actually is going with us. I already checked with the owner of the apartment and he doesn't care that she's a Pit Bull as long as she behaves herself."

"Fine with me although it would have been nice to know she was a part of the deal when I agreed."

"Most people are uptight and don't like Pit Bulls. I thought you might not even consider it."

"I'm not most people."

The song is Big Isn't Beautiful by King Adora.