Lazura: This story is the prequel of Star Guardian's Destiny. Which will be mainly focused under Serena on what she did...

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR except my ocs.

At Night...

A woman in a red Chrysanthemum patterned kimono slowly pass by a man standing by the bridge who looked up to see the woman who whispered...

"Kill her...I don't want to see a single trace left of that woman..." spatted the woman as she hid her face with a fan.

"Yes...Fubuki Miyu-sama." the man said as he bowed back to the lady

The Next Morning...

"Then I'll see you this afternoon, Hiro-nii sama..." a young lady with long black hair that cascaded down to the ribbon of her rose kimono.

" careful out there, Nadeshiko..." the man said as he helped her get on the carriage.

"Yeah...I'll be fine!" Nadeshiko said smiling back at her big brother

As the carriage gradually went farther away from her beloved home, she saw from the distance that Fubuki Miyu smirking strangely back at Nadeshiko..which made Nadeshiko worry about what was going to happen.

Calm down, Nade...we are just going to see a friend today...nothing bad is going to happen...

Nadeshiko tried to calm herself down by remembering her true objective.

Nadeshiko then looked out the window of the carriage and noticed that they were heading down an cross-way...

However she didn't notice the other carriage heading for them.


Am I dead?

Nadeshiko thought as her eyes vaguely looked up in void filled with emptiness until she saw a small glimmer of light shining right next to her.

A man in a white robe appeared within the light, landed next to Nadeshiko's body, and said, "Would you want another chance?"

Another chance?

"Yes, another chance to live again...but in another world..."

A chance to live...

"Would you like to reincarnate?"

...Another live...I...I...I...WANT TO LIVE AGAIN!

"I this is your answer..."

Nadeshiko nodded with the little energy she had left in her soul that was still connected to her wounded body.

"Then, I will be seeing you on the other world..." the man said as the light enveloped both him and Nadeshiko together.

Somewhere in Italy within the grounds of Vongola Mansion...

"Alaude...are you heading to the gardens again?" a man with blonde hair, orange eyes, and in a pin stripe suit covered by a mantle looked up at his cloud guardian.

"Hn." was all Alaude replied as he walked out of the door after giving his report.

Alaude walked into the garden as he usually does whenever he was bored out of his wits until he came across the rose section of the gardens.

He soon found a body of a woman with long black hair wearing a long white dress that reached to her feet, wearing a white choker with a red rose on it, along with being surrounded by red roses.

Aluade picked up the unconscious woman and carried her back to the mansion...

Lazura: So is this a good start for the prequel? Please review! :D