A/N Hey guys! So this is going to be the FINAL update of this story. I really had nothing else to put into this story and I really hope you guys enjoy the last chapter. I just wanted to thank you guys for the love and support you have given me for this story, they always make my day. This was my totally cliche story and I'm definitely going to miss it, but as an author I will always do what is right for the story and I believe ending it with this chapter is the best. This story will always have a special place in my heart since it was my first one and it led to me meeting so many amazing people through fanfiction. It actually didn't hit me that this was the last chapter until I wrote the last sentence. So I really hope you guys enjoy the final chapter of Stay Beautiful Bori.


Chapter 22

Beck's POV

"Looking Forward"

I was lying down in the bed of my RV with my arm wrapped around Tori's shoulders. I looked down at her hand on my chest before I leaned my head down and placed a kiss on the side of her forehead. Tori tilted her head up to look at me as I smiled down at her. Tori pushed her body up so that way her upper body was hovering over me. She pushed some of her hair behind her ear and smiled down at me. I cupped her cheek and sighed as she giggled. "God I love you."

Tori's eyes widened as she looked down at me. Her smile was instantly wiped from her face. Right when I started to get nervous about how she's reacting, her smile came back on her face only immensely wider than the one before. "I love you too."

I smiled up at her before I pulled her head down to mine to give her a kiss. When we pulled away, Tori grabbed my hand and lowered herself down on the bed next to me as she placed our hands on top of my chest. Tori snuggled up closer to me and sighed happily before she rolled on top of me with a smile on her face. Tori rested her hands on top of each other before she rested her head on both of them. I chuckled at her before I pushed her hair behind her as she sighed happily, "What are you smiling about?"

Tori tilted her head to the side and played dumb, "Well I just have a question for you."

I sat up with her so now she was straddling my waist, "Oh really? What would that question be?"

Tori giggled before she wrapped her arms around my neck, "I was just wondering if you've ever imagine what your future would be like."

I grip the doorknob and twist it to the left to see the living area of my apartment. I drop my keys in the bowl next to the door and sigh before I run a hand through my hair. I lower the jacket down my arms and hang it up on the hook before I walk into the small half kitchen of the apartment. I tip toe behind Tori who is stirring vegetables in a pot and wrap my arms around her waist from behind. Tori gasps in shock before she leans into me. She turns to look at me with a wide smile on her face, "Hey babe." Tori says before she gives me a short kiss and turns her head back around to pay attention to the boiling water in the pot.

"How are you feeling today?," I ask as I rub her stomach. She hasn't been feeling well lately and has been throwing up almost once a day.

"I'm feeling good. I haven't gotten sick today so that's a plus. I went out to lunch with Cat. She told me Jade has two movies coming out soon and that she's working on her second album. She's been so busy lately and was super excited to see me. She said she wants to have a dinner date with us and Robbie before we leave to go film in New York."

"Sounds like a plan." I placed a kiss on the side of her head before my lips moved lower to her neck. Tori laughed and tried to push me away. My grip on her tightened and I chuckled as she giggled.

"Ok not right now, Beck." I laughed and kissed the side of her head again.

I lowered my head to her ear and whispered, "You're no fun."

I unwrapped my arms from around her waist and started to walk towards our living area. Once I reached the doorway Tori called out to me again, "Beck, tell me you love me."

I turned around with my eyebrows furrowed. What was this about? "Huh?"

Tori sighed, but still tried to force a smile on her face, "Tell me you love me."

I walked back over to her and wrapped my arm around her side before I gave her a short kiss on the lips and pushed her hair away from her forehead, "Tori Elizabeth Vega, I am absolutely in love with you. Two years of being married to you supports that even more." I kissed the side of her head one more time before I unwrapped my arm from around her waist.

Tori pulled on my hand, stopped all my movements, before she kissed my hand, "I love you too."

Tori let go of my hand and I started to walk away again, but yet again, Tori called out to me, "Beck I have to tell you something."

I turned around and watched Tori as she turned off the stove and placed both of her hands on the counter. Tori took a deep breath and the words shot out of her mouth like a machine gun, "I went to the doctor today to find out why I've been getting sick and-"

My eyes widened the second I heard how fast the words were coming out of her mouth, "Woah Tori relax, calm down. I can't understand anything you say when you talk that fast."

Tori took a deep breath and held her hands tightly, "Beck, I went to the doctor today to find out why I've been getting sick and," Tori paused and I motioned for her to continue, "Beck, I'm pregnant."

That's when everything around me froze. I, Beck Oliver, just found out that I was going to be a father. "Wh-what?"

Tori smiled lightly and took a step closer to me, "I'm 5 weeks along. The doctor says I should go and see him once a month and-"

That's when the smile spread on my face and I ran to her. My arms wrapped around her waist as I lifted her into the air. Tori squealed and giggled, "You're pregnant, Tori! We're gonna have a baby!"

Tori wrapped her arms around my neck as I spun us around in a circle. I lowered her down to the ground before I cupped her face in my hands. Tori kept her arms wrapped around my neck as I leaned forward and gave her a long kiss. When I pulled away from her she smiled at me so brightly it light up the whole room. "We're gonna have a baby, Beck."

"We're gonna be parents, Tori. My god it's so scary and so exciting! I mean of course we're going to have to move and we're going to have to tell our families and the gang, but-"

Tori cupped my face and nodded her head smiling, "We'll invite them over for dinner on Saturday and we'll tell them then. You're going to be a father."

I lowered my hands to her stomach and kissed her briefly, "And you're going to be a mother." Tori pulled me in for another tight hug. "I love you so much."

Tori laughed and rubbed my back, "I love you more."

I chuckled and shook my head at Tori, "Yeah you could say that."

Tori smiled and tilted her head to the side, "Tell me about it."

I tilted my head in the same direction as hers and looked up at the ceiling, "Well, you and I will go to college. I'll be a successful actor and you'll be successful pop star and actress. Then we'll get an apartment and you'll go to all of my movie premieres..." I rambled on about all the things I've imagined and the entire time Tori is looking at me with a cheeky grin on her face. She laughs at some of the things I say, but I know that at least some of those things will happen.

Tori's beautiful, every little piece of her. Coming home to her everyday will be the highlight of my day. I love her.

Our love will forever be beautiful.


This has been Stay Beautiful Bori. I hope you all enjoyed this story! I love you all! xoxo