Marley Rose waited anxiously for Mr. Schue to put up the list of who got into the Glee Club. She wanted this so bad. She just wanted a place where she could feel accepted.

Jake Puckerman walked down the hallway, also waiting for Mr. Schue to put up the list. He knew he had a good voice, but he was afraid that his bad attitude jeopardized his performance.

"Hey." Jake said, walking up to Marley. "You auditioned too?" He asked.

"Yep." She nervously said. Wow, she thought. He's really cute.

Marley was about to ask what his audition song was, when Mr. Schue finally walked up to the bulletin board and posted the list up.

"Well, here goes nothing." Marley said, walking to the list.

"I'm sure you'll get in, don't worry about it." Jake smiled at her.

"Yeah, you too." She said, getting butterflies in her stomach.

She started at the top of the list, her eyes wondering down each name until she saw it. Printed in tiny black letters: Marley Rose.

Marley couldn't believe it! She actually got in! This was finally the year she would be accepted and be in a place where she belonged. There was only one problem though.

Jake walked up to the list, his smile quickly turning into a frown when he saw that his name wasn't on there.

"I didn't get in." He mumbled, almost angrily.

"Look, I can talk to Mr. Schue about it. Maybe he made a mistake. He has to let you in." Marley hopefully said.

"It's no use. I blew it." He said coldly, then turned around and left without another word.

Marley couldn't get Jake out of her head. Was it possible she actually liked him? Even though she was so happy she got into the New Directions, she was upset that Jake didn't get in.

The New Directions let Marley sing lead on the first group number of the year, and she was nervous. What if I'm not what their looking for? She thought. What if they don't like me as much as they did for my audition? No. Marley shook those ideas out of her head. She started singing, and the New Directions seemed to really like her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jake walk into the auditorium. He caught her eye, smiled at her, and gave her a thumbs-up.

Yeah, she thought. This was going to be a great year.