
Disclaimer: I don't own anything

A/N: I'm normally a young justice writer But I've fallen in love with Ninjago. I really Love Lloyd and I wanted to give him more of a back story. This is gonna be angsty as hell.

Prologue: Alone

Ninjago is silent this night; the pale moon sets high in the sky. Lloyd sits in the empty house, knees drawn up to his thin chest. It's so empty here, and he feels so alone. His father has been gone for god knows how long and he's never known a mother.

He's miserable, that hasn't changed in so long. He's only eight, and eight year olds like company, they like to play. Lloyd, despite being the son of the most evil man in the world, is no exception. Boredom over took him and soon that turned to depression. Not that someone his age understands depression but there's really no other word for it.

Lloyd looks out the window, there is nothing for miles. It's just so empty, always. Nothing ever changed. Lloyd sleeps most of the day because sleeping at nights brings the dreams. A strange darkness, everything is so cold. He sees his father and screams for him. But he doesn't hear him, or he just doesn't care.

Lloyd often wonders if he's done something wrong. What could he have done to make his father leave him? What could he have done that would make him deserve to be alone?

Lloyd looks up for a moment and clenches his fist against the fabric of his pants.

"I'll show you," he mutters. "I'll show you that I'm good enough. I'll show you, I'll be just like you."

A/N: I don't know where I'm going with this but hopefully someone can get enjoyment out of this.