Author's Note (Nov 2011) - I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been in hiatus for a long time with this story. But, since one of you contacted me on tumblr I thought I'd go ahead and step back up to the plate. Since I have a general idea how I want this story to go, I'm going to deliver to you what I can. It's not like I'm busy, I was just waiting for the will to write to come back. So now, because of you, my readers, it is back.

Early in the morning I woke up to something... rather unexpected.

Warm air tickled the nape of my neck. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times.

Someone was holding me; and rather tight at that. Now that I was fully awake I realized I was leaned into another's body, their arms wrapped around my waist.

I didn't even have to look over at them, I knew who it was.

"G-Gin." my voice came out squeaky and tired.

A gentle murmur that I didn't catch replied. Gin nestled his head into the crook of my neck, his lips practically touching my skin.

"Gin...!" this time my voice was not as squeaky, just tired.

I tried to move but his grip just tightened on my waist.

"Gin!" I hissed, craning my neck back to see a half-asleep Gin recoil from me.

He let go of my waist and yawned.

Suddenly my face felt hot. I realized what sort of situation we were in.

"Why are you in here, Gin?" I asked as calm as I possibly could.

"Sleeping." He chuckled, his voice full of sleep; with that said, he started inching closer to me.

"W-what's wrong with your room?" I asked, stopping him in his tracks.

Then he smiled, "You're not in it."

My opened my mouth to say something but my voice was lost in my throat. Before I knew it Gin's arms were around me and my cheek was flush with his neck.

Then I remembered what he said to me last night.

Guilt washed over me again, like I had reopened a wound.

"I'm sorry... I didn't wake you up earlier."

I felt Gin's head move to look down at me.

"Where were you?"


"A spirit came when you were gone."

"W-what?!" I almost shouted; I pushed away from Gin so I could look him in the eye. His face was just as pained as it was serious.

"Why did you go in the forest?" Gin asked firmly.

"I had to find out something... about you." I answered slowly.

Gin's eyes narrowed, "Why not just ask me?"

"Ok... when you were human, were you ever sick?"

Gin's serious expression dropped completely. Now he just looked plain confused as he contorted his face in thought.

"I... don't remember, I was just an infant when the Mountain God turned me into a youkai."

"Do you feel any different than you did before you came back?"

"Well, I was never sick before..."

"Gin?" I breathed out softly, "I think you're human now."

Gin chuckled and said simply, "Of course I am."

My serious face faded as I watched him slowly calm down.

"Hotaru, if I wasn't human your grandpa and aunt wouldn't be able to see me."

"Huh? I could see you!"

Then he just smiled, "That's because you're special."