"Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten." –Lilo and Stitch


The first time I met Warren Anderson, I knew he wasn't the kind of person I would keep in my company. Everything from his immaculate suit to the dishonest look in his eye screamed "Not a good guy!" at me. It was parents' night at Dalton, and Blaine had come over to say hello.

"Where are your parents?" Carole asked.

"Oh… um parent. I don't know my mom. My dad is at the headmaster's office." Blaine said.

"I thought only the parents with kids who were having trouble went to the headmaster's office tonight?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah… my dad is a huge donor to the school." Blaine says.

"Oh." Kurt says.

Then Warren Anderson, with his styled bronze hair and cold grey eyes came around the corner and shouted for his son. Blaine stiffened immediately. "Coming, sir." He called. Then, with a hasty good-bye, he hurried after his dad.

Blaine and his dad weren't at the dinner, and we didn't see them for the rest of the night.

By the time that Kurt transferred back to McKinnley, Blaine had become kind of a permanent fixture at our house. He and Kurt would spend hours talking about everything and everything. They did everything together. Still, I hadn't really talked to the kid much. I knew he was a good kid, but he hadn't exactly made the best first impression. Even though Blaine always acted suave, I could tell he was nervous around me.

The first time anything happened, Carole called and asked for Kurt.

"He went to the store to grab some milk. Why what's up?"

"Blaine just walked into the hospital. His wrist is broken, he said he fell off the sidewalk but he won't let us check for further injuries. I thought maybe Kurt could convince him otherwise."

"Where's his dad?"

"Not answering his phone."

I scoff. "Who doesn't answer their phone when the hospital calls?"

"I don't know. From what I've seen that man is an up-tight scumbag and is not fit for parenting." Carole replies. "Call me when Kurt gets back."

I don't think much of it after that.