Hey everybody, Callenlover1031 here. So I know I'm writing the sequel to "The Reluctant Connection" but I seem to be stuck at a brick wall. I know how I want the chapter and story to go; I am just having trouble getting there. So to stop from myself from becoming angry, I decided to start a new fanfic for a whole new show. I wanted to do either Harry Potter, Free Willy. NCIS:Los Angeles, or Chronicles of Narnia but I just got into a new TV series so I decided to do that. The TV Series… Young Justice. I came in late so I had to catch up by watching the entire first season online but I like it… much different than I expected but still good.

Anyways, this story is going to be in a different writing style than I usually do. This story is going to be by episodes instead of random titles like my other stories. So… onto the summary. Season 1 will focus on the relationships building between each character. The main relationship will be between Robin/Richard and a young girl named Angelee. So just for you all know, it's pronounced An-ge-lee. As of right now, she's not going to have a superhero name… can't come up with one but she will have one by the time the season starts. This chapter and the next one will be all background about Angelee. I hope you all enjoy it and please review with thoughts and suggestions about anything; especially Angelee's superhero name.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the DC characters or the show; those belong to their respected owners. All I own are the new characters, new plots and new settings.

Character description and Prologue part 1

Character name: Angelica Frederick

Nickname: Angelee or Angel


Although she was born on Earth, Angelica Frederick's family comes from the distant planet of Trivoyian. The people of Trivoyian have unique abilities that give them the power to use their surroundings in any way they want. At the age of four, she lost her parents in a plane crash while trying to escape the tyrant from Trivoyian Dremlick. Brother of Angelica's father, Jerry, Dremlick is the cause for Jerry and his wife, Karen, having to leave Trivoyian. After becoming an orphan, Angelee wandered alone; running from Dremlick and using her abilities any way she should to survive; and that included stealing. One night, she happened to wander into Gotham City. By now, she was 10 and quite powerful for her age. On that night, she walked into a small convenience store. With a small bag, she cautiously began to fly food from the shelves into the bag. For a while, everything was going perfect until the owner caught her. Aiming a gun at her, Angelee panicked and lost control of her powers making the store start on fire. Quickly making a run for it, Angelee hid in an alley close by but took off soon after when she heard sirens. She felt bad for not only stealing from the poor owner but setting his business on fire. She knew stealing was wrong and wanted to turn herself in; but she knew she couldn't. Surely the local enforcements would arrest her; or kill her; she didn't know the ways of Earth fully. So the thefts and accidents continued for a few more weeks. Then one chilly night, Angelee planned on stealing some warm clothes and blankets to keep herself from freezing (Trivoyian's bodies are meant to remain at a solid 100 degrees all the time) but she felt like she was being watched. Using an invisibility spell, her spies lost sight of her. Rushing to fill the bag, one store managed to stay intact. Moving to a grocery store a few blocks down, she glanced inside only to find the store empty. Disarming the alarm system, she began to fill another bag with food. Eating from a bag of chips, she heard a "whizz" and "whoosh" to the sides of her. Doing quick glances, 2 Batarangs caught her eye.

"Stay right there!" A deep voice threatened.

"Batman… she's just a kid." A higher voice came from behind her.

Not wanting to move but knowing she had to leave, Angelee began muttering under her breath. Suddenly, purple smoke appeared and began to fill the store. Once the two voices began coughing, she made a break for the door. Reaching the outside, she continued to run; running as far as her legs would take her. Not being able to run anymore, she saw an abandoned building about a mile down; hope glimmered on her face. Deciding to walk there, Angelee started to wonder about the two voices she heard earlier,

"Who were those people? One was named Batman but who was the other? He sounded around my age."

Reaching the base of the building, Angelee pushed the door open; dust entering her nose making her sneeze. On her toes, she glided through the building looking for a place to rest. Finding a small corner away from any windows, a tiny fire was started. It was hot enough to keep her warm while bundled under the blankets but small enough to not be too noticeable. Munching from a bag of pretzels, she felt her eyes closing. Putting the bag down and pulling the blankets higher, she laid down close to the fire. In no time, her eyes were closed and she was sleeping.

~FF to the next night~

After a long day of staking out potential targets, Angelee stood in the shadows across from another small grocery store. Waiting for the last person to close up for the night, she looked around,

"Coast is clear." Flying to the door, a red light surrounded her; pulling her through the door without setting off the alarm. Glancing around the aisles, the bag behind her started to fill with sweets, drink and junk food. Coming to a frozen section, another bag began to fill with ice cream and a ham, "Today is special day. Mommy loved Earth ham."

Quietly and quickly filling a third bag, she left the store to go to what she called home. Flying back, she was invisible to make sure she couldn't be seen. But what she didn't know was the three bags behind her could be seen.

Down on the ground, a night watcher was waiting for anything suspicious.

"Batman, 3 bags floating in the air." A high voice informed.

"Good," the deep voice pulled out a small batarang and threw it at one of the bags, "tracker is on. We'll get her this time!" He sounded harsh.

Worried at the thought, the younger voice watched the bags disappear below the skyline,

"Batman, let me go."

"NO! She's too dangerous!"

"Batman; she's just a kid. She can't be older than 10, maybe 11."

"And you've seen what she do," the deep voice was untouched, "we take her down together," his eyes narrowed, "let's go!" And he leapt off to the other building.

Concerned, higher voice followed him. He didn't want to hurt her but he couldn't disobey a direct order.

At the abandoned building, Angelee was cooking the ham. Having gotten warmer clothes, she didn't need the blankets. Instead, she used them as a pad for the sleeping bag to go over. Eating tiny bites of the ham, a smile grew on her face,

"Happy Birthday Mommy," she ate more, "just like you made it."

~FF 1 hour~

Enjoying some ice cream, Angelee started to think of her life. Silent in thought, she flinched when she heard footsteps on the roof. Putting the fire out, everything was cleaned up and she crouched in the corner. In the dark, two figures dropped to the floor. Becoming scared, a white barrier extended 10feet in front of her,

"Go away!"

Using all the gadgets he could think of, deep voice began to throw everything at the barrier. Becoming more afraid, the barrier turned to fire; not allowing anyone but Angelee to breath.

"We have to get out of here!" The deep voice coughed from the smoke.

"But what about her? We can't just leave her!"

Realizing his higher voiced ally was right, deep voice tried to run through the barrier to get Angelee. But it was futile; he only ended up screaming in pains from burns. He laid on the ground; motionless. Seeing the pain she caused, Angelee brought the barrier closer to her. Seeing this as an opportunity, higher voice stood up and started to run to deep voice. But Angelee didn't know this; she immediately pushed the barrier passed deep voice and increased the intensity of the fire.

"No!" higher voice stopped and drew a batarang, "let him go!"

"He tried to hurt me!" Angelee shouted back, "You wish to do the same!"

Finding a clearing in the barrier, higher voice saw Angelee's face for the first time. Fear and worry was written all over it.

"Okay," the batarang was put away, "you're right he tried," he peeked at deep voice, "and that was wrong of him," higher voice put his hands up, "but I'm not going to hurt you. All I want is to get my friend and make sure he's not hurt. Can I do that?"

With hesitation, Angelee asked,

"How can I believe you? How do I know you or him won't want to hurt me again?

Thinking, higher voice inched closer to the barrier,

"Because I want to help you… talk to you," he heard deep voice moan, "please. Let me help me."

Hearing the man moan again, Angelee pulled the barrier back; exposing deep voice. Rushing over, the small boy helped the taller man up,

"I got ya big guy, they shuffled off to the side, "you okay?"

"Fine." He huffed in pain.

Looking over his shoulder, higher voice saw Angelee's face. Remorse and worry took over the fear. Gently and slowly, he started to walk towards the barrier.

"Robin! What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help her. Trust me."

Watching him get closer, Angelee had fear again,

"Stay back!" The intensity of the fire barrier grew again, "Go away!"

"Calm down," Robin went closer, "I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you."

Not believing him, Angelee sent out a ball of energy,

"I don't believe you! Leave me alone!"

Dodging the energy, Robin was persistent,

"Why would I lie to you? I want to help you; understand you."

Still with worry, Angelee pulled the barrier back some more,

"You talk through the barrier; I do not trust you." She lowered the intensity of the flames.

Looking back at Batman, Robin got closer to the barrier,

"I'm Robin," he pointed to Batman, "and that's my mentor Batman," Batman's eyes were narrow and harsh, "what's yours?"

"…Angelica. But everyone calls me Angelee."

"Angelee… that's a beautiful name. What are you doing in Gotham Angelee?" The intensity increased again, "It's okay. You're not in trouble; I just want to know."

Hesitant to answer, Angelee decreased the intensity again,

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just to get to know you."

"I'm…I'm an orphan."

Robin stared at Batman,

"Come with me."

Angelee's eyes went wide and the barrier's intensity sky-rocketed,

"NO! You're going to take me to them and they're going to put me with strangers!"

Batman finally spoke,

"No, they won't," he carefully stood up and walked next to Robin, "you have my word."

"Angelee," Robin spoke softly, "come with us. We can help you."

Slowly creating a hole in the barrier, Angelee was cautious,

"Only Robin."

Batman stated to object but Robin shook his head no. Walking through the barrier, Robin was cautious,

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

"Sit down."

Sitting down across from her, Robin got too close the barrier and burned his arm,


Reaching her arm out, Angelee began to mutter again. Robin's arm suddenly glowed a yellow; healing the burn,

"I'm sorry…"

"How…how did you do that?" Robin examined his arm.

"Who are you? What are you?" Angelee asked.

"I'll tell you about me… if you tell me about you," he saw Angelee tense up, "but not here, "He stood up and held out a hand, "come with me. I promise I'll help you."

Grabbing his hand, Angelee felt a surge go through her body. Being pulled, the fire barrier finally ceased. In silence, they walked towards Batman.

"Where are we going?"

Batman shuffled his feet,

"To the cave. You'll stay there until we can find a more suitable place for you." He gave Angelee a smile.

Angelee became frightened again. She had no idea what… or where this… cave thing was.

"Maybe it's Earth's way of saying a dungeon… or jail."

Afraid of this idea, she pulled back; trying to run away. Her hand in Robin's stopped it. His calming voice comforted her,

"No no it's okay. It's not what you think… the cave is where Batman and I operate. It's our…: he paused to think of the right word, "Headquarters in a way," he felt Angelee tense up again, "trust me. I won't let anything happen to you." Robin gave her a full smile.

Still frightened but trusting of Robin, Angelee agreed. With their hands interlocked, all her belongings were gathered and they left the building.

"Angelee," Batman addressed the shy, scared girl, "I know you're scared and confused right now. But to get you to the cave, you must be blind-folded."

Her eyes went wide again,

"Why? Where are you really taking me?"

Robin began to explain,

"Don't worry. It's just for security reasons."

"Like what?"

"Well," Robin went into detail, "let's say one of our enemies find out that we took you to the cave. They could kidnap you and make you tell them where it is. Having you blind-folded not only protects us but it also protects you," Angelee thought to herself so Robin continued, "I'll be right next to you the entire time I promise."

For some unknown reason, Angelee felt like she could trust what he said,

"Okay," she felt a gust of wind, "what's that?"

Robin covered her,

"That… would be our ride," the BatPlane landed, "you ready?" He led Angelee to the Plane.

Staring at the large vehicle, Angelee was nervous again,

"I guess," she flew into the back, "is right here okay?" Robin tried to help Batman to the front, "Here, allow me to help."

"No, it's okay." Robin huffed.

Angelee lifted her hand; lifting Batman and Robin into the air. Gingerly, she levitated them into the plane,


The caped crusaders looked at each other.

"You able to handle the controls?" Robin helped Batman sit in the pilot's chair.

"I'll be fine." He winced.

Muttering again, Angelee's eyes began to glow yellow. Just then, Batman was surrounded by the same yellow light that Robin was earlier; healing his burns. Examining himself, Batman attempted to ask what happened when Robin stopped him,

"I'm sure she'll explain everything when she's ready," he pulled out a cloth and faced Angelee, "you ready?'

A little hesitant, Angelee nodded,

"You'll be right next to me… won't you?"

Robin smiled,

"You bet I will."

Angelee gave a partial smile and took a deep breath. Covering her eyes with the cloth, Robin helped her sit and then nodded to Batman; giving the okay to go. The dark knight closed the hatch, started the engines and took off. Occasionally looking over his shoulder, he would see Robin talking with Angelee; comforting her,

"He's getting too attached to this girl. He's going to be heart-broken when she leaves."

"How is everything back there?"

Angelee didn't respond.

"She's scared but I think she'll be okay." Robin had an arm around the young girl; trying to keep her calm.

Becoming concerned, Batman returned his attention to the sky.

~FF 1 hour~

The rest of the journey to the BatCave was silent. Angelee was sound asleep on Robin's shoulder, Robing was looking over the skyline thinking to himself and Batman controlling the plane.

"We're here." Batman informed while pressing a button on the control console.

Giving a slight nod, Robin gave Angelee a little shake,

"Angelee… time to wake up."

Angelee grunted,

"Where am I? She became frightened again.

"Sh," Robin rubbed her arm, "you're still in the BatPlane. We're getting ready to land in the cave."

Sitting up straight, Angelee stretched. Still cautious at the idea of a "cave" she prepared for everything and anything. When the plane began to descend, she yelped and gripped onto Robin's arm. Holding her close, he comforted her,

"It's okay, nothing's happening. We're just going down into the BatCave; I got you." He wrapped both arms around her to calm her down.

The plane landed and the hatch was opened. Batman hopped out first while Robin began talking to Angelee,

"Angelee. I need you to do something okay," she nodded in his chest, "I'm going to need you to trust not only me but Batman too right now."

Angelee interrupted,

"Why? What's going on?" Her body stiffened.

"It's just to get you on the ground," he and Batman relaxed when her body relaxed, "okay? Can you trust us to do that?" She nodded again, "Good," Robin led her to the side of the plane. With one hand on her waist and the other holding her hand, he helped Angelee onto the ledge, "now Batman is going to take your other hand and help you to the ground… okay?"

She was reluctant but agreed,

"Okay." she felt a stronger hand grip hers and a stronger arm go around her waist. Wanting to kick and scream in panic, she didn't; she thought back to what Robin said,

"It's just to get you to the ground."

She relaxed again when her feet touched the ground and Robin's gentle touch hit her shoulder.

"Good job," he had a smile while Batman left out a heavy breath. Robin stood in front of Angelee, "I'm taking off the blind-fold now… okay?" He slid the cloth off her face, "Okay, you're good now." Blinking in the harsh light, Angelee looked around, "Welcome to the BatCave," Robin grabbed her hand, "let me give you a tour."

Angelee felt a bit more comfortable getting away from Batman. Following Robin, her free hand clenched onto his arm; making sure he stayed close.

~Batman's POV~

Watching Robin leave with Angelee right behind him, Batman became concerned,

"Poor kid. He's going to be heart-broken…" He went over to the BatComputer and attempted to do some research on Angelee.

~Robin and Angelee's POV~

"This is the vehicle bay…"

Angelee saw various vehicles all around,

"What are they?"

"Here we have the BatBoat, BatCopter, the BatMobile…" Robin pointed out each one.

Angelee saw a red motorcycle,

"What's that one, the BatCycle?" She snickered.

Robin remained flat,

"That's mine, the RedBird."

Angelee raised an eyebrow,

"Are you even old enough to drive it?"

"Not yet; it's for when I get older. It needs some work though."

"It looks great," Angelee walked next to it, "can I touch it?"

"Go ahead."

Angelee gingerly traced her fingers along the handlebars. Most of the underneath was still exposed but it looked beautiful to her,

"I bet you'll look great on it," She gave a little smile. Robin smiled while rubbing a hand on the back of his neck making Angelee giggle, "so when do I get to know about you? About Batman?"

Forgetting about that, Robin held his hand out,

"Come on. I have one last thing to show you," Angelee sulked, "and then we'll get exchange information about each other."

Reluctantly agreeing, Angelee walked back to Robin; grabbing his hand. Together, they strode into the main area of the BatCave.

"That over there," Robin pointed to a bunch of machines, "is the BatComputer."

"What makes it so special? Angelee noticed all the screens, hardware and controls.

Okay, that is part 1of the background. The next chapter is part 2 where we actually learn the whole background of Angelee. I have half that chapter written but I plan to have it up either tonight or tomorrow. I'm hoping for tonight but I can't guarantee anything. I hope you all liked the chapter and decide to stick with this new story. Much love to all. Don't forget to review with any thoughts, opinions, suggestions and questions.