The Hero of Gone & Banisher of Missed



"Inner Sakura"


"Demon Talking"

'Demon Thought'



The One in Sorrow

Let me come in where you are weeping, friend, and let me take your hand.

I, who have known a sorrow such as yours, can understand.

Let me come in - I would be very still. Beside you in your grief; I would not bid you cease your weeping, friend.

Tears can bring relief.

Let me come in - I would only breathe a prayer, and hold your hand, for I have known a sorrow such as yours, and understand…by Grace Noll Crowell.

Disclaimer: Naruto belonged to Masahi Kishimoto!

The bright morning sun had shined upon the Land of Wave while the workers from construction site are still working on completing the Bridge.

The metal clank and the machines are running as the labor forces are settle on finishing without stopping. Although, they are still a few who are worried and fearing that Gato might send one of his savage men to kill them either at work or at home. No one can blame them for fearing for their lives that they have families, no one is completely safe from Gato's merciless cruelty to the people. He shows no care to what he dubs them as insignificant, meager, lowlife insects.

But, Tazuna is one of the few risk-takers that defied Gato who had something that Gato could never understand or buy, and is hope. A hope that will shine away the gloomy darkness and go into the future, and this Bridge will be their light of hope that will take them there.

Sitting on the side and watching the workers works are Sakura and Shino.

Sakura and Shino have completed their Chakra training with flying colors, showing their amazing Chakra control from their first try which earned them astonished faces from their teammates and praises from their Sensei(s).

They are only here to watch over Tazuna after waking so early in the morning while the remaining teams must continue their training till they get the hand of it.

Sakura let out a tired and very bored yawn, its good she gets her off day but it's so boring not doing anything besides watching the men works. Shino, on the other hand, didn't seem to be bored nor said a word since they got here. In fact he's been quiet for like too long for her liking, so she open her mouth to strike up a conversation, anything to her herself out of dullness.

"So Shino," once she spoke Shino glances at her just slightly as she continues.

"So, what you think of this mission? Pretty weird if you ask me like how our mission has taken turn to worse, the Demon Brothers, Zabuza, and now we got ourselves involve with crime lord who clearly show no concern to anyone slash drug dealer slash money-hungry smuggler." Sakura cease for a moment after she realizes she said too much, and got herself embarrassing flush across as she glances at Shino who look at her fully. He may not show it but it clears to Sakura that he stares at her strangely and with one eyebrow up.

"Hehe! Did I talk too fast?" she feels so embarrassed.

"…Yes!" Shino replied so bluntly making Sakura even worse than embarrassment, and a dark cloud of mortification appeared suddenly, and it's hovering over her head with her head cast down.

"So~ direct."

"However, your assumptions are clear-cut." Then the cloud on Sakura's head is gone as she looks up at Shino who he stares back at the workers.

"It was peculiar to everything that happened but it is also equitable that it happened."

"What do you mean?"

"Perhaps there is a reason why we chose to stay on this mission," then he eyes turn to glance at Tazuna working hard than his other workers and shouting orders.

"Our client took the risk by lying to the Hokage and us, and getting everyone involve with dangerous people that they will dispose of us without second thought, and possibly demolish this very bridge they worked so hard for together with the people's dreams and hopes." He said it and Sakura look at him with deadpan look.

"You have distinguished lack of enthusiasm, and you are not making it any less better!"

"But, in spite of everything else, Tazuna placed a huge and drastic bet on the fate of his people's lives and his family as well. I call it foolish, but truly a brave man to stand up to a powerful crime lord to recover their Village's prosperity and give them dreams to live for." Once he concluded he left Sakura baffled.

What he said was really stirring and moving and believe in Tazuna's hopeful bridge will restore what is stolen from them, their hope to live.

Sakura smile when she stare at Tazuna, this man could be rough around edges but he has a deep heart that he cares for his Village, and she will too believe in Tazuna's bridge will work and get everyone's lives back the way it was.

After Tazuna and his men finished part of the unfinished bridge he, Sakura, and Shino went out to the market place to buy some groceries for dinner tonight.

Upon arriving in small store they were astonished to find the lack of shortage of food like nothing they've seen that's almost ludicrous, in every shelf, and stand nothing is plentiful enough to feed anybody.

By the time they left the store they were even more than shocked to find the poor state in the Land of Wave, people are mostly jobless, poor and tattered children are everywhere, and horribly miserable.

And that is why Tazuna believes that this bridge will give people courage, hope, and opening the door to take back their life back. A chance that will turn everything back to normal, the way it used to be, and that bridge will give what they want.

Shino and Sakura are touched and they will help him and the Land of Wave to finish that bridge without stopping.

They walk back to Tazuna's house without saying another word which is not needed, as Tsunami said thank you to them for getting the food as she prepares dinner.

As soon as the sun sets and night comes and dinner was placed on the table and all eat and eat happily, Tazuna is really happy to have such a dinner with many guests in his house in long time.

"This is really fun! It's been a while since I ate with this many people!" said Tazuna with smile on his face.

Everyone is enjoying their dinner quite pleasantly while Sasuke and Kiba, however, are competing against each other on who will eat the most in fast rate.

They were eating so fast that chewing their food was unnecessary as they chow down like their lives depend on it.

But it's making everyone disgusted by them, and ignoring them is becoming hard and it's their first dish. Both Kiba and Sasuke finished their meal at the same time and both stand up and said simultaneously.

"Seconds, please?" and simultaneously they stare at each other in surprise and glare so intensify that everyone can see an electricity bolt ramming at each other.

Sakura who is unlucky to watch this ridiculous display of rivalry is humorless, and before she knew it her expression turn into revolt when two boys starting to feel sick and then they puke all the content they ate.

Sakura is appalled and angry till she slams the table with her hands and snapped at them.

"Don't eat so much if you're going to puke it up!" she exclaimed angrily, but Sasuke and Kiba refuse to give in just yet.

"No, I'll eat, I'll get strong quicker. "Sasuke mumbled weakly but his resolve is strong.

"I'll force myself to eat to get strong and beat you and your self-image to the ground." Kiba exclaimed determinedly while sooth the pain in his stomach.

Kakashi who witnessed nodded in agreement.

"That's true, but puking won't help you with anything!" he lightly scold them while Kurenai disapproved of this by shaking her head and mumbling unbelievable under her breath.

After everyone had their fill Tsunami had made hot green tea for everyone and they enjoy the soothing warmth after eating a hearty meal. Everyone drinks all except one little boy who remained silent the whole thing. Sakura noticed a picture hanging on the wall is a family picture which is pretty normal and look very nice, however what really captured her interest from her view is the picture is been torn on the upper right corner, she sees Inari smiling so true and wide with his Mother and Grandfather but who was the other person that been ripped from the happy family. How odd?

"Um, why are you hanging a torn picture?" she was curious and it got her team and team 8 attention and gaze at the ripped picture with equivalent notice.

"Inari-kun, you have been glancing at the picture all through dinner." She turns to stare at Inari as she proceeds.

"This torn part looks like someone intentionally tore away the person who was there." The three family members clenched and flinched from Sakura's observation for she has unraveled an unwanted pain they don't to be mention again.

Suddenly tension has risen into full capacity that nearly sent everyone worried and made Sakura nervous that she has cause it because of her curiosity, she didn't mean it to cause the family members to be in distress. Kakashi and Kurenai watch them with calm eyes, they all stood rigid and expressing suffering, from what they've seen it looks much deeper than they have thought and they know from past experience what it is. It goes far deeper than heavily wounds, much deeper and incurable…a wounded heart.

Tsunami took her moment in silence while she washing the dishes calmly, but from her heart it's like running 100 mile/hour, beating so fast and painfully that she wanted to rip it out for too much pressure. She hoped that her guests would avoid the picture and never question it, but to her disappointment her hoped have been shattered and she is trapped by pink-haired question with no way out of it, except to answer her question.

"It was my husband." And that's the end of it; she will not answer any further for her Son.

Her poor Son is still fragile about the unforgettable past; he is still in so much in pain that he never smiles anymore. Her child had suffered the pain by witnessing his Father's untimely demise right in front of him by that…that monster whose name will forever curse him for what he done to her husband and to her son…Gato.

Inari's grandfather Tazuna didn't show sorrow nor grief, but in his eyes there is honor and pride for the man who he proudly call him his son in law a great man, a great hero. So he spoke without hesitation and without considering his grandson's presence.

"He was a man known as the hero of this Village." He said it.

Inari could not take much more of this and quickly left the kitchen without a word and without reply back to his mother's cry for his name.

"Inari!" but she was too late when the door close with click, she didn't wait for a second and quickly follow her son but not before giving her father disapproving look.

"How could you say that right in front of Inari when you know well that he can't handle it." then left the kitchen to follow her son.

What left in the kitchen is more tension heavier than the last.

Inari sat at the dock right outside of his house as he gazes at the dark blue waters seeking solace in great wide blue. It is his way of getting away from everything where he can't hear his Grandfather telling those strangers stories about his Step-Father…

Why is his Grandfather bothering telling them about him? Why can't he put himself to self-pity like everybody else? Why can't he just stop being brave and be a coward? Why does he keep on going to build that stupid bridge? Does he want to make Gato mad so he can kill him like it happened to his Step-Father?

Being brave is stupid, you get hurt at the end for doing something stupid…like his Father did, he stood up against the tyrant Gato to make him leave the land, but at the end he got himself killed by the hand of this monster and he was smiling.

Without realizing he starts to tear up in big fat tears and not bothering to wipe it away he let it fall right on his lap, nothing will ever change as more tears fall down like heavy rain, he will continue cry like helpless child.

The life in Village Hidden in the Wave turns into a total disaster.

"You look like a broken dam, kid." A voice startles him interrupting his alone sobering moment and look up with teary eyes.

It was none other than a mask stranger that constantly visits him without reason to tell him, he sat right next to him and stared at the dark waters before him. Why is he here? His enemies are inside his house if they see him they will sure to attack him without question, he's too reckless to stay here.

"You can't be here, there's Ninjas in my house! If they see they'll…" his mask friend has cut him by saying.

"I masked my Chakra before I got here they won't know I was here." He concluded.

Inari has let his mouth gaped open and feel a bit foolish, he should've know by now that his mysterious friend has a way of hiding pretty well, he relaxes himself as he lets out a tired sigh.

As time passes very slowly not a single word has spoken of anything yet but let the gentle silent bask them in its glory as they enjoy the scenery, truly tranquil. Although, tranquility didn't seem to ease Inari's nerve, he is too bothered with everything to want to relax, to be more precise he is too boiled that he'll erupt.

However, he permits himself to cry again and try to hold back from making a sound. These tears he's shedding are not the tears of woe but these are the tears of hot loathing to those monster, but his loathing are mostly directing are not those monsters, is those stupid Ninjas from Konoha who are willing to stay and fight against Gato and his goons for the Village that is not theirs.

Why are they so dogged of fighting them? Aren't they at least bit of afraid of him of what he might do to them? Don't they have lives to keep and value? What about those teens those idiots don't look any close to strong and here they are too stupid and too stubborn to know that the odds are against them? Why? Why? WHY?

"What did you just say?" Inari got startled when his friend asked him suddenly; he looks up to see him staring at him, Inari must've said his thought out loud without realizing it.

Excuses are no longer an option his mind is infinite with trouble like a cat on a hot tin roof, the feeling he kept locked inside has exploded and it is free to bellow right now.

"Why…why are they training so hard in a fight they can't win?! Gato has a whole army of mercenaries and bandits that would kill anyone for his money, those idiots have no chance in stopping Gato, so why?" Inari is bellowing and sobbing like a broken dam but he don't care he just want to keep on going even if he's here next to him.

But then that friend is also a mercenary hired by Gato and he's working for Gato that he knows, but a hot white anger whirled within him that he kept it since the day he met him.

Since he met him all he wants to do is to rat him out, get the authorities to take him in jail and see him rot, or he wanted so desperately to hurt him in a way he never been hurt before even if he didn't do it…yet. He is too angry to be scared now too broken from everything that has been stolen from him, they ruined his happiness.

"And you! You're no different from them, just watching you coming by my room like you own it makes me sick and pretend to be my friend and being nosy and laugh all the time when you don't know what real suffering and what is like to be treated like dirt!" Inari has no idea that he caused the masked fox cringed like he's been stabbed and twisted it.

Naruto feel his inside are hurting as his mind displayed memories of his past life he left behind, he was the main character of tragedy and pain for the people in the Village as they take pleasure to see him to suffer more by throwing things at him, calling him names, and…treat him like dirt.

He tighten his knuckles that he heard his bone cracking and feel his muscle straining but he didn't care now when he is truly mad, mad at Inari to dare to talk to him about suffering and tragedy and all he can do about it is cry, the brat is always crying, always mourning, always bellowing at anyone for mention of his step-father and calling anyone who are stupid to stand up to Gato.

This is his last straw, Naruto have been put up to his bickering long enough it is time for this kid to wake up.

"Listen to yourself, whining and complaining like you are some sorry little victim." Inari choked when he listened intoning in cold, cold voice and Inari feel very cold and very scared when he turned to face him. Inari is fighting a struggling battle to get his eyes to turn away from him, but to no vial as he gazes back at two cerulean blue eyes through the mask, and in his eyes are used to showing him compassion when he met him but now it looks like a storm is brewing.

"Do you know what you are…you are nothing more than whimpering crybaby and a coward!" he spat to him coldly as he glares down through the hole of his mask with intensity.

Inari was struck with electrifying shock of his life, never before he heard such terrible words spatting at him like he was pouring salt to his wound; it struck him directly where it hurts the most and it's way worse than watching his Step-Father die before his very eyes.

He shouldn't feel hurt to begin with, he should be pay no heed to him and yet he didn't, those words of his had gored right through him making him choke. Why does this stupid thing hurt so badly? He could yell at him back but all words he was supposed to say died in his throat.

Perhaps the only thinkable thing he assumed was what he said about him is…true, he told him a simple aching truth. There were no tears this time to shed but what he is feeling right now is worthlessness, it is a new feeling of worthlessness and it is far worse than the time where he couldn't save his puppy and much, much worse than he watched helplessly his dear Step-Father died. It was when a person reveals who you truly are just by simply saying straight at your face.

Inari's legs is too weak to stand that he fell on his knees with head bent down with shame and guilt, anything he do and said always resulted in losing everything. He was right he is nothing more than whimpering crybaby and a coward.

"Inari." Inari has flinched but not from fear, he flinched in surprised for he called his name in very gently.

"You've got understand that I didn't say that out of spite." He coaxed with gentleness that Inari never heard this from him before.

"But you are one stubborn kid…like me once." It seized Inari's attention as he stare at him, he may not see what behind his mask but he can take a wild guess that he is expressing a desolate look.

"You and I are roughly alike; I grew up without a Father. Actually, I never knew my parents and friends…I never had a single friend." Inari felt his heart could break at any moment and mostly surprised that his friend is sharing his hardship from long before.

Naruto chose not to tell Inari about his friends, he had them once but they never came back for him which could only mean they left him like forgettable trash. It brings a hurtful twinge in his chest.

"But I got really bored of crying because crying won't make the pain to go away, neither is sulking nor grow timid. I desperately try to make people recognize me and putting my life on the line for the sake of my dream…and I left my home to follow my path." He said so truly.

"That is the true meaning of being strong, like what your Father did when he stood up to Gato." He then Naruto did something to Inari that the boy wasn't prepared for, Naruto removed Inari's hat from his head and then place his hand on top of his hair and ruffle him soothingly like an older brother comforting his younger sibling.

Inari is unmoved like an emotionless rock, he held his breath as his friend continue to caress his head and felt warmth emitting from his hand and it seeps through all the way to his heart, a mutual understanding has brought them a lot closer than they imagined it and it felt really good, and Inari just felt…something indescribably…light.

Naruto, in his case, felt a bit light after confronting Inari and now seeing him finally understood his Father's meaning in strength and bravery proof that it's time to move on, he still young and fresh he need to live his life to the fullest. But, it also gave him a sense of commemoration of one certain person whose heart is brighter than gold, Iruka-Sensei.

Before meeting Inu-kun, Iruka was his only friend in the world when he was young. No, he was like a Father he could ask for, he is so different from the other Sensei(s) he had so unpleasantly met, they always put him into trouble on purpose and because of that he was forced to transfer class after class, it was crazy because everything is spinning from going everywhere. But that what got him to meet Iruka-Sensei.

In the beginning, he dislikes the man but it got so strange when he treated him…differently, like calling out his real name instead of freak, or encourages him to do better in exercise, or whenever he saw him with troubled look he is there to ask me what's wrong. As day went by, it comes to realize that Iruka-Sensei is a gentle and kind man, but he can be really scary when he gets mad when he causes trouble or doing pranks.

It was the happiest and best day of his young life when he met Iruka-Sensei, he shines his days even brighter and always looking forward to get into class, no matter how boring or lame it is.

But, he will never forget this one perfect day when Iruka-Sensei had been so kind to invite him for dinner and introduced him to the Ichiraku Ramen, and by God was his witness, that Ramen was food of the divine, and he'll never part away from it ever.

Then Naruto feel Inari shifted as he suddenly slumped his head against Naruto's shoulder, he looks down to find Inari fell asleep with the most calm expression he ever seen. It seem with all the emotional drama it took a heavy toll on the young boy and fell into slumber for much needed rest, Naruto didn't mind it pleases him to see Inari can rest peacefully without worry, and by the looks of it, it is getting late and Zabuza will be pissed if he returns late again, and not to mention Inari's mother and grandfather will expect him in his room.

He carefully lift him in his arms and carried him as quietly as a mouse to Inari's room, he found his window open and jumped in and landed quietly on his feet. As he lay him down on his bed he took one look of Inari and soften at the sight, the boy is, at last, at peace no more haunted looks or regrets but just serenity he welcomed. Naruto carefully place his hand on top of Inari's hair and caress him in most gentle gesture, comforting and protecting the boy like his own little brother…and it will sadden him to leave him once the mission is over.

He withdraw his hand and headed to the open window but not before he take one last look at Inari and left in whoosh like motion, like he disappeared to thin air, returning back to his temporarily hideout where he is pretty sure he'll get a ruthful punishment from the Demon of the Mist, but then again he is injured still. But, Haku will do it for him.

Oh, he can't wait to get back as he sarcastically thought.

Morning came with bird chirping and sun shining brilliantly as both team woken up fresh and bright. Tsunami has woken up much early than them, cooked them breakfast, ate, and then went out to begin their training.

During their training Kakashi and Kurenai have seen how much their students have progressed and to say they are happy for the result. Sakura is the first one to success for the first try, Kakashi always knew that Sakura has the most controlled in her Chakra better than anyone in such young age Kunoichi, but she's not the only one, Hinata comes next and accomplished amazingly. She too have amazing control on her Chakra making the training look very easy, Kiba commented how great Hinata is which resulted the poor girl flushed bright red. Sasuke and Shino are doing great job but they are still struggling to keep up with the girls, but their evolvement are staggering. Lastly Kiba is nowhere close as Sasuke and Shino which aggravate him, he watches Sasuke and Shino are getting pretty close to the top and he further away from them by half. He gritted his teeth as he growls like a dog, he needs to get stronger if he wants to beat that stuck-up Uchiha if he can't complete this training he will never live with it if he fails, not to mention he will never hear the end of Sasuke calling him loser and failure.

So Kiba need to complete his training to prove the Uchiha that he can do better than he couldn't imagine he can do, he prove to him and himself that he is strong because he is an Inuzuka, and Inuzuka don't know the meaning of quitting.

Kurenai is watching her students in quiet joy and pride to see they are becoming stronger than the day she first introduced herself as their Sensei. They've grown so much and so fast, but she hides her worry and fear for them after they got themselves involved with the crime lord, abusing those poor people into starvation, hopelessness, and tragedy.

Although, the one person who she most worried about is Kakashi, he seems to have an ache evident in his eyes. She already guessed who he's thinking of, a certain person he dearly misses and deeply guilty of not being there when he had needed him.

Kakashi has lost many of his precious people his father died by suicide, two of his teammates each died in cruel death, his devoted Sensei gone by removing his soul to seal the demonic beast into the child, who he promised to watch him over. However, the last fragment of his loved one has reopened old wounds and getting stabbed to a new and worst kind of wound.


He suffered immensely, never having any peace of mind and soul. Suffering it continues to hurt him on inside but his steel belief that he is still alive somewhere, but if only there is a solid clue that lead it to him. All he can do for now is feebly pray for him, and highly hope that he would find him here.

It sounded ludicrous, impossible even. But a man can hope for something like this to happen.

Haku wore a peaceful smile on his pale complexion at the wonderful bright afternoon sun shining through the evergreen trees, and the melodic music from twittering birds add the final touches in the tranquil forest.

Haku loved the day than the night. In the dark of the night he becomes as mysterious, silent, and soulless killer of the night, but in plain daylight he is free to expose himself, no mask to wear. He can be Haku.

"If you smile like that people will see you as a girl." A snarky feminine comment disturbed the silence. But Haku was not alarmed, he already sensed him.

"Speak for yourself. You are one entirely, Naruto!" he retorted wittily.

Naruto smirked always enjoying a good joke on each other as he places both of his…I mean both of her hands on her slim waist.

"And I'm proud of it!" he spoke in soft feminine tone while swaying his/her hips seductively and winking to Haku.

Haku shaky his head with tolerant smile, he sometimes wonder why Naruto find changing his gender is amusing or why other men found him attractive he'll never know. But despite it all, it's really effective.

Naruto created this Jutsu to disguise him into a woman completely, it is called the Sexy no Jutsu. But his whisker-like markings on his cheeks, hair, and blue eyes seem to be stuck the way it is, and no matter he tries to change them it simply can't. So he uses other method of concealing, makeups to only hide his whisker markings on his cheeks, in which he already concealed them.

"We must take our leaves now; we need to get the plants for Zabuza." Haku spoke as he picked up the basket.

He and Naruto will pick the amount of chosen plant for Zabuza to heal him faster, for that's they each wear a disguise of their own. Haku let his long hair loose reaching mid-back, and wore a pink, sleeveless kimono, with pale red edges and decorated with small plum-colored swirls, which went to his ankles. Around his waist was a simple white obi tied in a bow, and he wore a pair of light brown sandals with dark straps. He also wore a dark-colored choker around his neck. Naruto wore the same outfit as Haku but with much different and brighter color, his sleeveless kimono is orange with dark orange edges and adorned with sakura blossom raining down, and he too wore sandals. But he didn't wear choker.

"I still prefer to stay and train, not go pick some dumb plants." He said with pouty and annoyed face, Haku chuckled.

"That's because last night you came back late, got Zabuza angry, and punished you! You know full well the importance of curfew."

"And I told you dozens of times I lost track of time!"

"Yes, you did bellow about it but that's still a price you must pay. Come, if we finish early you can train all you want." Haku concluded as he makes his way to the exit, Naruto huffed like an upset child having his time-out as he follows him disconsolately.

He might as well get this over, and the sooner he finishes the faster he gets to his training to get stronger.

Okay, I am done. I'm happy the chapter is finished and hope you guys will like it, and I'll be sure to get the next chapter done much soon than this. So stay tuned next for the upcoming chapter of Naruto the Red Mist.