A/N: I'm really happy to be getting such good reviews.

Chapter 3

The sun slowly made its way into the sky. Inuyasha groaned as the sunlight hit his face. Blinking his rubbed his tired eyes, giving a loud yawn he looked around the camp. Inuyasha cocked his head in interest as he noticed Sesshomaru's two headed dragon had shown up.

"So you have finally awoken little brother?" Sesshomaru's voice drifted up to him "Now do be so kind as removing yourself from that tree, Rin has made you food".

Inuyasha jumped down landing over by Rin who held out a stick of what smelt like rabbit meat. He dug in, ripping the meat off the stick, Rin grinned at his enthusiasm while Sesshomaru cringed at his lack of etiquette. 'That will have to change' Sesshomaru thought holding back the urge to gag. Inuyasha brought the sleeve of his fire rat fur to his face, using it to wipe the remnants of food from his mouth.

"Let us be off then" Sesshomaru said getting off the ground.

"Where?" Inuyasha asked suspicion clear in his voice.

"To the western palace, I have some business to attend to that cannot be left any longer".

Inuyasha's eyes widened slightly "No I refuse to go back there".

"Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru growled.

"Fuck off Sesshomaru, first off its none of your concern what I do and second I promised myself I would never go back there to that place" He spat.

Inuyasha had pushed himself off then ground his hand inching towards his sword, Sesshomaru glared at his younger brother contemplating what to do. Inuyasha turned to run.

"What did I say about running off little brother" The elder Inu demon stated

Inuyasha stopped mid movement, he turned around sneering at his brother "You have no right Sesshomaru to stop me, you made it clear to me from the moment you laid eyes on me that you wanted nothing to do with me, so what's with all the concern now?!" Inuyasha was livid. His eyes held a red tint of anger to them. Sesshomaru paused, that questioned posed a problem for him he himself didn't understand his change of heart. That wasn't something he was willing to reveal though. For what seemed like the millionth time he held back the urge to sigh, the amount of anger in inuyasha's eyes posed another issue. The stupid mutt was letting his youki take control.

"Clam yourself brother, letting your youki take over could cause a problem" He said running his hand through his hair.

"I know dammit!" Inuyasha spat back "Just fuck off" his voice withered into a whisper. He knelt to the ground, hand over his face silver locks of hair shaded his face just enough so Sesshomaru couldn't see the younger boys face. Sesshomaru held back an eye roll.

"Come Inuyasha, I swear that no harm shall come to you, no one shall disrespect you in my presence".

Inuyasha looked up, glaring at his brother " You cannot honestly think that I am afraid of being ridiculed, I have lived with hate my entire life brother, being looked at in disgust is not something that I would ever run away from".

"Then this Sesshomaru does not understand you hesitation, the palace is your home"

Inuyasha scoffed " Let's just go Sesshomaru, I thought you were on a schedule".

A/N: Sorry For such a long wait but life just caught up with me. This will be the last chapter since I already had it written and I am putting it up for adoption. I just do not have the time to write this anymore. I am sorry.