I dont in anyway own Harry Potter or anything that J.K Rowling has written. This starts off at the end of the 6th book.

Astoria's POV

I sat, looking out the window of my dormitory. I knew that my searching for any sign of him was a lost cause. Sadness and anger washed over me, and I felt a strange sensation to my eyes. I hesitantly put a hand to my eye, and it felt...wet. Bloody hell, was I crying? Several girls who share my dormitory walked in and gasped.

"Astoria what's wrong?"

I was too upset to respond, or even look up to see who had asked. For them it was unusual for me to look so low. I was usually all smiles, or I at least tried to be. Once they realized that they would not get a response, they whispered reasons why I might be so upset.

"...probably for Professor Dumbledore..."

"...did you hear that Professor Snape killed him?"

What they didn't know was that as upsetting as it may be, I wasn't crying over Professor Dumbledore's death. I was crying for the one and only boy that ever got to me. I had to come to terms that he is now a bloody death eater. I saw him fight and leave with a bunch of them, and now I tried my best to accept the truth. He's gone. I held in a sob. I thought of all we had been through together. I yearned so badly to feel the warmth of his arms around me. Then it hit me. I felt angry. No, more then angry. I hated him, and I hated the way he made me feel. I left my spot next to the window, and all the girls looked up from their conversation.

"Are you feeling better?"

"I think it's time to move on," mumbling to myself more than answering their question.

"Move on from what?"

"Disappointment I guess."

I crawled into my bed, and knew that with the hatred I also felt something more. Love. I was an idiot to think he was better then what everyone said he was, and to have allowed myself to love a monster like him. I shut my eyes away from the rest of the world, and saw his face. In some strange way that was comforting.

Draco's POV

I continued to move away from Hogwarts, and with that I knew I continued to move away from her. Her. This wasnt suppose to be so complicated, but the look on her face when she saw me exit Hogwarts...I can't event

I could feel tears coming to my eyes, but stopped myself, realizing that I was being a freaking pussy.

With all of this emotion and confusion rushing into to me, I could barely tolerate my aunt Bellatrix and her constant singing.

"Would you shut the hell up!" I blurted out.

"You are so serious Draco. You need to learn how to play as long as your with us."

The others ignored Bellatrix and looked straight ahead. My aunt seemed to be happy to cause my frustration, which easily aggravated me.

As long as your one of us. I was one of them now. This is what I wanted all year, and this is what i've been waiting for. I knew that a part of me wanted to stay at Hogwarts...but I soon concluded that this was ridiculous because there would be plenty of girls out there for me, and much better looking too. She was nothing but a stupid love interest. Or at least...that's what I was trying to convince himself