Hey guys, sorry for the not updating, but school gets in the way. Also, this one was a hard one to type. I had to decide which holidays to use and how I was going to type them.

So here's H is for Holidays chapter

Oh yeah, by the way, this'll be a series of shorts for a lot of holidays, not just one. Also, there are a couple of holidays where there's humor, friendship, and family, not just romance.

Read & Review!

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns PJO, not me.

H is for Holidays

Groundhog's Day

"Come on you stupid groundhog. Get up and see your freaking shadow." Percy says to the TV urging the sleeping mammal.

"Percy! We have to leave soon, unless we want to be late for college!" Thalia calls to him from downstairs

"I know that Thals! I'll be there in a minute!" Percy yells back and diverts his attention back to the TV.

"Dang it Percy! We have to go now!", Thalia yells at him, "If you don't come down here in one minute. I'm going to go up there and I will literally drag you downstairs by your hair!" Thalia says threateningly.

Thalia expects Percy to run down immediately, but all she hears is the TV on and the sound of him urging on the groundhog to wake up and see its shadow. Thalia waits for literally one minute before she stomps upstairs, grabs Percy's hair, and drags him downstairs.

"Noooooooo! They were about to announce it! Why Thalia?! Why!?" Percy asks her painfully.

All Thalia does is roll her eyes and lets go of his hair and pushes him into the car, before she drives both of them to college, all the while hearing Percy complain about missing the groundhog see its shadow. She didn't see what the big deal was. It was just a freaking groundhog!

Valentine's Day

"Watch out Percy!" Thalia warned, pulling said boy behind the rock she was hiding behind, from being seen by a couple of Aphrodite girls.

They decided to visit camp to meet some old friends. Unfortunately, they didn't realize that one of the days they were going to be there was Valentine's Day. The one day that the Aphrodite Cabin enjoys the most because they 'accidentally' spike camper's drinks with love potions and watch the fake love happen. So far, Percy and Thalia had been lucky enough to avoid the Aphrodite Cabin's tricks and traps, but both of them knew they were going to slip up eventually.

They slowly snuck over to the back of a cabin and Thalia looked around the corner to see if the coast was clear. Thalia whispers to Percy

"Okay Percy, the coast is clear. No sign of-" Thalia says before she hears a muffled "Run!", when she turns around, she sees that Percy was captured by a couple of Aphrodite kids and was being dragged into the Cabin.

She turns around to run away, but she runs into a two Aphrodite kids. She turns around, but there's another two Aphrodite kids. She turns left, and sees two more Aphrodite kids. She then turns to the right and sees two more Aphrodite kids. She was surrounded. She fought her best, but was quickly subdued and was dragged into the Cabin where Percy was. The demigods who had seen the event, that were lucky enough to not have been victims of the love potions pitied the poor souls.

One minute later, there were screams of terror, and they saw a majority of, if not all the Aphrodite cabin run out of the cabin with their hair either soaked and their makeup ruined, or their hair was stuck up like a porcupine with some of it singed at the end.

Ten seconds later, Percy and Thalia were seen calmly walking hand in hand out of the Aphrodite Cabin as if nothing had happened at all.

St. Patrick's Day

"Ouch! Will you stop that?!" Thalia yells/asks at Percy, who pinched her arm.

"Not until you wear something green." Percy tells her, and pinches her again.

"Never! I'll never wear anything green ever again!" Thalia yells at Percy.

"Why not? Is this because Green Day broke-" Percy asks her but is interrupted by her.

"Don't even mention that Percy Jackson! Ouch!" Thalia tells him before he pinches him again.

"Just wear something green! It's not that hard, just wear that emerald necklace I got you for your 18th birthday." Percy tells her bringing out her $1,250 emerald necklace. Thalia looks at it and sighs.

"Fine. Only if it makes you stop pinching me." Thalia says to him and grabs the necklace and puts it on.

"There, happy now?" She asks him.

"Yes much better." He tells her and grabs her and gives her a kiss. Thalia noticed something and pinched Percy. Percy yelps and separates.

"Ouch! What the heck was that for?" he asks her, bewildered. Thalia just smirks and tells him,

"You're not wearing any green."

April Fool's Day

"I swear by the gods I am going to kill those insignificant little brats!" Thalia yells with her hands sparking. Percy grabs Thalia by her waist and pulls her to him.

"Whoa there Thalia. Let's not making any rash decisions. It was just a harmless little prank." He tells her. Thalia grunts trying to get out of his grip, but without success.

"Harmless little prank my ass. Those two nearly killed me!" Thalia screams at him. Percy winces, but keeps his hold onto her.

"No they didn't, all they did was put your important stuff in a tree." He reasons with her.

"Yeah, sure. Only a 50-foot tall tree. I could've died if you hadn't caught me." Thalia says scoffing.

"Thalia, you fell down 15 feet. You wouldn't have died even if I hadn't caught you." Percy tells her.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. Those two are probably a good half-mile away from here." Thalia says sighing.

Percy sits down with Thalia still in his arms and leans against a boulder. He then starts to play with her hair. A couple minutes later, which included a couple of kisses, the two felt water pour on top of them and the sounds of the pranksters' laughing. That is until they saw that Percy and Thalia were still dry and smiling evilly at them.

"Well hello Stoll twins." Percy says to them, and the two of them visibly gulp.

"You better start running now, or you might just regret pranking my girlfriend." Percy continues. Both of them nod, turn around and start sprinting in the opposite direction, all the while hearing both Percy and Thalia laughing.

Easter (A/N, Percy and Thalia aren't a couple)

"Give it back! It's mine, not yours!" Thalia tells Percy trying to reach for her chocolate bunny, which is just out of reach.

"Nope. Finder's keepers, loser's weepers." Percy chants, taking a bite off the ear of her chocolate bunny.

Thalia glares at Percy and tackles him to the ground, but the chocolate bunny is still just out of reach.

"You did not just take a bite out of my chocolate bunny." Thalia tells him threateningly, and Percy just shakes his head no.

"Nope," Percy says popping the 'p', "I just took a bite out of my chocolate bunny, not yours. Now get off of me!" Percy tells her, and pushes her off of him, but she grabs his shirt and he falls on top of her, and their lips connect. Both of them freeze up and separate quickly.

"Well that was awkward." Thalia tells him. Percy nods his head in agreement.

"You know what Percy, you can keep the chocolate bunny." Thalia says.

"Thanks, well, I guess I'll see you later." Percy says walking away.

Thalia waves goodbye and walks in the other direction. After walking for about 10 minutes, Thalia hears someone yell,

"Thalia! Give them back! Those Jelly Beans are mine!" She identified the voice belonging to Percy. Thalia smiled and brought out a medium-sized bag of Jelly Beans that she had stolen from Percy.

"Catch me if you can, Fish Face." Thalia said to no one in particular, and she started sprinting away from Percy's voice.


"Come on Thalia! If you don't hurry up, we'll be late for the party!" Percy tells Thalia, standing outside of her room in the apartment they shared. Percy was already dressed for the Halloween party, so now he was waiting for Thalia to finish.

"I don't care, I'm not going out in public in this poor excuse for a Halloween costume." Thalia tells Percy.

"Too bad, you have to. You lost the bet, remember?" Percy reminded her.

"You only won because you cheated!" Thalia yells from inside the room.

"Oh really? How exactly did I cheat?" Percy questioned her.

"You used your

"Or what?" Thalia asks him knowing that there's almost nothing he could do to get her in that ridiculous Halloween costume.

"Or I'm going to ask Aphrodite to pick out another outfit for you. She's only an IM away." Percy told her and smirked when he saw Thalia's eyes go big and her face pale. Thalia regained her composure and glared at Percy.

"Fine, I'll put it on. But you better not try anything funny." Thalia warns him

"Yeah sure, says the person that tried to sabotage my canoe by putting weights on the bottom of it." Percy responds, silencing Thalia.

"Fine, whatever. I'm done now, so stand back or get that pretty face bruised." Thalia said through the door and Percy manages to move away just as the door slammed open. When Percy saw Thalia, his jaw dropped open and he just stood there looking at Thalia, making said girl uncomfortable and agitated.

"Hey Percy? Earth to Percy? Are we going or not, 'cause I'm going to change back if we don't go now to that ridiculous Halloween party down at the beach." Thalia says snapping her fingers in front of Percy's face, shaking him out of his trance.

"Yeah, we're going now. Besides, we're only going so you can release some of the stress you've been having lately." Percy says leading Thalia down to the beach house.

"Why did you pick out these ridiculous costumes anyway? I mean, you couldn't have picked a worse costume for me to wear on the coldest day of the month." Thalia says, shivering slightly.

"Well excuse me for wanting to see my girlfriend's sexy body." Percy tells her, making Thalia blush, though he couldn't see due to her mask.

"Besides, my costume is more ridiculous that yours is, so it's a win-win for both of us." Percy tells her turning to look at her.

"Well thank you for doing that. Although you forced me to put this on, I think you deserve a thank you kiss for wearing something more ridiculous than me." Thalia tells him lowering her mask and lifting the bottom of his to where it's above his mouth and she kisses him for a second before stepping away, just as one of the party goers opened the door and let them inside. Thalia wouldn't admit it to Percy or anybody, but that was the best Halloween ever.

Christmas (A/N Thalia's mom is alive and not a drunkard)

Thalia sighed as she looked outside of her mom's condo window looking at everybody having a good time throwing snowballs at each other, skiing or snowboarding, or drinking hot chocolate. Everybody there seemed to be enjoying his or her time there. Not Thalia though, the only way Thalia would enjoy her stay there would be if Percy was there with her. But there was only one problem: Percy was on the other side of the country.

"Thalia, please come outside. You've been in here for nearly our entire stay here. It's not healthy." Thalia's mom said to her.

"No mom, I don't want to." Thalia said stubbornly. Before Thalia's mom could reply, the doorbell rang and Thalia's mom went to get it. When she opened the door and saw who it was, she smiled.

"Oh Thalia, someone's here to see you." She told Thalia.

"If it's the mom of that kid I nailed with a snowball, tell her that I didn't know that he couldn't take a hit." Thalia grumbled to her mom.

"No Thalia it's not her. She already visited, I'm pretty sure you know who this is. Now just get off of the couch and come here so you can see them." She orders Thalia. Thalia mumbles inaudible nonsense, but gets up anyway and walks to the front door.

"Look, whoever you are, I'm not in the mood to-" Thalia begins to say until she sees who the person is. It's Percy. He was standing there in the doorway smiling at Thalia and holding a little box.

"Hey Thalia, since you're not in the mood to see anybody I guess I'll just go." Percy says turning around and smirks when he hears Thalia.

"No Percy, I didn't mean to say that. I mean I thought you were someone else. So I was just going-" Thalia apologizes until she's engulfed in Percy's arms.

"Thals, you're doing it again. You really need to work on that." Percy tells her.

"I'm going out for groceries, I'll be back later." Thalia's mom says and leaves before Thalia could mention that they had plenty of food and other stuff. Thalia knew this was her mom's way of giving her and Percy some alone time together.

"You hungry?" she asks him.

"Yeah, starving. You wouldn't believe how little of portions of food they give you on airplanes. It's a crime against humanity." Percy says taking off his coat and shoes and follows Thalia to the kitchen.

"Oh don't be such a drama queen Percy. It's not like it's life or death." Thalia says rolling her eyes. She grabs a plate of cookies and carries them to the kitchen table and Percy begins to devour them. Thalia, seeing that there's no chance that she'll get to eat a cookie goes over to the candy jar and grabs a couple of peppermints and begins to suck on them.

"So what are you doing here, Kelp Head?" Thalia asks him and he looks at her and says something, but his mouth is full of cookies, making his words incoherent. Thalia rolls her eye at him.

"Chew and swallow first, idiot. Here's some milk to wash it down." She tells him and sets down a glass of milk in front of him. He swallows the food and takes a big gulp of the milk before replying,

"What, is visiting my girlfriend on Christmas Day a crime? Merry Christmas by the way. Here's one of the presents I got for you. The others are in my car." He tells her giving her a small box. She unwraps it and opens the box to find probably the most beautiful necklace of all time.

"Percy, where did you get this?" Thalia asks him while he puts the necklace on for her.

"Well, I kind of stole it from Aphrodite's personal jewelry box, but I got caught. She said I could take it, but she said that I would get some sort of surprise or something." Percy says, recalling the mischievous look Aphrodite had when he left Olympus

"Wow Percy, you got lucky. I bet if it had been anyone else you wouldn't be here right now." Thalia tells him as she puts the necklace on.

Right as she put it on, she noticed something on the wall and saw that there was something above and in between her and Percy floating in mid-air. She looks up and sees a plant with ovate leaves and small white berries in the center of the plant. Thalia recognizes what the plant is; it's mistletoe. She looks down and sees that Percy had come up with the same conclusion as her.

"Well, I guess we now know what Aphrodite's surprise is." Thalia says blushing. Percy rubs the back of his neck and chuckles nervously.

"Yeah, we do. You know, we really should've seen this coming. I mean, it's Aphrodite and all." Percy says to her. Thalia nods and steps closer to Percy, the mistletoe moving along with Thalia's steps so that it's always in the middle of Thalia and Percy.

"Well at least this won't be awkward like how last years' was." Percy recalls when Annabeth and Nico had "accidently" knocked into them, causing them to fall under some hanging mistletoe.

"Yeah, at least we're in private unlike last time, and Percy?" Thalia asks him near inches away from him.

"What?" he asks.

"Kiss me." Thalia tells him and they both lean in and kiss. Thalia put her arms around Percy's neck and Percy put his arms around Thalia's waist, pulling her closer to him. Percy tasted some mint from the peppermints Thalia had been sucking on earlier, and Thalia tasted chocolate from the chocolate chip cookies she never got a chance to eat. When they separated for air, Percy saw that Thalia's eyes were shining brighter than they had ever done before.

"Merry Christmas Percy." Thalia said smiling and leaning her head on Percy's chest.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Thalia." Percy responded smiling.

New Years' Eve

"Percy, will you stop pacing around? It's very annoying." Paul said to Percy, who was currently walking around the apartment.

"I can't help it. She said that they'd be here at 11:15, and it's already 11:25! She's never late." Percy exclaimed. A thought occurred to him and his face paled.

"What if they were attacked by some monsters and they forgot their weapons? What if they're seriously injured right now and nobody's there to help them?" Percy asked his mom worryingly.

"Percy, I'm sure she's fine. She's not as helpless and weak as she looks." Sally said comfortingly.

"Who's helpless and weak?" a voice says behind and Percy turns around to see Thalia leaning in the doorway with Annabeth and Nico standing right behind her. Percy smiles widely and walks to the door and lets the three in the apartment. They chat for a while before Percy tells them that he and Thalia are going outside.

"Okay, be safe though, there's ice on the floor of the balcony." Sally tells them.

"Don't worry mom, we'll be fine." Percy assures his mom, and they go outside with their winter coats on, Percy with his green and blue coat and Thalia with her silver coat. Percy cringes when he sees the coat, reminding him how close he was to losing Thalia to the Hunters.

"Hey Percy stop worrying. Remember, I chose you over them." Thalia tells him, knowing why he cringed. Percy pulled Thalia closer to him and she snuggled closer to him, and Percy rests his chin on Thalia's head.

"I know, but I can't stop thinking about it." Percy says sighing, hugging Thalia closer to him. Thalia was about to tell him something, but they heard the countdown begin from 60. They counted down along with everybody else in New York. When there were 10 seconds left, Percy turned Thalia around, but in doing so, he slipped on the ice that his mom had warned him about. Since he still had Thalia in his grasp, she went down with him to the ground. Their faces were only inches apart and each of them were silently counting down.

"10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1" They both heard and said to each other, slowly closing the gap between their mouths until they were only millimeters apart

"Happy New Year!" they heard all of New York hear and they both closed the gap and kissed. When they separated, they were both smiling.

"Happy New Year Pinecone Face." Percy told the girl who was currently in his arms.

"You too Kelp Head. Let's make this year the best yet." Thalia said to him and kissed him again.

So how did you guys like it? Bad? Good? Great?

Before anybody complains about the lack of Perlia in this chapter, may I remind you that I told you guys in the beginning that there would be more genres included instead of just romance. 'Cause let's face it, you can't really make Groundhog Day romantic.

If you can, good for you. PM me your versions of the holidays that weren't romantic, but you made romantic. And if I think it's good enough, I'll replace that holiday for yours and give you credit for it.

So, just do one little thing for me:

REVIEW! And possibly send me Independence Day and/or Thanksgiving.

See you guys next time!

Hero of One

P.S. The next chapter will be I is for Ice Cream

Link to St. Patrick necklace and Halloween costumes on profile