Disclaimer: I don't own Transfomers, Hasbro does, so please no suing. I don't have money.

Author's Note: Alrighty, ladies and gents! Final chapter. It's been fun to write, but I'm afraid all good things must come to an end. Special thanks to reviewers: bulletproof-pillowpets, Heracratzarism, kalhisto azula, Master of Gray, Person, AliothGrenwahl, and zrexheartz. I appreciate your input very much! Also thanks to every one who put this in their favorites and on alerts.

Sparks: Chapter Five

Orion Pax went back to his workstation the next cycle even more determined than the last. Megatron resumed his command, making sure the retrieval of several energon cubes from a mine in South America went smoothly. Soundwave oversaw much of the delivery personally so Megatron didn't have to go to ground level. At this point, Megatron was hesitant to leave the ship with Orion on it. Megatron peridoically checked the monitors to make sure Orion was all right.

After a few vorns, Megatron noted the mech working through a refueling shift. With a frown, he turned to a Vehicon.

Megatron ordered, "Inform our guest he needs to refuel." Megatron turned to Soundwave. The communications officer was downloading every bit of data as Orion worked through it. "How is his progress?"

Soundwave popped up the data onto his monitor. Megatron grimaced at the sight of all the coded slag. "Not even half way, and he's working like this? Inconceivable."

The messenger Vehicon returned, nervously approaching his commander. "Um, Orion Pax said, 'I will refuel when I feel the need, my liege.' And then he also told me to remind you he doesn't need as much fuel as, uh, somemechs with bigger...girth."

Megatron clenched his servos. "Did he now?" He turned to glare at his surveillance monitors. Orion Pax clicked and clacked away, completely unaware of the heated death glare directed at his head.

Megatron growled to the Vehicon. "Kindly tell Orion that if he recollects anything from the last cycle, it should be that I don't take insubordination lightly."

The Vehicon turned to look at another Vehicon for support. The other mech simply shrugged helplessly. The messenger sighed. "Yes, my lord."

Megatron said to Soundwave, "We should attempt to locate the Autobot base again. They are in quite the vulnerable position without their precious Prime. I want you to-."

The Vehicon walked through the bridge's doors, interrupting the small meeting. The messenger Vehicon trembled slightly in fear as he approached Megatron for the second time.

Megatron glared at the peon. He asked, "Did Orion heed my advice?"

The Vehicon shook as he said, "My lord, Orion has said, 'It's not insubordination if I am correct.' Also, he said that if I wanted his ration I could have it and not tell you."

Megatron gritted his denta as he replied, "I will assume you didn't."

"Of course not, my lord. You would've surely killed me." The Vehicon seemed fairly certain Megatron would anyway for failing him, but he had better hopes with this route.

"Very good." Megatron stomped by him. "I'm going to handle Orion." Megatron shouted over his shoulder to Soundwave. "Shut off the monitor! I will deal with him alone."

The Vehicon let out a long ex-vent in relief. His buddy walked over to pat him on the shoulder in comfort. The Vehicon whispered to his friend, "You think Orion will get in big trouble?"

The other Vehicon chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure the poor mech's in for a pounding one way or another."

Meanwhile, Megatron stomped through the halls and up to the lab's doors. He pressed keyed the code for the doors to open.

Nothing happened.

Megatron keyed the code again. Nothing. Megatron glared at the doors. "Orion, old friend," Megatron gritted his denta, "why is the door locked?"

Orion's muffled voice through the steel door answered him. "I don't want any more distractions."

Megatron took a calming in-vent. "Orion, I told you it was time to refuel. I thought was established earlier that everything I do is in your best interest. I also believe I proved that I am more than willing to meet your challenges."

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm functioning at optimum levels. There's no need to stop for fuel."

Megatron growled. "I would feel better if you did anyway."

"Please leave me to my work, Megatron."

"Come out and refuel and you can get back to work without any further harassment."


Megatron shook with suppressed anger. "Orion, you will come out of there now!"

"I already informed you of my decision. It stands. Go see to more important matters with your army."

Megatron's jaw dropped. "Did you just dismiss me?"

"I'm working, my liege. Please, leave me to it."

Megatron shouted, "Nobody dismisses Megatron, Orion Pax! Open this door!"

The guard at the energon storage facility watched the events unfolding with badly hidden fascination. Knock Out popped out from around the corner. He quietly moved to stand with the guard to watch the scene unfold.

Megatron's cannon whirled. "Orion, I will blast this door down and take you out! Open it!"

Knockout turned to the guard Vehicon. "Is it just me or do Lord Megatron and Orion Pax fight like an old bonded couple?"

A muffled voice from the workstation proclaimed, "You wouldn't dare blast the door with the energon storage so close. Please go away and let me work."

Megatron's mouth dropped open in utter shock.

Knockout muttered out of the corner of his mouth. "Our guest has a death wish."

The guard whispered back. "I'm not certain whether to laugh or run for my life."

Megatron pounded on the door. "ORION PAX! I AM NOT THE MECH TO TEST!"

"You're the one who said this project was of the highest priority!"


"Make up your processor!"


The guard and Knockout shook from holding down their guffaws. Knockout's inner voice of reason kept screaming at him, "Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Megatron will terminate you slowly if you laugh!"

The fight continued with Orion yelling, "I won't come out when you're so angry!"

"I will be enraged if I have to come in and drag you out!"

Knockout heard the pede steps of a mech coming up behind him. "What in the Pit is going on down here? I could hear Megatron's yells from two floors up."

Knockout turned to grin at Breakdown. "Nothing to worry about. Just a lover's spat."

"What?" Breakdown tilted his head.

Knockout stuck out his thumb to point. "Take a look."

Megatron was roaring at this point. "OPEN THE DOOR!"

"Say please!"


Breakdown grinned. "You know, when I saw Orion Pax walk through the door, I wasn't happy. But now…"

Knock Out chuckled. "They do make for great entertainment."

The Vehicon beside Knock Out said, "Ten credits Megatron forces his way inside."

Knock Out snorted. "No way! Orion will open that door. He'll see reason."

Breakdown turned to Knock Out. "Slap bet and ten credits says our Lord breaks the lock and charges inside that workstation."

Knock Out glared at him. "Very well. I'll take that bet."

Invested in the outcome, all three mechs watched with more avid interest as Megatron let out a kick to the door. Knock Out grumbled under his breath, "Come on, Megatron, keep it together!"

Breakdown muttered, "Break in! He's just a clerk!"

Orion shouted back, "I will never open the door to a barbarian like you!"

Megatron's frame jerked violently. Suddenly still, Megatron's shocked expression confused the hell out of the audience just down the hall. All of a sudden, Megatron threw his head back to let loose one of the most terrifying laughs they'd ever heard. Megatron brought up his cannon. Breakdown grabbed Knock Out and the Vehicon to dive for cover in the nearby hallway.

The ship shook slightly as Megatron let loose a small blast into the door controls. Megatron could hear Orion crying out from alarm inside the workstation. Megatron keyed open the door. This time, it moved aside without further need for violence. Megatron trampled his way through the smoke to grab at Orion's arm. With a strangled scream, Orion fought against Megatron.

The Decepticon commander leered over Orion. "As I recall, Orion." He leaned in close. "You liked my rough barbarism." Megatron keyed the door again, letting it shut out the rest of the panic filled ship.

Just down the hall, Knock Out, Breakdown, and the guard Vehicon scrambled to their feet. When they all assessed the damage, determining it was in fact pretty minor, they all let out ex-vents of relief. All of a sudden, Breakdown backhanded Knock Out into the wall. Knock Out banged his way to the floor with several creative curses pouring from his vocalizer.

Breakdown only smirked down at his friend. "You owe me and the other guy ten credits."

Inside the workstation, Orion struggled under Megatron's strong grip. "Let go!"

"No." Megatron smirked devilishly. "I think I won't."

With a flip, Orion ended up on his back. The mech had only a brief moment to register the pain flaring all over his sensors before Megatron followed him down to the ground. Megatron grabbed Orion's wrists, slamming them against the floor.

"You want barbaric, my dear Orion?" Megatron leaned in close. "How about taking you right here? Right now?"

Orion shuddered underneath him. "You wouldn't."

Megatron opened his chestplates. "Oh, but I would." Because Orion said the word:Barbarian. The one word that initiated this kind of coupling between them. Orion knew exactly what he was doing. Orion loved dominance. He thrived on it, in a strange way, just as much as he hated it. Megatron let out a pleased growl as Orion struggled to get his writs free from Megatron's strong grip, but the war lord gave no quarter.

"I thought you didn't remember, old friend?" Megatron teased as nipped at Orion's neck cables. "Perhaps you've been deceiving me?"

Orion squirmed beneath him. "No, I simply recovered a few more memories after our encounter this morning." Orion kicked at Megatron's thigh, eliciting a chuckle from Megatron. "And I remember a certain gladiator ignoring me."

"Ah, you're still sore about that solar cycle?" Megatron recalled it, vaguely. He had indeed spent a lovely night in the arms of Orion, only to end up busy with his movement for a long, long time.

"I am not so petty." Orion spat, "Now get off me!"

Megatron brought his exposed spark down to Orion's chestplates. With a small pulse, he released a small bit of electric desire into Orion's frame. Orion cried out in surprise, making Megatron's wicked smirk widen into a Cheshire smile. Orion still wasn't aware that Megatron now had a new bag of tricks thanks to countless, superficial encounters with various other mechs and femmes. Megatron didn't remember their designations or their faces, but he cataloged the useful bits into his processor.

"I don't think so, old friend." Megatron dug his talons gently into the seams between Orion's armor. "I will give you my full attention, as you demanded. Then after, you will refuel, as I ordered. And then," Megatron leaned in close, "I will punish you for your defiance in my quarters."

Megatron sent another bright, small lightning bolt of need into the moaning mech beneath him. Orion kicked at him, breathlessly demanding, "Release me! I-I am not some pleasure bot from your arena!" Even as he said it, Orion's hips collided violently with Megatron's.

Megatron leaned down, bringing his spark ever closer, making Orion shake. Megatron captured Orion's mouth in a deep kiss, sliding his glossa over the other mech's. Orion groaned into Megatron's mouth. Megatron bit into Orion's bottom lip, making energon leak from the small wound. Megatron sucked on it, draining the energon from Orion's wound. Orion gasped in pain, whimpering against Megatron's lips.

Megatron asked harshly, "Do you think I don't know that?" Megatron pulsed against Orion's chestplates. "I have not stopped thinking of you for millennia, Orion. I will show you my devotion, just as I did all those thousands of megacycles ago."

Orion cried out as his chestplates snapped open. Megatron clammed their sparks together, kissing Orion to silence the scream ripped from the mech's vocalizer. Their overload swept over their systems, making small sparks dance off their frames. Orion trembled beneath Megatron. The grey mech didn't pull away, forcing the energy between them to keep building. Danger alerts popped up in Orion's processor. Instinctively, Orion began pushing away at Megatron, certain the coming overload would destroy them both.

Megatron held his captive down. He shot emotions through to Orion. Lust, need, want, reassurance, a yellow line of trusting, desire. Orion sent back in a frenzy his own need, want, fear, terror, trust. Megatron growled against Orion's lip plates. Transforming bit by bit, he began to integrate his plating with Orion's. With a startled gasp, Orion squirmed at the sensation. His protoform came into direct contact with Megatron's in places here and there. Orion hesitantly transformed his own plating, allowing more contact.

The swirling of emotions within their sparks burned. The pleasure edged now with pain, Orion shook violently beneath Megatron. A crazed thought flickered through his processor that Megatron wanted to devour him whole, spark and frame. Orion decided after only a tick of time that he would let him.

As their forms merged, reflecting their sparks merging so deeply in each others chambers, the ecstasy and the agony of it all became to much. Megatron roared into Orion as Orion shouted into Megatron. For an instant, Orion was Megatron, and Megatron was Orion. With a blast the likes of which could've rivaled the power of a bomb, they became one.

All at once, the surge separated their frames. Their sparks split from each other. Megatron finally broke the kiss. Harshly inventing, Orion and Megatron stayed right where they were, enjoying the after effects of their intense merge.

Then, in an almost accusatory voice, Orion asked Megatron, "Where did you learn that?"

Megatron chuckled. "Ah, Orion, you really shouldn't feel jealous." Megatron lightly kissed Orion's helm as the grey mech slowly closed his chestplates with a hiss. "After all, it would be rather funny if you ended up envious of your former self."

"What?" Orion stared up at him with shock.

Megatron stood up shakily, but hiding his tremors well. "I believe you read it in a book of ill-repute." Megatron smirked down at him. "I don't think I'll ever forget your shy way of asking if we could try it out." Megatron held out a hand. "Now, I believe the deal was I give you my barbaric attentions and you refuel."

Orion took the hand with a small smile. "I believe you also mentioned a punishment."

Megatron keyed open the door. "All in good time." Megatron led the way to his chambers. "Energon first, and then I'll think of some fitting punishment for your insolence."

Orion shivered at the thought. As they walked, Orion fell back a little, a contemplative frown on his face. When they combined, Orion felt the touch of something dark within Megatron, something that definitely didn't exist before when they were on Cybertron. It pulsed at Orion, and for a second, it tried to come inside Orion's spark. However, Orion's spark rejected it, out of fear and self-preservation.

Orion stared at the back of Megatron's head, wondering. Megatron hadn't been completely honest with Orion. Megatron had changed on a level that scared Orion. What was worse, while Orion felt the love Megatron felt for him, something else existed closely with that love.

Deep, bitter hatred, with an edge of violent need for vengeance.

Soundwave watched on the monitors as Orion and Megatron refueled together. Their talk looked innocent enough. As they did, Soundwave cataloged Orion's findings. Even though the information wasn't complete, it was more than the Decepticons had ever hoped to receive. Soundwave didn't want to admit it, but having Orion on their side gave them such an amazing tactical advantage.

However, Soundwave knew this plan would end tragically. He could almost see it like a vision. Somehow, Orion found out. Megatron, reacting too quickly and too forcefully, would end up pushing Orion right back to the Autobots. The very slim chance existed wherein Megatron would kill Orion, but Soundwave doubted it.

He looked over at the monitors, watching Orion laughing as he avoided Megatron's grabbing hands. No doubt, Megatron intended to "punish" the mech just as he promised. Orion eventually lost, and Megatron pounced. Orion didn't even struggle as Megatron threw him over his shoulder to take him to the berth.

Yes, a very slim chance of deactivation. Soundwave felt his spark clench a little at the pain to come, not for Orion, but for Megatron, losing Orion the first time had damaged the mech, and losing Orion a second time would be worse.

Soundwave watched as together they walked out, heading to Orion's workstation. There, a small constructicon worked on the damaged areas. It looked almost as good as new, surprising Orion with how fast the bot managed to get it done.

The constructicon turned to give Megatron a salute. "My lord, I'm afraid the lock has been damaged beyond repair. I'll have to replace it next solar cycle."

"Yes, I understand. Dismissed." The constructicon walked away, leaving Megatron and Orion alone. "Now, you can't lock me out."

"Or anyone else..." Orion asked him. "Is that safe?"

Megatron nodded. "Nothing will harm you on this ship." Megatron leaned down, placing a small kiss on Orion's lips. "I promise. See you next cycle." Megatron turned and left. Orion walked into his station, the door closing behind him.

Soundwave readied to collect the data as he decided to put his musings aside. Soundwave could only hope for now that this small bit of happiness for his Lord could last just a little longer.

None knew of a certain seeker landing in the hanger, starved for energon. Soundwave couldn't catch sight of Starscream since there were no cameras there. All too quickly, the seeker managed to make his way nearly undetected through the halls to the energon storage unit. It wasn't until Starscream attacked the guards that Soundwave was alerted to his presence.

And Soundwave watched with horror as Starscream ended up in Orion's workstation, aiming his null rays at the mech. Soundwave ordered troops to the area immediately, contacting Megatron to go there as well. Soundwave monitored the situation, listening with anger as Starscream began to reveal little bits of the truth to the amnesiac Prime.

All too late, Starscream was chased out from the Nemesis, and hopefully shot down for good. Soundwave informed Megatron of Starscream's talk with Orion. It came as no surprise to anyone that Starscream had planted the seeds of doubt in Orion. When Megatron hissed at Soundwave, "I should have terminated Starscream when I had the chance." Soundwave felt inclined to agree. It was over, now.

Megatron walked with Soundwave back to the bridge. "I knew Orion would learn the truth one day, but I had vainly hoped it would be after Project Iacon was finished, if not...a little longer." Megatron looked up at the monitor. He watched Orion stare at the keypad, contemplating something. "But it was not to be." Megatron clenched his fists. "My enemy returns."

Soundwave nodded. They'd lost Orion's spark, and with that Megatron lost a little bit of his as well. Soundwave turned to his console, prepared to inform Megatron what Orion searched for next. Soundwave had a feeling it wouldn't be for coordinates.

Orion looked up at the monitor. Optimus Prime's form stared back at him, teasing his processor and his spark. Orion thought about the darkness in Megatron, the history lesson Megatron gave him, and the moments he'd shared with the Decepticon Leader. Orion wanted to believe Megatron. He wanted to trust his old friend, his lover, and his leader.

But Starscream's words echoed through Orion's processor.

"You truly are being kept in the dark, aren't you?"

The End
From here, watch Transformers Prime: Orion Pax Part 3 for the ending.

Below is a deleted scene meant to follow after Soundwave's musings about the future. It didn't quite flow with the rest of the story so I took it out.
[Deleted Scene]

Megatron pinned Orion to the berth. "I have you now."

Orion let out a small laugh, but quickly stifled it. "If I apologized for my insolence would you reconsider my punishment?"

Megatron shook his helm as he bared his fangs. "Not on your life, old friend. You disobeyed a direct order, and for that-!" Megatron brought out stasis cuffs from his subspace. "-you will suffer!"

All too quickly, Orion found himself bound to the berth. Megatron gifted Orion with a sinister grin as he then brought out a small shock stick. Orion's optics went wide as he gasped. "You wouldn't dare! You fiend!"

"Oh, but I would." Megatron leaned back as he pressed on the power. "Now, hold still, and take your punishment."

Slowly Megatron brought his stick to Orion's wheel struts. Orion struggled, trying to back away. "No, no! Mercy, my Lord! Mercy!"

The stick contacted with Orion's strut. Orion let out a loud peel of laughter. "Stop! Megatron! Ahahahaha!" Megatron laughed as Orion struggled futilely against the touch. "It's not fair!"

Megatron brought the stick up, releasing Orion from the onslaught, only to hit the other strut. Orion bucked as he cried out with more laughter. Megatron found himself chuckling. "Oh, poor Orion, how I make you suffer."

They played this little torture game for some time. Orion had many small ticklish areas Megatron knew like the back of his hand. Megatron had discovered them by complete accident in their first training session. Ever since, he exploited these little discoveries when he could. First, he attacked the tire struts repeatedly, then moved onto the underside of Orion's grill. At this, Orion kicked up his legs, nearly hitting Megatron. Finally, the pedes. Megatron had to take told of Orion's legs so as not to get damaged by Orion's thrashing by this point.

When he was satisfied Orion learned his lesson, Megatron took the statis cuffs off. Orion rubbed his wrists with a smile on his face. They kissed gently, and Megatron groaned. He wanted to take Orion again, but other matters came first. He parted from Orion, giving him a look. Orion nodded with understand.

"We should go back." Orion said, "I need to finish my work."

"I must run my army." Megatron stood up, subspacing his equipment. Together they walked out, heading to Orion's workstation. There, a small constructicon worked on the damaged areas. It looked almost as good as new, surprising Orion with how fast the bot managed to get it done.

The constructicon turned to give Megatron a salute. "My lord, I'm afraid the lock has been damaged beyond repair. I'll have to replace it next solar cycle."

"Yes, I understand. Dismissed." The constructicon walked away, leaving Megatron and Orion alone. "Now, you can't lock me out."

"Or anyone else..." Orion asked him. "Is that safe?"

Megatron nodded. "Nothing will harm you on this ship." Megatron leaned down, placing a small kiss on Orion's lips. "I promise. See you next cycle." Megatron turned and left. Orion walked into his station, the door closing behind him.

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