Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! You may remember (depending on how long it's been since you read the second chapter – though it can't have been that long since it only went up the other day!) that I was deliberating over whether to keep this story at the three planned chapters. I decided not to! I'd been having a little case of writer's block in that I knew the ending but not how to get there! Well now I know what I'm doing, but it's going to be a bit longer! I hope that you'll continue reading for me, and as always please please please review if you have the time! Let's Wondering! Kyoko xxx

Chapter 3 - Duties

(France's POV)

These meetings are so dull... Always so dull! It gets so loud and aggressive as everybody tries desperately to communicate because no one really knows what to say to one another. Sometimes it seems like all we're good at is arguing. We'll always stay like this - shouting and fighting because none of us are brave enough to stop talking for once and just listen. Non, we're too frightened to just open our ears to the truth. To summarise: they're scared so I am bored!

Ah... And so it begins. Always in the same way - England will say something thoughtless and make a strange face, then America will look all hurt and try to disguise it with a foolish statement, and that will set China off and once China's all worked up, Russia will start to smile creepily - cue moi, saving the day! Well, almost. Not really. Still, I look fabulous!

To tell you the truth I am worried about him. Britain, I mean. He was heartbroken when America left him, and then when Victoria died... Well, he's become this frumpy irritable bore! He misses him. I can tell. It's in his eyes every time they meet; call me a romantic but I think theirs is like a tragic love story. It's obvious that America feels the same way, but as with all cases, the only one who can't see is Britain himself. I feel like I ought to intervene, non?

And yes, I know that it's wrong to meddle, but let's be honest, the fact that something's wrong has never stopped me doing it before, has it? And they need the help! They'll be thanking me when they're all over each other's faces at the next meeting, onhonhonhonhon! Besides, as Britain's big brother it'd be wrong for me *not* to intervene, surely? Don't worry, I have a plan...!