Hello again, my lovely babies! I'm so sorry for taking this long to update, these past weeks were pretty intense, you know… Well, like always, I want to thanks each one of you who left your review and tips for this story, I really appreciate it :3

Aaaaaaand I noticed that some of you aren't completely pleased with a fluffy scene without a sweet and breathtaking kissu between our lovely couple. So, to get your kokoros going doki doki, here's a really sweet and cute chapter filled with KagaKuro feels.

With his muscular arms wrapped around my shoulders, Taiga pulled me close enough for me to rest my head on his broad chest, the regular rhythm of his calm heartbeats filling my ears. Even thought that I already memorized every trace of that masculine scent of his, the way that Taiga's smell waved from his skin felt so intoxicating and raw, better than the scent of his used tanks who I used to secretly burry my face in whenever I slept on the red haired's apartment.

"This scent is just so Taiga-like. Just warm and amazing, like him." I thought as I nuzzled my nose against his shoulder, a full red hue running from my cheeks till my ears.

After dreaming about it every single day and night, here I finally was, laid in the arms of a willing Taiga. I was completely stunned, but not that stunned to forget that we'd get fucked if somebody caught us cutting class in the library.

"Ne, Kagami-kun… We really should leave before somebody sees us."

"Why? I'm pretty comfortable here with you."

"Soon it'll be the lunch break, some teacher can come here in any moment."

"Who cares? We're just cuddling, there's nothing indecent going on here." The red haired whined, his arms holding me tightly against his chest, making it hard for me to move.

I wasn't thrilled about watching awful and endlessly boring periods of chemistry and biology and not being able to cuddle with Taiga, but the possibility of Aida-sensei finding us and making the red haired run around the entire school on his hands while she'd force me to shoot on my knees wasn't that appealing either.

"Aida-sensei can find us here in any minute, you know? She'd scold us after giving a really long speech about the importance of training not only our bodies, but training our brains."

Pouting like a little grumpy kid, the red haired finally freed me from his arms. I couldn't hold back a slight smirk with that adorable way of his, just loving how adorable he was without trying.

As I started to get myself up, his hand grasped mine and tugged me so I'd fall back on his and locked in his arms once again.

"K-Kagami-kun! What do you think you're doing?" I choked out in surprise, a small and devilish grin started to play on Taiga's lips.

"Did you really thought that'd let you go this easily, you baka?" he chuckled next to ear, a playful tone on his husky and smooth voice.

"L-let go of me, Bakagami!" I struggled in vain in his arms, his grip remaining gently tight around me.

"And should I do that? You're so skinny that I can't barely feel your weight over me, and you really smell great " he took a small pause to nuzzle his nose next to my earlobe, a small shiver of delight running down my spine with his breath on my skin. "and you're really warm also, you know… So, I'm pretty comfortable like this."

I could feel my neck getting warmer after hearing those words, my anxious hands starting to clutch the fabric of my pants.

There's any other way that he could make him get any cutier?

"B-but we really should get going! I really don't want to get caught, b-baka. " I stuttered as Taiga's lips gave small and apparently innocents pecks on this spot next to my left ear. "A-and I bet that the coordinator would be just as terrifying as Aida-sensei."

Suddenly, his lips left my skin at the same time he dropped his arms open, making me able to move freely.

"Alright then, cry-baby." He sighed next to my face, his chin resting on my shoulder as he looked at me with a pouty look. "Let's get out of here."

I hesitated for a couple of seconds before getting myself up of his lap and, once again, I felt his hand on mine but without pulling me to fall back, just holding me still and making me turn around to look at him.

"We'll go to class if you give me something as a small prove of your gratefulness, Ku-ro-ko." His eyes were bright like a little child who begged for a new toy as he raised his head till my eye-level, his fingers intertwining with mine.

I gulped in anxiety and hidden underneath my apathy mask, my eyes glued to those crimson orbs of his as I tried to get my head on place.

I knew what he wanted, something that I wanted, but I kept pretending that to be clueless about it. A little mystery can always be used in moments like these, right?

"W-what do you want?"

"You said that you loved me, but you can prove it with something else than words."

For a moment, the thought that I was about to do something that I've always dreamt about for the past months got me just like I got punched in the face.

He wanted to kiss him.

Kagami Taiga, the guy that I love… He wanted to kiss me!

Swallowing dry, I slowing started to get closer to him as my free hand reached for back of his neck to pull him closer. Changing his mocking expression to a dazzled one, Taiga's lips parted and let the tip of his tongue run over them, moisturizing and softening its cracks due to dryness. As we got closer, our noses touched, his exhale already blending with my inhale and my mind was completely blank with anxiety as he cupped my cheek with his free hand.

And when our lips were parted by inches, with a dark red blush covering my face and my eyes tightly closed, I felt the red haired whispering my name before connecting our lips together.