LoveFreedom 5

Hey y'all I decided to stop being lazy and update one of my story. Lucky for you this was the story that I picked! Any way I hope you like it this was edited by the awesome person CodenameMise' you're the best! Anyway I hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to review!

(A few days later)

"School?" I questioned Minato when he suddenly announced that I was going to the same school as my brother.

"Yes school, you need education and I will not allow you go to a public school. I have already hired a tutor so you can get caught up on what they've been learning." This man was really starting to get on my nerves; he was basically saying that I was stupid.

"For you information I was top of my class back at school, after all I was one of the only students who didn't skip class every other day." I said while glaring at my older copy.

"So you were top of your class in a run-down public school, what a big accomplishment." His voice was laced with sarcasm, which was pissing my off even more.

"Listen ass hole, sure my school was a run-down public school, and sure it didn't have the best education program, but I studied my ass off! Every single fucking day I would reteach myself the material so I could have a lick of a future! If you dare insult my intelligent like that again I'll kick your ass, got it?!" I then got up and ran out the room, leaving that man stunned at my words.

Me not paying attention to where I was running slammed into someone, making us both fall to the ground with a thud. "O-Oww what the hell dobe? What's your rush?" I look up only to see one Sasuke Uchiha, our faces only inches away. Blushing I get off of him and helped him up.

"S-Sorry I was just so! Uhggg! How do you deal with that ass?!" I yell stomping on the ground making Sasuke give me a strange look.

"Um who are you talking about?" Sasuke asked with the rise of one of his perfect eyebrows.

"KYUUBI, MINATO, THIS FUCKING HOUSE! How the hell can anyone feel at home here? It's so fucking quiet and stiff, it's like it's just a place to be, not a place to live! How can anyone say that this is a home when there is no trust, or love, or oranything! There is no way I could ever see this as my home, I swear the moment I canleave I'm leaving this place and I'm never coming back!" After I finished yelling, I was panting; guess I forgot to breath during my rant.

Sasuke just stared at me with wide eye not knowing what to say; it was only when he touched my face I noticed that I was crying. I stared to cry and I just couldn't stop it, my heart was in so much pain, I wanted my mom, I wanted Iruka and Kakashi, I wanted my home! I felt warmth around me and I couldn't help but cling to it, I knew it was Sasuke and I didn't care right now. I needed someone and he's the one who was here. I found myself getting lost in his musky yet strangely sweet scent, the next thing I knew everything was going dark.

(Sasuke's POV)

I usually don't feel sympathy, but I couldn't help but feel bad for Naruto. His whole life was changing and he must feel so alone now. When I saw that he was asleep I picked him up carried him to Kyuubi's room. "Sasuke what took you… hey what didja do to the kid?" Itachi asked when he got a look of Naruto.

"Oh Sasuke you better not have hurt him! I swear if you did!" "Shut up!" I yelled at a fuming Deidara.

"I didn't do anything, he fell asleep." I said as I tried to put him on the bed only to find out that he was clutching my cloths. Having no choice I laid down too.

"Why did he fall asleep and clutching to you no less?" Neji said jealousy lacing in his voice, for some reason it made me pissed off that he thought that he could be jealous of me because of Naruto.

"He literally ran into me downstairs then stated crying after cursing a lot. Something must have happened with Minato-san and him since he was basically cursing him out" Isaid as I absentmindedly began to play with his hair. He seemed to like this because he started to nuzzle into my chest and let out a satisfied sigh.

"What do you think happened?" Kyuubi said as he made his way to the bed, his eyes never leaving Naruto. He reached his hand and started to stroke his face; Naruto began to twitch at the touch and buried his face into my chest even more.

"M-Mom… Iruka… Kakashi…" Naruto mumbled as he began to cry some more.

The room went quiet and looked at Naruto with pity, I heard the pain and loneliness in his voice and I'm sure everyone else did too, seeing as how they all went wide eyed.

"Do- do you think we could bring his mom here?" Deidara said in a small voice.

"No his agreement with dad makes it almost impossible for Naruto to see his mom again… at least not until he pays back the money that he owes." Kyuubi answered making the room go silent again.

After a short while I saw Itachi smirk in the corner of my eye. "What did you think of brother?" I asked him getting everyone's attention.

"Well little brother Naruto might not be allowed to see his mother but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to see her." Itachi said confusing everyone but me.

"What do ya mean Tachi?" Sasori asked.

"We can go to Naruto's mother house get her to write a letter to him or something." Itachi said, and everyone started to smile at this idea.

"YEAH!" Deidara yelled making Naruto shot up in surprise.

"WAHH! Don't kill me I'll do my homework Iruka!" Naruto shouted as he jumped up out of my arms, for some reason I hated the fact that I no longer had his warmth. He then fell back and hugged me like a pillow and fell asleep again. We all just looked at him like he was an alien.

(An hour later)

I woke up when I felt Naruto start move, 'When did I even fall asleep?' I look around the room to see that no one was there; I guess they all left after I fell asleep. When Naruto started to move again it was then that I noticed what position we were in. My arms were protectively around his waist, his face was in the crook of my neck, he arms wrapped around my neck, and our legs were intertwined. 'How the hell did we end up like this?' I didn't get much chance to think about it when the boy started to wake up.

He started to nuzzle my neck and sigh like he was trying to fight waking up, and then slowly his eyes started to flutter open revealing a watery blue. He stayed in the position we were in for a few minutes before his eyes widened and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Can you let go now?" I asked when I saw that he was frozen. As if snapping out of some weird trance he released me and sat up shyly, with a bright blush on his face.

"W-What are you doing in my bed!" the blond yelled panic clear in his eyes.

"Don't you remember, you seduced me into your room to have your wicked ways with me." I said in a sarcastic voice. His blush only got brighter.

"D-Don't try to fool me! Why are you here? The last thing I remember was…" Naruto stopped talking and looked at me with confused eyes.

Sighing I sat up too and ran my fingers through my hair. "Ok first off this isn't your room it's your brothers, secondly after your breakdown you fell asleep in my arms, clinging to me. When I tried to lay you on the bed, you wouldn't let go so I had no choice but to lay down with you." If possible I think the blush on his face got even brighter; lowering his face Naruto muttered out, "S-So s-s-sorry." For some reason I just found it to be incredibly adorable.

"Its fine, I guess this is what happens when I offer comfort to a dobe." I said as I got out of bed.

"Hey stop calling me that!" Naruto yelled at me as I walked out the door with a smirk. Oh yes he was indeed fun to tease.

(Naruto's POV)

I stared at the door Sasuke just went out and I could still feel my face burning. 'D-Damnit! I can't believe that the scent I found so good what Sasuke!' I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room on my way to my room. Slamming the door shut I fell down to the floor and tried to cool down my burning face. 'He was so warm; I want to sleep with him again… Wait WHAT! What the hell Naruto get a grip of yourself, Sasuke's an ass even if he's incredibly warm and smell wonder… No! Mommy I want to go home.'

It was half past six when there was a knock at my door. "Naruto it's time for dinner, come on get up!" Ten-Ten called as she came into my room; I can't help but smile at her, she's the only one who ever remember to call me by my name.

"Ok Ten-Ten I'm coming, I'm coming." I said as I dragged my self out of my bed.

"That's what she said." Ten-Ten said while grinning, I looked at her for a moment before I burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! W-What is haha wrong with you!" I stared laughing so hard that I was almost crying.

"Come its not that funny, now lets go." She said while pushing me out the door.

My good mood didn't last very long when I caught sight of my 'father', sitting at the head of the table like he was king or something. I bitterly remembered our conversion and couldn't stop myself from glaring at the bastard. Stalking over to where the food I look to see rice, spicy chicken, and sushi, much to my disappointment there was no ramen. Don't get me wrong I love the food here its amazing but nothing can beat the food of life called ramen.

"I-Is something wrong Naruto-sa ah Naruto?" The cook asked me in a worried voice. I realized that I started to pout and quickly put on my grin.

"Ah no nothing, j-just wondering what I should have that's all." I said looking away from him; I'm not a very good liar so whenever I do I never look at the person in the eyes, it always a dead give away of mine. The cook seemed to notice this but didn't say anything. Grabbing a bowl of rice and a plate full of sushi, I walked over to the table sitting as far away from the older me as possible. The room was silent except for the sounds of people cutting their food and eating it, I being myself just couldn't stand it.

"So Deidara, anything exciting happen today?" I said trying to lessen the silence, thankfully Deidara smiled as started to chat along with me.

"Nope, well actually there was but I can't tell you." Deidara said pricking my curiosity.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Deidara looked like he was about to answer when Sasori cut him off.

"What happens in the bedroom is a private thing Naruto." I couldn't help but blush at his words, then I remembered what happened between Sasuke and me and stared to blush even more.

"O-Oh y-yeah I guess it is huh? Hahah" I laughed awkwardly not really know what else to say. The room became silent again when Minato decided that it would be a good idea to speak.

"Naruto, I have hired a tutor for you so when you transfer you'll be as caught up on what you'll be learning. He should be here next week." His voice was dull and lifeless,trigging my anger even more than it already was.

"I told you my education was fine, I don't need a stupid tutor." I gritted my teeth as I spoke trying to keep my anger down.

"And I told you you're getting a tutor." Minato said while eating, as if he couldn't give a fuck about my opinion, oh wait he doesn't.

"What makes you think you have the right to do that?" I was now holding on to the table, forcing myself to stay in my seat and to not attack the man.

"I own you that's why. I was the one who you begged for money, I was the one who saved your mothers life, and you were the one who said you would do whatever it takes in order to get the money. You will do as I say; it's too late to regret anything now." His voice was full of power and his eyes were full of bitterness. I bit my tongue because I really couldn't say anything back to him, he was right. Throwing down my chopsticks I got up from my seat and left the table.

"You were not excused, it seems that I have to hirer a tutor to teach you manners as well." Closing my hands into my fist, I turn around and looked at him.

"Ya know, your right. This was my decision and I have no right to be disrespectful to you, but I find it difficult to show any respect to someone who has none for me." My voice was even and calm, as my eyes were void of all emotion.

"Please explain how I can have any type of respect for someone who come begging me for money." Minato's voice was hard and filled with disgust.

"Please tell me how I can have any respect for a man that has no heart. Please tell me how I can listen to a man who doesn't give a fuck about me. Please explain to me how I can have any type of respect for a man who doesn't have something that he values more than himself, who doesn't love something so much that he's willing to throw away his pride and do whatever he could in order to help that person. You may be someone with money and power and all that crap, but I'm a better man then you'll ever be because unlike you I have something I want to protect. I don't regret a damn thing I've done because now my mom's healthy, but that doesn't mean that I will find any happiness in this place" I stormed out of there leaving that man, and the rest of the table I presume, with his thoughts.

Slamming the door, I unfisted my hands only to see that my palms were bleeding; guess I dug my nails in to hard. I crawled in my bed and pulled out a picture from underneath my pillow. It was a picture of my mom, Iruka-sensei, Kakashi and me; it was taken a month before mom became ill. I could feel water dripping down my face as I clutched to the picture for dear life. 'M-Mommy, Ruka-sensei, Kaka-san, I miss you; I miss you all somuch. Why, why did you fall in love with him ma? Why such a cold bastard? I hate this place; I want to be with you all. I just feel so alone here.' I closed my now red eyes and let the darkness consume me in a dreamless sleep.

(At the Table Kyuubi POV when Minato and Naruto were fighting)

As I watched my little brother fight with my father I couldn't help but envy the kid. I could never stand up to my father like that, he is too powerful and I'm too much of a coward.

"I own you that's why. I was the one who you begged for money, I was the one who saved your mothers life, and you were the one who said you would do whatever it takes in order to get the money. You will do as I say; it's too late to regret anything now." My father's words and harsh tone surprised and scared me; I've never seen my father so angry before. I could tell that Naruto was surprised as well by the way he lowered his head and threw his chopsticks down. I figured father would just leave him be when he got up to leave but instead father decide to antagonize him more. I wanted to help or to at least say something that might calm down my father but I couldn't.

"Please tell me how I can have any respect for a man that has no heart. Please tell me how I can listen to a man who doesn't give a fuck about me. Please explain to me how I can have any type of respect for a man who doesn't have something that he values more than himself, who doesn't love something so much that he's willing to throw away his pride and do whatever he could in order to help that person. You may be someone with money and power and all that crap, but I'm a better man then you'll ever be because unlike you I have something I want to protect. I don't regret a damn thing I've done because now my mom's healthy, but that doesn't mean that I will find any happiness in this place."

Naruto's words stared to ring in my ears, there was something about them that stirred up my heart, and I didn't like it. It was like those words were directed at me too. 'Am I as heartless as my father? I've never felt that way that Naruto feels for his mom, hell I've never really felt any emotion other then annoyance, pain, loneliness, or fear. Maybe I'm even worst then him.' The sound of a chair screeching loudly against the floor pulled me from my thoughts, I turn to see my father heading towards his private office. The room was silent and everyone was thinking about the scene we just saw, I got up and everyone started to follow my lead. As I left the room I could see that Naruto hadn't even touchedhis food. 'Maybe I should bring him something later…'

Sooo. What didja think? I hope that you liked it and if you have any ideas for what could happen in this story please tell me I would love to hear what you would like to happen in this story! Anyway please review and check out my other stories!