If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.

-Richard Bach

I stare at the words written on the paper of the small book.

'This sort of thing is always so useless and untrue.'

I close the small black book and look at the cover page.

Love for the brokenhearted.

I sigh and put the book back where I found it and look around in the bustling library. All these idiots from middle school are here, again, laughing and giggling like, well, idiots. It's the first day of school at Raijin Academy and it's just my luck that this one talkative guy should catch up to me in the loudest part of the school. Shinra. He's one of my closest friends but sometimes -most of the time, really- he really pisses me off.

"Please Shizuo! I just need one sample of your DNA and a blood sample will work the best."

I glance over to him and scowl. This not the time and definitely not the place to be asking ridiculous request like that. I turn away from him, ignoring his annoying begging and watch a girl with long blonde hair get her picture taken. She's wearing the skirt to the uniform hiked up under her shirt so that it's too short. Much too short. She looks like she belongs on a freaking street corner. I scoff at her, and she apparently notices since she sends a wink at me obviously taking the gesture the wrong way. I ignore it for the most part and take her place and stare blankly into the camera. The guy taking the picture asks me to smile. I can't. I'm not in a good mood and I don't feel like smiling, so I don't. He takes the picture anyway and I walk out of the library, leaving Shinra yelling at me to wait. I don't, of course. I have to get to class and I don't have wait on him.

The only reason he's here is because I am. And the only reason I'm here is I didn't get my picture taken early enough so I had to do it today, which means I had to get up at the crack of dawn to get here in time and even then I was still one of the last people in line. I didn't feel like getting my picture taken the day I was supposed to. Honestly, I didn't feel like getting it done today, either. But now, since I was procrastinating, I'm rushing to get to my first class since it's on the other side of the school and it's almost 7 am, which means I'm almost late, and being late on the first day of school means when I get home I'm going to get grounded until winter break. I'm not even breaking a sweat now and I'm running as fast as I possibly can, which is honestly greater than humanly possible, so I'm sure I won't be late. I'm almost there too. I turn my head down and close me eyes as I run the last few feet to my class. I reach for the door, head still down, legs still pushing me forward at full speed, and I'm shocked to feel hot skin in my palm instead of the cold metal I expected. I quickly look up just as I run into him, both our bodies crashing into the door with a wave of blunt force. My chest is pressed so close to his and my cheek is practically glued to him. I try to pull myself away but before I can the door slides open and I end up falling on top of him again, this time we're on the floor.

I finally manage to pull away and get a good look at him. He's…. funny looking. Kind of strange to say the least, but that could be my fault partially since I did run into him. I pull myself away from him and the floor and look at teacher who's standing there gawking at me like I did something embarrassing. Her face is flushed and her eyes look like they're going to explode in her head. She tells me I'm not allowed to do that sort of thing during school and not in public. I don't get what she's saying, really. I know you're not supposed to run into people but I don't think I even hurt him. I ignore her yelling and go sit in a seat in the back near a window. I can't stand being in the front of the class it makes me feel like I'm on display. I look back towards the front and watch the teacher help the kid to his feet and to an empty desk near the front. The bell rang and on cue the teacher began her rant, welcoming the students and explaining this and that and everything in between. She asked the students to do the same thing they do every year,

"Please state your name and one interesting thing about yourself," she drones.

One of the kids stands, says his name and a hobby he has. It must've been pretty boring considering the fact that I drowned it out. I stare out the window and watch the clouds roll past. I usually hate being tied down and locked away in a classroom. It's depressing having to come here everyday, and even though things seem to change everyday it still feels as if it's the same old routine. Just this time, we're a year older. But something seems off. I'm feeling myself drift off into a haze at how dull things are right at this moment, though I shouldn't really be surprised since it's the first day and everything. But still I can't help but feel comfortable in this hard seat. I hear a girl drowning on and on about how rich she is and it's really starting to piss me off. I decide to look away from the window to send a glare her way. But she's already been glared at today. It's the girl from the library and she's looking at me with a longing smirk and her eyes slanted at me. She winks at me and starts to wrap her time-consuming speech as if she was reading off of a pre-written essay, eyes still locked on me. I guess she must be pretty well known since everyone decides to turn and look at me and start whispering to each other. I'm already starting to hate this girl and seeing as she caused this I decide to break my rule of one glare per person per day and scowl daggers at her. She only giggles and blows a kiss at me, erupting a wave of Ooh's. I stick out my tongue and make a Blech! Sound. Then, the whole glass bursts into laughter, laughing at her. She scoffs like and sits in her seat, her nose pointing towards the sky like a snotty aristocrat.

The class is still laughing at full pitch while the teacher tries to settle them down but before she can even get one kid to stop the bell rings and she dismisses the class. I feel a little bad about the fact that I missed that new students introduction. I was planning to apologize formally to him so he wouldn't be upset with me. But now he's gone and I have don't have the slightest idea of where he could've gotten to. I try not to worry myself about it and head to my second hour. The only good thing about today it the fact that lunch is a period earlier because it's the first day. I make it to my class and once again that kid is there with that same wistful expression carved on his features. I walk behind him and make my way to the back row, glad that my first two classes are so close to each other so I get to pick my seat before anyone else. I watch the others flood in, right as the bell is about to ring and I hear the teachers shoes tap as he enters, repeating the same thing my other teacher had said, just this time, English was replaced with history. I groan as he goes over the same instructions about giving your name and blah, blah, blah. But unfortunately I have to listen this time. I really do want to get that kids name and apologize to him so I have to listen for it. But as my luck would have it he decides not to sit in the first row, but in the fourth, the second to last row, which means I have to wait for everybody else's turn before they even get to him. I growl silently and look back out the window. A huge tree is blocking my view or the sky and it's really making me angry. I hate getting this mad sometimes, especially when it's about nothing. It's stupid and uncontrollable which is a hassle. But luckily I have something to calm me down.

I reach for my neck and finger the line of rope tied around it. I pull the string out of my shirt and take hold of the little blue piece of plastic. It used to be a heart but after a while it started to crumble and wither away slowly but surely. Now it's nothing more than a piece. I hate this stupid thing with all my heart. I don't even know who it's for anymore, both names have been smeared off and forgotten by time. I was really depressed after the person I loved left. I had tried to change everything about myself and had ended up bleaching my hair a few days before the first day of middle school and even went mute for a few months. I sigh and try to push the memory out of my mind. I'm kind of bored right now, and it's going to take a while to reach that kid since I'm in the back of the class so I decide to try to remember the name. The only thing I have to go by is the I and z that managed to survive all these years.

'Izuo? No that's definitely not it…. Izzy? Hmm…'

I try to remember something that will remind me of the name. And I think so hard the ideas start falling out of my mouth.



That's it.

Wait, who said that? I look up and see him. The kid I ran into.


The name's running across my mind, making my senses explode. Pain filled memories flood my brain like a tsunami and my head feels weighed down. I lay my head on my desk and feel my heart pound as that beautiful name starts to draw pictures of the most beautiful face I've ever seen, laughing, pouting, crying. Tears sting at my eyes as the memory of him leaving come back to me. I imagine the face I saw earlier his features now look so much more defined and I see them, those blood red eyes that I fell in love with. It's him, he's here, he's really truly here. But, he can't be. I must have imagined it; he's in another country, on another continent, in a world parallel to my own. It can't be real. I breathe out a shaky sigh and feel my body go limp as an over cooked noodle. I can't even breathe right, all my breath is coming out ragged and all I can see are the memories of years before. When we first met, when we visited the school, when we kissed. God, when we kissed. I was like a punch in the face but damn, it felt good.

That's what I need, I need to kiss him so desperately and I need to touch him and put my hands on his body so I can be absolutely sure he's real. I want to do as I promised: to hold him and never let him go. Suddenly I feel a quick pressure hitting my head. I don't look up though, I can't. My head still weighs two and a half tons and trying to lift it is useless, even with my strength. The teacher calls my name but I just ignore him, I don't feel like being bothered with him right now. He finally gives up on me and moves on. I lay there remembering every time I kissed him. From the first to the last. Every time our lips met was like an explosion. It felt so right in every way. You could practically see the love we shared for each other when we kissed. It was truly magical. And now that's all I want. I think of a way for us to be alone so that we can make up for lost time and remember that lunch is extra early today, since it's the first day of school. I smile at myself as I imagine it. Izaya's soft lips and his sweet flavor. I can barely contain my excitement. Just then the bell rings and all the kids shuffle out of the class, my head finally feels lighter and I can lift it just to see Izaya's raven-hair as he leaves the room. I quickly get to my feet and follow him out the door and try to spot him as I scurry up and down the hall searching for those beautiful eyes or the hair the color of midnight. You know, from someone else's point of view I probably look like a lost puppy.

Shizuo lifts his head as the bell for lunch rings, a joyous tune in his ears as he lifted himself from his desk, head aching with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. He rose from his desk and happily made his way to the door, sliding it open easily and heading down to the cafeteria. Then yet another memory from his past with Izaya reminded him. Izaya never once ate lunch in the cafeteria. Izaya had always said, "Being in the cafeteria is way too conventional. Unique minds think outside of the box on everything." Which basically meant, "I don't want to eat here because it smells like dying horses." That's why Izaya always ate on the roof. They would always be alone up there too. Shizuo gave himself a mental pat on the back for remembering and headed down the hall, away from the cafeteria. He stopped mid-way and looked out the window as something caught his eye. A glinting light had sparked interest in him as he looked down onto the courtyard and saw two guys fighting. Well he couldn't see very well from where he was but he saw that it obviously wasn't a fair fight. One of the boys was almost Shizuo's height and had a knife, while the other was much shorter and scrawnier. The smaller male had been pressed to a fence and looked like he was trying to scream for help. Then he opened his eyes and looked directly at Shizuo, red eyes glazed over, tears streaking on his cheeks. The next thing Shizuo knew he was racing down the halls to the courtyard. Completely blinded by anger.

Shizuo's blood boiled as he made it to the courtyard, meters away from where this bastard had managed to practically pull Izaya's pants down to his knees and was trying to do the same with his underwear. You could see where Izaya had scratched hand bitten this guys hand. The man was tall and ever had a hint of five o'clock shadow. This guy didn't go to this school. He was too old. He looked about 35 and had natural blonde hair that was starting to gray.

"Who are you?"

He asks, taking a hand that was previously gagging Izaya and clenched it over the boy's throat.

"Come any closer and I'll kill him."

Izaya's face became flushed and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His knees were about to buckle; Shizuo could see it by how the raven-haired tried to cling to the man's arm for dear life. Shizuo's rage was overflowing and it was impossible to stop now. He dropped his shoulders and walked over to a near by tree, grabbing at it's trunk, tearing it from the earth by the root. He held it above his head, threatening to nail the man in the head with it. The man gaped at Shizuo's great strength and released Izaya, letting his body drop limp to the ground, long since passed out from lack of oxygen. The sight of his beloved manhandled in such away pulled a trigger that sent Shizuo's arms jousting at the man with the plant at full speed.

Izaya lay silently on the ground slowly regaining his consciousness. He opened his eyes just barely to see someone walking towards him, covered in leaves and blood.

'This must be a dream' He thinks as the person lifts him from the rigid ground and carries him off somewhere. He tries to smile and forces on a weak one, thanking the man for his help. He closes his eyes once again, overwhelmed by light-headedness and nods off again.

Izaya wakes up to a cool breeze and shining sun that almost blinds him. He rubs his tired eyes and lifts his head from the cold concrete platform he's on. He looks around at the stretches of stone and the fence border lining the sky. He takes in a long breath, trying to remove the soreness in his throat. Just then a metal door creaks open and his eyes snap to a figure coming at him, grabbing at his arms, trying to pull them every other way than their supposed to go. A burning heat stings an open wound on his wrist and Izaya yelps in pain. He tries to yank away from the other's grasp but instead is pulled up closer to the stronger, broader body. Many things are running threw Izaya's head as the blinding light hits his eyes. The memories of what happened what feels like moments ago sends quivers combing threw Izaya's body. Suddenly Izaya is pushed to the ground and the strange character is standing over him. Izaya's only line of defense at this point is to scream and scream loud. Shizuo ignores the blood curdling screams and turns away to lock the door. Izaya watches from over his shoulder as Shizuo does this and overreacts, screaming louder. He carries himself over to the fenced edge of the roof and shouts for help threw the diamond shaped holes. Izaya screams even louder, if possible, but one thing hits Shizuo where it hurts.

"Please! Shizuo, Help me!"

Shizuo gawks at the trembling figure in front of him and walks over to him. He grabs Izaya by the back of his collar and lifts him to his feet. Izaya stared; his eyes glazed over with tears and his body a shaking mess. Shizuo tries not to scowl at his love but can't help it. Even though his face is burning red and his cheeks are cover in tears dried by the wind he still looked gorgeous. Shizuo slowly pulls Izaya into an embrace and presses the smaller males chest into his own breathing slowly trying to comfort him.

"That's what I'm trying to do." Shizuo says, voice soothingly calm.

He feels Izaya's body untense and the body previously racked with tremors now still. Izaya huffs into Shizuo's chest and clenches his fists against the broad form as realization hits him. He closes his eyes and tries to stop the waterfall of tears that continue to stain his cheeks.

"It's impossible," Izaya begins. He nuzzles his face into the taller's chest so that his voice is half muffled. "You can't be here," Izaya groans as Shizuo caresses his head just like he used to when they were younger.


Izaya lifts his head and looks up at the smiling blonde and gazes into his mocha eyes. Shizuo leans down to Izaya's level and rests his forehead on Izaya's and whispers to him in a calm voice,

"I'm glad you remember."

Before he plants his lips on Izaya's creating an electrical spark. Izaya moans softly as Shizuo pulls him deeper and deeper into the heated kiss. Izaya feels himself melt in Shizuo's arms and feels a wet heat on his bottom lip. He pulls away from Shizuo, pouting and then smirks up at him.

"Same, Shizu-chan," he says before locking their lips together. Shizuo moans practically silently and slides his tongue over Izaya's, fighting for dominance. Izaya eventually gives up and succumbs to Shizuo's whim. Izaya tangles his hands in Shizuo's blonde locks. Somehow they manage to stay tangled up in each other for the entire lunch period. Mouths clinging to one another, tongues clashing and slipping over each other. By the time they decided they needed to breathe it was already half into fifth period. Izaya smiled; breathlessly panting for air as Shizuo slowly reclaimed all the oxygen he needed and went to attack Izaya's mouth again. Izaya refused to open for him this time.

"Shizuo, I'm too tired," He panted out. Shizuo pouts and kisses on Izaya's cheeks and neck while the other tries to take in air. Izaya smiles at the gentle care he's being given and his breath finally slows. Shizuo eventually gets tired of leaving hickies on Izaya's neck and collarbone. He Lifts up from Izaya's now patched skin and gives another peck on the lips before he pulls him into a weak embrace. Izaya winces as a piercing pain on his inner thigh stirs pain in his stomach. Shizuo pulls away and looks down at the clothed flesh.

"Pull your pants down a little, Izaya."

Izaya nods and pulls his jeans down just enough for Shizuo to check on the hand-shaped bruise on his skin. Izaya groans and Shizuo gently caresses it.

"It looks better than it did before."

He says before helping Izaya slip his pants back on. Izaya feels his face warm at the thought of Shizuo checking his body for marks while he was asleep. He shakes his head to rid him self of the thought then bows his head. Izaya rests his head in the crook of Shizuo's neck and inhales his scent. Shizuo always smells like sweets and strawberries and that's just fine with Izaya. He smiles into Shizuo and kisses his neck quickly.

"Shizu-chan, I'm really glad you're here. I didn't really expect to see you ever again. I couldn't help thinking about you being alone here without me."

Izaya can feel the tears as they begin to choke him, strangling his words. Shizuo pulls him closer blowing warm air onto his skin to relax him.

"I know, Izaya. But I promised that I would always love you, and I'd bring you back someday,"

"And you did. If it hadn't been for those wonderful memories of us, I probably would've given up years ago. After everything my family has been tortured with, only the thought of you kept me alive and you saved me from being killed,"

Shizuo's eyes widen at this. He knew Izaya's family had left Japan because they were being hunted but he never thought of someone trying to kill Izaya.

"That's why I was screaming. I hadn't recognized you. I thought you were going to kill me before I got to see you again, and I couldn't let that happen" Shizuo gaped in horror at what he had accidentally done. Izaya chuckles and tells Shizuo not to worry.

"But I'm safe now that I'm with my big, strong Shizu-chan." Izaya mewls.

"I know," Shizuo starts. "But that doesn't make it any better," Izaya looks up at Shizuo and tilts his head to the side questioningly.

"I swear I'll protect you for the rest of your life, Izaya."

Izaya stares stoically at Shizuo, his face still and lax.

"Geez, Shizuo. Stop promising so many things to me," Izaya whines as he presses his forehead into Shizuo chest. Shizuo's face flushes and a wave of embarrassment comes over him. Izaya smirks at this, intrigued by the emotions he caused to erupt from his lover.

"I already know you're going to protect me and you better love me. Because if you don't I won't hesitate to slit your throat." Izaya purrs sadistically, which causes the blondes face to turn an even brighter shade of red. Izaya chimes then kisses Shizuo before reclaiming his spot on the tall boy's chest.

Shizuo sighs, slightly relieved at Izaya's playfulness and slightly disappointed at the fact that he didn't get to beat the crap out of whoever that tried to kill Izaya while he was away. But for right now, Izaya was sure to be safe in his arms, and Shizuo was going to protect him, by any means necessary. And Izaya was right, joke and all; Shizuo loved the boy with the prettiest eyes, most gorgeous face, and sweetest tasting name in the world, Izaya Orihara. And was damn sure going to protect his life before his own.

A/N: Well this was fun hope you enjoyed. Yes, yes, I know this chapter was anti-climactic but, What can you do?

Not on my author's note though)