The secret side of me I never let you see…My secret side I keep hid under lock and key…It's hiding in the dark; its teeth are razor sharp. There's no escape for me - it wants my soul, it wants my heart. No one can hear me scream. Maybe it's just a dream, or maybe it's inside of me…Why won't somebody come and save me from this? Make it end. I feel it deep within; it's just beneath the skin…I hate what I've become; the nightmare's just begun. I must confess that I feel like a monster. ~"Monster" (Awake, Skillet)


Nick walked in the front door close to midnight. He'd had a rough two days, and he desperately needed a good night's rest. Just before turning to go upstairs, he saw Juliette asleep on the couch, surrounded by photograph albums. He wondered if they'd helped at all.

Probably not. They haven't so far.

Nick had been sleeping on the couch, leaving the bedroom completely to Juliette. But she was already in a deep sleep, so instead of waking her to send her upstairs, Nick simply covered her with the quilt from Bud. He gently kissed the top of Juliette's head and whispered, "I love you," before heading upstairs to go to bed.


Monroe awoke the next morning on the couch, his lower back sore from his father's beating. He stood and rubbed his back, finding it sensitive to the touch.

"The things I do for Nick," the Blutbad groaned. But even as he said it, he smiled. He knew Nick would do the same.

Monroe's heart ached over the loss of his relationship with his parents, and just as he was sure his back would be sore for a few days, he was also certain that the heartache wouldn't leave easily.

Monroe opened his front door and slowly reached down for the morning newspaper. He looked up and saw a branch laying in the yard. He cringed as he realized that branch was probably what his dad had rammed into his back yesterday.

Seeing the branch reminded Monroe that Juliette had been there when the attack happened. Just before Monroe had tackled her to the ground, she'd had a look of fear on her face. It made him wonder what she'd seen. Had his father woged before attacking? If Juliette had seen Monroe's dad morph, it would definitely explain the expression she'd worn.

Monroe made his way back inside. Glancing at the clock, he figured Nick would probably be up by now. He picked his phone up from the coffee table and replaced it with the paper. Easing himself onto the couch, Monroe speed-dialed the Grimm.


Juliette found herself covered with Bud's quilt. It took her a moment to remember that she'd fallen asleep on the couch, thinking about that thing she'd seen in Monroe's yard…about how she'd watched Monroe change into something else…about the strange hang-up Nick had about going after these creatures.

Juliette was frightened. She had no way of knowing how many different kinds of monsters were out there, and honestly, she didn't think she wanted to stick around and find out. She wasn't sure she had the stamina to stick around.

After folding the quilt and placing it on the back of the couch, Juliette made her way upstairs. The door to the guest bathroom was closed, and water was running; Nick must have been taking a shower. Juliette walked into the bedroom, retrieving her suitcase from the closet. She had no idea where she would go, but she was too afraid to stay there.

As Juliette was packing her bag, Nick's phone started to ring. She went to the nightstand it was on and saw Monroe's name flashing on the screen.

Her heart pounded, and she almost didn't answer the phone. But just before it would have gone to voicemail, Juliette took the call.

"Nick's phone."


Monroe was startled to hear Juliette answer the phone. "Juliette? Hey…it's Monroe. How are you doing?"

There was a pause. "I'm, uh…I'm actually not feeling well this morning. What do you need?"

Uh-oh. Not good. "Well, I wanted to talk to Nick, but…you'll work, too. Um…you came by yesterday. How come?"


For a moment, Juliette couldn't remember why she'd stopped by Monroe's place. "Nick said that you weren't feeling well; I just wanted to see how you were." She swallowed. "Um…are you better?"

"From the camping trip? Yeah, but I woke up this morning with…a backache. Listen, um…oh god, Juliette, I don't know how to ask you this, but…um, when you were here yesterday - "

Juliette couldn't take it anymore. She stopped him before he said another word. "Monroe, I don't know what that thing was in your yard yesterday, and I don't know what happened to you, but I hope to God I never see it again."


Monroe exhaled deeply. Damn. So she did see Dad woge, and apparently so did I. I don't even remember that happening.

"Juliette, listen to me, please. I can explain. Just let me talk to Nick first."

"I don't want an explanation. All I know is that you're some kind of a monster, and I want you to stay the hell away from me."

Monroe was starting to panic. "You don't understand. I'm the same guy you've always known; it's just that now you know something else about me. Juliette, it's not what you think, I swear. Please let me come over, and Nick and I will explain everything."


Juliette was on the verge of tears. "Save it, because I don't want to hear it. Nick tried explaining once before, and it scared me then, just like it's scaring me now."

"You don't have to be afraid of me!" Monroe exclaimed. "I'm your friend, and I won't hurt you."

Juliette barely heard him. "No, you're not. You're a monster…and Nick's a monster hunter, and there's probably a secret compartment in his aunt's trailer where he keeps the hides of everything he's ever killed."

With that, the tears came, and Juliette hung up the phone.


Monroe heard the line go dead, and he gasped at the impact of Juliette's words.

Nick tried explaining before, and it scared me…His aunt's trailer…

"There's no way. Juliette's got her memory back."


Nick exited the bathroom a few minutes later in a pair of jeans and running a towel through his wet hair. He heard movement in the bedroom and walked that direction.

Before he even entered the room, Nick saw Juliette's suitcase laying open on the bed, and there were clothes inside. His mind began to race for an explanation.

"Juliette," he called. "What's going on?"

She came out of the master bathroom carrying an overnight back and various personal hygiene products.

"I can't do this anymore, Nick," she said as she placed her body wash and shampoo in the bag. "I just called Kelly from work; I'm going to stay with her for a few days."

Nick couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Wait…what? Why?"


There was no way Juliette could look at Nick, or she would fall apart again. "I need a break. This just isn't working right now. Please, Nick, don't ask me to stay. Just let me go."

Juliette closed her overnight bag, then zipped the suitcase. She brushed past Nick without so much as a glance and started walking down the hallway.


It took Nick a moment to realize Juliette was serious. He followed her down to the first floor.

"Juliette, wait a minute," he pleaded. "I don't understand….Will you at least tell me when you're coming back?"

She stopped with her hand on the door handle. "I don't know. Don't come after me, Nick. I need to do this."

With that, she walked out the front door and shut it behind her, leaving Nick alone in the foyer with tears streaming down his face.