Anderson woke up some time in the early morning, when someone was shouting downstairs. His sleepy brain wonders if it's Greg, if he's come homeā€¦. He gets to his feet, and starts to go down the stairs to see what's going on. It's not Greg, it's a tall man in a coat and he's arguing with Sally. No one notices him at first, so he's able to sneak into the room, and look for Greg. But then the tall man notices him, and says a lot of big words his pain killer and sleep addled brain doesn't understand, so he just goes 'huh' at him. Sally glares, and offers to take him back to bed,

'But I'm not sleepy!' he protests, but the tall man comes closer, and Anderson thinks maybe Greg's bedroom will be safer. Sally takes him back up to bed, and promises not to shout as much, and he falls back to sleep.

Sherlock is surprised at how small and fragile Anderson looks. He's not scowling, or angry, or even sad. He was sleepy, and he missed Greg. Sherlock misses Greg as well. Since Greg had been spending all most all of his time caring for Anderson, he hadn't had any to call Sherlock out, ot talk to him, or anything. It makes him feel a bit sad inside. Sally ushered him back to bed, and he fell back asleep in Greg's room. She goes back down, and doesn't talk to Sherlock. She falls asleep on the lounge, Sherlock walks around the house, looking at all the things that had changed. The fridge us covered in drawings he assumes Anderson must have drawn, he saw a couple of similar ones in Greg's office. There's an empty packet of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, and Sherlock has to wonder why Anderson is so obsessed with dinosaurs. He continues hhis tour to the bathroom, there are two towels, one looks more like a beach towel than a bathroom towel, it's very thin, and has dinosaurs printed on it. He has to ponder it. Next he walks into Greg's room. Anderson is asleep, so he's quiet. The room hasn't changed at all, bar the addition of a handful of Anderson's drawings. Greg must really like them, he thinks, looking at Anderson, who was sleeping on his stomach, likely to avoid putting pressure on the small wound on the back of his head. He thinks he must get John to the change the bandage, Lestrade would not be happy if Anderson got ill because of their neglect. (When had this become a group effort?) he thinks. He leaves the room when Anderson rolls over, not wanting to wake him up. The next room he goes into, is clearly Anderson's room.

He looks at the bed, unmade, a single bed, dinosaur sheets, duvet cover, pillow cases, all of it. There's more pictures In here as well, but they aren't of dinosaurs, or people like the others, these ones are of codes, long lines of codes, thick and thin, long and short, number and letters crossing over and symbols he doesn't recognize. He picked it up and looked it over. Interesting, he thinks, setting it on Anderson's dressing table. He takes a slow walk of the room, unable to believe that the person who lived here was once a forensic scientist.

Sally slept for the whole night, or, what was left of it. She was tired, and her neck hurt when she woke up. She checked the home phone, and her phone for messages from Greg. Still nothing. She has to go to work, she thinks, but who will look after Anderson? She can't bring him in, she doesn't have an office. She confides in Sherlock.

"I'll look after him." He said, and Sally wasn't sure she liked that, so she makes him compromise that John will also come over, at least John will make sure Sherlock doesn't try and experiment on Anderson. Sherlock seems a little hurt she doesn't trust him, but she brushes it off, drinks some of Greg's coffee, and waits for John. John, who had been in the process of (Once again) looking for a job, was delighted to have a distraction from his responsibilities, and came over as soon as Sherlock called him. Anderson sleeps though most of the morning. John has some tea, after finding some tea bags hidden in the back of the pantry, which are actually hidden there because Anderson cut a bunch of them opened and planted them in the ground, thinking they were seeds.

Anderson does wake up eventually, and he makes his way slowly down the stairs, and eventually sits at the counter, not noticing John or Sherlock in the living room. He can't tell time so he doesn't notice the time, he just sits until John goes to his cup in the kitchen and he nearly drops it. Anderson is equally as frightened, and he falls off his stool and starts to cry. John hurriedly sets the cup down and rushes to go see Anderson, who's holding his head in his hands sobbing. John takes his hands, and tries to give him a hug. Anderson smakcs him in the face and scrambles to his feet. John gave a shout of pain, and tried to get to his feet to chase after him, but Anderson is quite quick, and runs to the livingroom, screaming for Greg with everything he had. Sherlock grabbed him around the waist and pulls him to the sofa. "Anderson!" He shouts, trying to get though to him, but it just seems to make Anderson worse because now he was screaming about a monster, and neither of them knew what they should do.

So they try and calm him down, well, Sherlock does, John goes to get medicine and bandages for Anderson. Anderson sobs until Sherlock pulls him into a hug. Anderson keeps screaming and crying and calling Sherlock a monster, until Sherlock shouts back that Greg sent him. It's like magic words, he starts to calm down until he's lying limply in Sherlock's arms sniffling. "I want Greg." He whispered, and Sherlock just pulled him closer.

"We all do, Anderson." It would be a hard habit to break, he thinks, knowing a man for over half a decade, and only calling him by his last name, then having to change to his first name, it must be difficult, he ponders, as Anderson calms enough to squirm out of his arms and collect Hank from the floor next to him. He pressed his face into the stuffed back of the frog, crying softly.

"When will be home?" He asked quietly,
"Soon." Sherlock promised, "Soon."

/I know I keep promising to update more, but I don't, I'm sorry.

But thanks for all the reviews and lovely comments! I'll try my best to get the next chapters up soon, but I can't promise anything.