a/n: so….when I originally came up with the idea for this story I'd spent a great deal of time on the actual riddles. It was important to me that they be…somewhat believable. Slightly cheeky, slightly taunting, a bit dark. Luckily I had a great deal of help from my own personal Batman, but there was one we came up with that I never used in this fic and I decided to keep it for the end in case the idea/ opportunity for a sequel really became a possibility. I don't know about you, but I definitely want to write it…so here goes.

This chapter is quick and short, but hopefully it gets you all going and inspires you to subscribe and watch your inboxes for a new story that should be coming sometime in February or March.

Selina wiggled her toes in the sand and pressed her weight onto the one hand as she used to other to shade her eyes. She could see Bruce walking towards her, all bare shouldered and tanned with a big smile on his face and two drinks in his hands. The dark blue swimming trunks he wore hung nicely on him and she wondered how loose they were without undoing the white string. Could she get her hand in there and tease him a little without anyone noticing? Could she entice him into the water for a little one on one? The thought went onto the back burner as she felt a finger tap her on the shoulder. "Excuse me Miss. Message from the front desk."

Selina looked up at the waiter and smiled. His skin was dark and he was cute, just as she imagined it would be. "Thank you Enrique." She took the folded white card, barely noticing the green ink on the front. It simply said her name, and Bruce was already dropping beside her on the sand, handing her the sweating glass of fruity tasting alcohol.

"What's that?" he asked, leaning in to kiss her.

She could taste the beer on his tongue and eyed his own fruity drink for a moment. Now was not the time to question him on how much he'd been drinking. Not if she wanted to get him in the water. "Some note. Should I read it?"

"Might as well." He lay back on the sand, bringing his aviators from the top of his head to cover his eyes as he let the sun beat down on him. "Who's it from."

She opened the thick white cardstock, nestling her drink into the sand so it wouldn't fall over. She opened her mouth to answer him, but upon reading the words she felt all of the air leave her body. She gripped the note so tightly it crinkled then ripped in her hand. Her eyes kept darting from the condemning words to the flourished 'R' at the bottom. Their little piece of heaven was over. Slowly, she read the words, her voice shaking. She no longer felt the heat from the sun or the comforting feeling of sand under her toes. The chilled darkness of Gotham crept into her blood, cooling her from the inside out.

"Riddle me this, riddle me that. Can you solve my new riddle Miss Cat?

You fought the first battle, thrived and won,

but that was simply the beginning. Here comes another one.

There is more to come back; this time watch out for the one that broke the Bat."

a/n: There were a lot, I mean A LOT of villains that I didn't put into the story for this series and I really wanted to give everyone their own little showing. So…if enough of you are excited I will definitely be going through with it!