"So." Dally said. "What do we do now?" I shrank into the couch trying to hide my shame. "I dunno Dal we can't stay here." TwoBit said. This time he actually sounded serious. "You could," I said quietly in my corner. Ponyboy who was sitting beside me turned to smile at me. "Really?" I nodded. "Since the house was built the people that have lived here added on. There's an extra room, a shed there's even a cellar." Darry looked down at his hands. His shoulders slumped. "What's wrong Dar?" Soda asked.

He looked up at all of us and sighed. "I've always wanted to add on to this place ya know try to make it nice for ya'll I didn't think it would ever be possible." He said forlornly. "And I don't think I ever did since none of our kin is living here." I frowned. He felt like he failed, you could see it in his features. I didn't know their stories but so far from the look of them they didn't seem like they've had it easy. "Well maybe you did." I said with a smile standing up with new vigor I walked to my sisters room. "What are you doing?" Soda called out. I heard footsteps behind me and I opened one of Janes boxes. "I'm trying to find.." I opened another and another till I found the box I was looking for. "This." I said triumphantly. I pulled out the men's clothing that my sister had gathered over the years. "You can't go out in public looking like your from another decade," I held up a shirt towards Johnny. "People'll think your weird." Confused they passed the clothing around. "What do ya mean?" Steve asked from the hallway. I grabbed the box and walked out with the guys in tow. "Change then you'll find out." I said with a smile.

After they were changed and I had changed as well ready to go. "Where are we going?" Darry asked. "First," I held up a wad of cash that my dad had given me to do with as I pleased. "We're going to get your necessities," I stuffed it in my pocket. "Then were going to go to the library," a chorus of groans filled the room but I ignored it. "After that were going to eat."

Dally smirked. "So we get free stuff?" I smirked as well. "No your going to work for it after wards." His smugness disappeared.

"Seriously, your going to help us?" Ponyboy asked. I nodded. "Yep, now lets go."

As we walked towards town we received looks from passer by-ers. Of course the fact that I was new in town didn't help. And their hair was also an attention grabber, I saw people whispering behind their hands and glancing at us giggling to each other. I looked at the guys and they seemed to notice as well. "We're not apart of the zoo." Johnny said quietly. I bowed my head. "Yeah but that doesn't mean they won't stop staring."

As soon as we got to the store I grabbed a cart. "Ok, well need deodorant, shampoo," I walked swiftly towards the isle that had all of my needs. And when I turned around I watched as Two-Bit and Dally go their separate ways. "Where do they think they're going?" I asked.

Soda sighed rubbing his face. "To go steal stuff." Anger filled my being. I shoved the cart towards him. "Hold this." And rushed after them.

I heard Soda call, "Where are you going?" but ignored him. I found Two-Bit trying to sneak into the cigarets. "And what do you think your doing?" I demanded from behind him. Two-bit jumped and turned slowly. He sighed. "Oh nothing. Trying to get a pack." I glared at him and he grinned. "No your not." I said and grabbed him by the ear. "Ow! Hey that hurts!" He yelped. I ignored and started trying to track Dally. "Dally where are you?" I called out, the anger seeping through my voice. "Don't get your damn panties in a knot I'm right here." Dally called from behind us. I turned sharply, causing my fingers to tug harder on Two-Bits ear. "Ouch dammit! Are you trying to tear my ear off?" I glared at him and let go. Dally smirked at him. "Finally a woman that can put you in your place." Two-Bit flipped him off. "Ok children," I said irritably. "Let's get back with the rest of the guys please." Dally rolled his eyes and followed after me with Two-Bit in tow.

After we got done with the store we went straight to the library. "Why in the hell do we have to read?" Dally demanded. The librarian glared and shushed at him. "Dallas shut up." Darry whispered harshly. Ponyboy and Johnny chuckled as quietly as they could. "I don't see why we have to come here." He said sharply. Steve shrugged. "Yeah why do we have to be here?" I walked towards the next isle.

"I'm gonna brush you guys up on your history."

Ok so Im gonna cut it off there. So how are you guys? *awaits harsh insults* eh he yeah I'm really sorry for not updating. But well here it is and I don't know if I said it before but Rose is 16 so yay! Drivers licence! Anyway I hope you guys review. I love you all!