Author's Note: Welp. It's been a couple years since I updated this creepypasta fanfic here. I'm not entirely sure any of the people who used to read it are still reading, but hey.

For a long time, I kept telling myself that I would come back to this story. Obviously, I have not, and I am not going to, not in the same format as the rest of the piece, at any rate. There are many reasons for this. My muse for this story died a long time ago, my values have changed, my style of writing has evolved to the point where it's no longer compatible.

However, I put a great deal of work into it and into these characters, and I've enough people who used to read this thing that I would like to finish it on some level. So what I'm going to do is, for the last chapter, I'm going to write a synopsis of the last half of the story. Anyone who still has interest in this fic will finally get to see how it ends.

Anyone who is still reading, I thank you for sticking around all these years. Anyone new to this work(is creepypasta still a thing people like?), thank you for reading this far.

One more note before I start, and I don't doubt that everyone reading already knows, but it has to be said. Jeff the Killer and various other creepy pasta figures are NOT a reflection of what mental illness is actually like. The 'force' that Jeff suffers from is not an real thing, and those who suffer from mental illness should not be treated poorly because of it. Mental illness = evil is a trope that needs to be stopped, as it is harmful to real people. I hope everyone reading understands that.

That said, here's the final chapter.

So Abigail has Adrian and Clare. Julia is dead, killed by Jane and Mary.

Jane is in a hard place, because while a demon and a murderer, she still has morals, which Mary obviously lacked. So that's why she killed Mary. She mourns her lost lover while taking Julia's form to hunt down Abigail.

Jeff and Jane just miss each other, leaving Jeff with no way of knowing where Abby went, and Abby is with the kids when Slenderman shows up.

Abigail and Slenderman fight. Slenderman being Slenderman, he easily overpowers her, but before he can make her or either child disappear, Jane shows up, still disguised as Julia. Seeing that the children are in danger and not wanting to let kids die, she steps in and fights off Slendy while Abby takes the kids and runs.

However, Jane sees Abby for the first time since making the deal with the devil that would grant Abby emotions. And Abigails aura has...changed. Where once it was grey and lifeless, it is now a flurry of clashing colors, bright and flaring emotions that wrap around the grey and smother it, drowning it out. The emotions are so extreme, so vivid, so all consuming that even if Abby was someone who was used to coping with emotional turmoil, she wouldn't have been able to fight it.

Jane is struck by what she has done, the monster she created, and knows that this woman has to be stopped. She is nothing short of horrified by what her actions have done.

Slenderman is fought off(not killed, he can't be killed), and Jane, still disguised as Julia, goes after Abby and the kids. Before she finds them, she hears a scream, and finds Abby has stabbed the boy, the little girl cowers in the corner. Not knowing that the real Julia is dead, Abby doesn't realize that the woman approaching is Jane. Jane could kill her, but she's more interested in tending to the boy, pressing cloth down on the wound so he doesn't bleed out.

Abby feels a flooding mix of bloodlust, guilt, anger, and joy, and Jane tries to convince her to stay.

Abigail refuses, saying that if she stays, she'll only finish killing the boy, the girl, and Julia. The grey that is Abby's natural aura is fighting, and logically, Abby chooses to retreat, because that is what she concludes is the right thing to do. Not wanting to leave the boy, Jane stays where she is, trying to stop the bleeding until help arrives. She is unable to find the woman again afterward.

Abigail's ability to control herself continues to decline. She becomes more and more unpredictable, a creature of pure emotion, one who kills at random, one who leaves her victims alive by chance, one who goes from place to place with absolutely no ability to focus.

Jane continues to look for her, as does Jeff.

The devil brings back Mary upon Mary's request. Mary takes Jeff's form, a copy of his appearance, and hunts down Abigail. Marry tries to coax Abby into trusting her and promises not to hurt her while pulling her close, a full on lovey dove-y show that Abigail calls her out on.

They fight, and Abby gets injured, but before Mary can do anything fatal, the real Jeff shows up and they fight. Jeff is overpowered. Mary is very, very strong.

Jane shows up, and as they fight, Jeff and Abby flee.

They end up in a church, and once inside, the rampaging emotions Abby is experiencing ease. She's lucid, and she and Jeff have a discussion about what to do next. There is a well of holy water in the church, of course, and Abby takes some of it with her in a container.

Excited for the fight, Jeff comes back out and...well, fights. Mary has gotten away from Jane and despite the power imbalance, he throws himself at her. Jane shows up again, and quite briefly, they fight Mary together, Jane choosing to get rid of one of the monsters she made rather than focus on the one that made her.

Abby fights too, though upon leaving the church, her emotions once more fall out of control.

Everyone sustains injuries, and eventually, that vial of holy water is dropped on Mary. Mary explodes into flames, and takes Jane down with her. This leaves a highly injured Abby and Jeff remaining.

Abby attacks Jeff, and Jeff stabs her. She cackles in response, stumbling back, and challenges 'Catch me if you can!' An echo of the original game that brought them together.

She turns and she runs.

He follows.

She tries to attack him a second time, her knife digging into his side while he takes the opportunity to cut into her leg. She drops her weapon and tries to run, but ultimately collapses a few feet away, her leg no longer able to support her weight.

Jeff kneels next to her. Laughs and comments that he guesses she was right. He did win their little game.

Was it worth it?

Puts a hand on her back as she cackles. Yes. She supposes it was.

She says she doesn't want to stop playing yet.

She says she doesn't want to die.

He shushes her. Tells her to go to sleep. Slits her throat and holds her while she bleeds out.

He leaves the body there and walks away. Musing to himself in monologue that there are very few people he regrets killing. His parents, his brother, and now her. But there was no other way their game could have ended. Life goes back to what it was before.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Jane comes back into existence. She made another deal with Diablo and was given another chance to kill Jeff. This is her last chance, the devil tells her. She's no more levels to give.

He tells her that this is how hell works. If you're a bad person, you go down to the first level. If you're a really bad person, you go down more levels still. There are a total of ten levels, only nine which are reserved for demons and humans alike, with the tenth level belonging to Diablo himself. It is very, very hard for someone to reach level nine, because it means an evil nature that rivals the devil himself. Therefore, most people to end up on the ninth level did so through deals.

Mary only made two deals, she's on level nine through sheer malice. Jane made a total of five deals, with four levels given naturally due to her murders and anger. Her first deal when she was ten and agreed to be a demon in the first place, her second after Jeff killed her and she wanted to come back, her third through wishing for Mary to be alive again, her fourth through granting Abby emotions, and her fifth through this final return to life. As a level nine demon, she is incredibly powerful, but this power comes at the cost of needing to drink more blood every night, thus needing to kill more people.

This is her last chance. She's nothing left to give him to warrent bringing her back to life. If Jeff kills her, their rivalry is over. Which is funny, he says.

Because unless something drastic changes, Jeff is only going to level five. And Abby, who basically had her free will taken away from her and whose murders were done in a state where her decisions weren't her own, will end up in heaven.

Neither person Jane tried to kill will be suffering nearly as much as Jane will be in her quest for revenge.

It is here the devil lays out his final point.

Does Jane remember the exact words their first deal was decided upon?

In exchange for her soul, he said he would grant her the power to destroy Jeff. He then points out that the word they used was destroy. She indeed has the power to destroy Jeff...she just hasn't had the opportunity.

Jane is left knowing that she has lost everything, and that her only choice is to move forward. Kill Jeff not just as an act of revenge, but also because she doesn't want her doom to be in vain.

The irony here, though, and Jane will never know this, is that she can reject the devil at any time up until the point she is trapped in the ninth level. She has done awful things, but she did them out of anger and she did them in an effort to take down a greater evil. She is naturally a good person who has become corrupted over time.

If she rejected the devil and moved on from Jeff, she could have a chance at heaven, but she makes the same mistakes over and over and over again, and she never learns, and this is the tragedy of her character. She chooses to use this last deal to go after a man she will probably never best, not ever considering the fact that there might be another way. In many, many ways, she is still the same angry child that was left with her parents bodies so many years ago.

In the end, Abigail changed nothing. While she became personally important to the other characters, she left no real impact on any of them. Jane and Jeff will still fight, and Mary and Jane's story was more about each other, rather than Abby. Nothing has changed.

And that is how the story ends.