Da na na na na na na na da na na na na na na na SOOOOO-NIC!

I love Batman's theme song so much.

- Son of a Beach Ball!-

"Heads up!"

A red and white beach ball smacked into the side of Sonic's head. Startled, he fell off his lounge chair, landing on his stomach in the yellow sand. "Ow!" the blue hedgehog complained, rubbing his head. "That was a beach ball. Why did that hurt me?"

Knuckles, who was over by a volleyball net, laughed, pointing his hand at Sonic since he didn't have fingers. His stomach heaved as he laughed, his orange swimsuit bouncing as he did. "Ha! You just got served!" The buff echidna went to high-five Tails, who was standing beside him unawares, but accidentally smacked him in the face with his palm and sent the poor kitsune flying thanks to his strength. "Oops."

"Are you okay, Sonic?" Amy asked worriedly. She was on the other side of the net, her bare fingers pressed to her mouth. She nervously tugged down on her red tankini with her other hand when she realized he was looking at her, trying to cover her slim pink stomach which kept peeking out. "I should probably try not to spike the ball anymore."

Sonic shook his head, looking away and laughing awkwardly, his cheeks turning pink. "No, it's alright," he said quickly. "I wasn't hurt. It was just a beach ball." He picked said ball up off the ground and chucked it over to her. Amy reached up, catching the ball in her hands.

"Do you want to play with us, Sonic?" Tails asked, stumbling back over to the group. He was holding a piece of steak to his left eye, which was turning a nice shade of purple.

"Nah, I'm good," Sonic declined, climbing back onto his chair and putting his sunglasses back on, which had flown off his face when he'd been hit by the ball. He picked up a glass of lemonade, which had been sitting on a table beside him under the shade of a red umbrella. "If I'm going to be hanging at the beach all day, I'd rather do something less likely to get me thrown into the ocean."

"How could playing volleyball get you thrown into the ocean?" Tails wondered, genuinely curious.

"There are ways," Sonic hissed, his lime green eyes narrowing behind his shades.

"O-kay then," Tails said, weirded out. "Well, join the game anytime if you change your mind." He turned back to the net, facing Amy as he waved his arms wildly in the air. "Spike when ready, Amy!"

"You asked for it!" Amy yelled back. She jumped up, throwing the ball in the air and slugging it with her fist, sending the ball on a fiery path towards Tails, who was still waving his arms. Tails stopped waving, his eyes widening just as the ball slammed into his face. The two-tailed fox fell onto his back in the sand and the ball rolled off his face, revealing a second black eye.


"OH MY CHAOS, TAILS, I'M SO SORRY!" Amy screamed, breaking the volleyball barrier and diving under the net like a swimmer about to dive into water. She did a pretty rad flip midst dive and landed gracefully on her knees, sliding across the sand before grabbing Tails by the shoulders and shaking him violently. "Are you okay?! TAILS?!"

"A-A-Amy, s-s-s-st-stop sh-sh-shak-i-ing m-m-me, p-p-p-ple-ease...!" Tails begged, barely able to get the words out she was shaking him so hard.

Amy immediately let go of the fox's shoulders, letting his head fall back against the sand. "Sorry! I'm so sorry, Tails! Are you alright? Can I do anything?"

"Try not to spike the ball at my face?"

"Done!" Amy stood up, taking his hand and dragging him up with her. Then she skipped back over to her side of the net. "That point still counts for me though!" she announced cheekily, marking a strike in the sand with a pointy stick. Beside the new strike were seventeen others.

"Amy, you're already winning," Knuckles complained. "Can't we redo that one?"

"Nope!" Amy said cheerfully. "And stop whining. It's only me against you two. It should have been easy for your team to win, but I guess you guys just suck."

Both Knuckles and Tails glared at her. In the background, Sonic was laughing his head off.

"Okay, okay," Amy giggled. "That was a bit harsh. But, I mean, come on! How is it I'm beating you both? Do you guys even know how to play volleyball?"

"None of us do!" Knuckles growled, red in the face (Ha. Ha ha. Red. Knuckles. Ha). "You punch the ball when you're supposed to hit it like this." He threw the ball up and slapped it with his palm. The ball ricocheted off the net and hit Tails in the forehead, who proceeded to fall over again despite just getting back up.

"You don't slap it!" Amy argued. "That's a girly move. You have to hit it head on...with your fist!" She got into a fighting pose. "You gotta show that ball who's in control. Like this..." The pink hedgehog beat on her chest, imitating a gorilla. "I AM THE ALPHA FEMALE! HOO-WAH!"

"You're both wrong," Tails said woozily, swaying back and forth as he stood up, yet again. "You do it like this." He picked up the ball and tossed it like a Frisbee. The ball sailed over the net, not stopping. The three heroes watched blankly as the ball flew across the ocean before finally landing fifty feet away...on top of a far-out swimmer's head. The swimmer collapsed into the water. The swimmer's companion started screaming.

"Oops," Tails said sheepishly.

"He'll be fine," Knuckles said, waving a hand dismissively.

"But our ball won't," Amy pointed out. "Someone has to go get it."

"Nose goes!" Tails shouted. Everyone's fingers flew to their noses. Except Sonic's.

"Sonic has to get the ball!" Knuckles yelled, grinning wickedly at the lazy hedgehog.

"What?" Sonic asked, raising his sunglasses. Knuckles, Tails, and Amy were all suddenly looming in front of him, inches away from his face. The blue hedgehog sweatdropped. "Why are you all looking at me like that?!"

"Nose goes...," Tails sneered.

"You have to go get our ball, Sonic, sweetie," Amy chuckled. She pointed towards the ocean where their ball was floating above the surface. "So get to it. We don't want it to float out to sea."

As soon as Sonic caught on to what they were saying, he hopped out of his lounge chair, backing away. "No way!" he refused. "Go get your own stupid ball!"

Knuckles cracked one of his knuckles threateningly. "Are you trying us, hot shot?" the echidna snarled.

Sonic stared at Knuckles' gigantic fists with fear. "Uhhh...no. No, I'm not." He grinned nervously. "Hey, you look mad, buddy. Why don't I go get your runaway ball. Would that make you feel better? Huh, big guy?" Sonic patted Knuckles' shoulder awkwardly. "Yeah, there you go. Just...sit tight. I'll be right back."

"Wait!" Amy called out, grabbing Sonic's arm. "You need sunscreen if you're going out into the water. It's about to get really hot out." She lifted up a bottle. "Do you want some?"

Sonic blinked rapidly. "Um. No. No, that's okay. I'm only going to be out there for a few seconds. Hedgehog's as fast as me don't burn in the sun."

Amy shrugged. "Whatever you say." She watched as Sonic took off towards the ocean and then sat down, squirting a long tube of sunscreen into her hand. "I should probably put some on myself while I'm thinking about it."

"Why didn't you before?" Tails asked.

"Because it wasn't hot out before," Amy explained, beginning to lather the lotion up one bare arm. "The sun has been hidden behind the clouds all day, but look." She pointed up at the sky. The sun was starting to shine down more heavily than it had before. "It's getting hotter, so I'm gonna make sure I don't get burned. Do you two want any?"

"Sure," Tails said.

"Trust me," Knuckles said. "I'm not going to get any redder."

"Suit yourself." Amy handed the bottle to Tails. "Don't start complaining when you start to roast."


Meanwhile, Sonic was standing at the edge of the water. He stared down at the waves, watching them wash up close to his feet and then go back down. Up, down. Up, down. It was an endless pattern.

"An evil pattern," Sonic said to himself. He glared at the water. "Okay, water. I don't like you...and you've tried to drown me before, so I know you don't like me. But I need to get back Amy and them's ball or Knuckles will mess up my face worse than Tails' is right now." He reached out the tip of his foot, but brought it back before it could get wet. "Come on, Sonic. You can do this. All you need is to-AH!" A sudden wave of heat hit Sonic from behind, making him feel like the entire backside of his body was on fire. "Amy was right, it is hot out here." The sand was heating up and he started to hop from one foot to the other. "I need to just get this over with."

Sonic took a step forward. The waves crashed up towards him and he retraced that step quickly. He did this about eleventeen (yes, eleventeen) times before finally getting mad.

"Agh, this is impossible!" the hedgehog groaned, stomping around in a circle, his hands behind his back. "How am I supposed to get that ball if I can't even get in the water?!

"Wait." Sonic tapped his nose with his forefinger. "Maybe I don't have to get in the water! I'm the fastest thing alive! I can just run across!" Now confident, Sonic got down on all fours like a track runner preparing for a race. "And...go!" He took off at the speed of light, zooming across the ocean's surface and sending the water spraying in both directions away from him. It hadn't been half a second by time he'd scooped up the beach ball, swerved around - spraying a blast of sea water into the face of the two swimmers who'd already been out there - and skidded to a stop back on the beach.

"WOO!" the blue hedgehog cheered, pumping a triumphant fist in the air. "I DID IT!" He did a happy little jig, dancing around and doing cartwheels.

"If you're done making a fool out of yourself," Knuckles called over from under the umbrella, "why don't you come over and get some sunscreen on? You're turning redder than me!"

"Huh?" Sonic looked himself over. Sure enough, the once peach skin on his chest was redder than a tomato, and don't even start on how his back looked. "OW!" Sonic plopped down on the sand, rolling around in an effort to try and soothe the burn he hadn't noticed he'd had until then. Unfortunately, the sand was hotter than his sunburn, and made him burn all the more. Shrieking, he got back up, running around in a circle in panic.

Amy facepalmed at the sight. Sighing, she walked over to the freaked-out hero, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him under the umbrella with the rest of the Sonic Team. "Come on, Hedgehog," she grunted. "Let's put some Aloe on that. But don't forget, this never would have happened if you had just put on sunscreen like the rest of us."

"I didn't!" Knuckles pointed out.

Amy smacked him in the back of the head. "If you don't want to look like Sonic over here, you will," she said sternly. "It doesn't matter if you can't see the burn, since you're already red...you'll feel it." Her eyes narrowed. "For days."

Knuckles quickly grabbed the sunscreen and squirted it all over himself.

"Now..." Amy sat Sonic down on his lounge chair, grabbing a bottle of Aloe. "Rub this wherever you're burnt," she instructed in a very motherly way. "The pain should go away soon, and if it comes back, reapply the Aloe."

"Psh...'kay, mom..." Sonic snatched the Aloe away from Amy, cursing very colorfully under his breath.

"What was that?!" Amy screeched, her eyes flaming.

Sweatdropping, Sonic's eyes widened with fear. "N-nothing, Amy!"

"Mhmm, that's right!" Amy shook her head, hands on her hips. "Kids these days..."

"AMY!" Knuckles whined. He was lying on a blanket, curled up in a fetal position as one hand desperately reached for his back. "I can't get this stupid sunscreen on my back! AGH! Help me!"

Amy cringed. Awkward, she thought. "Um...Tails, why don't you take this one for me? I have to finish putting sunscreen on myself."

"Do I have to?" Tails complained.

One look from Amy gave him the answer.

"Alright, you guys, I'm going swimming!" Amy called over her shoulder, running down the beach. "See y'all later!"

"Wait! I wanna swim, too!" Tails cried, running after her while flailing his arms about wildly.

"Don't forget me!" Knuckles added, stumbling as he hobbled behind the two heroes.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he scoffed, leaning back in his lounge chair. "I've got my umbrella, my lemonade, and Amy's Aloe to keep me company. Who needs friends anyway?" He put on his sunglasses.

Ten seconds passed. He was lonely. Crap. Fortunately, Sonic was an expert at hiding his emotions and shrugged off the feeling.

Just when he was starting to fall asleep, he heard a loud shout and then that stupid beach ball hit him in the head...again! Furious at the déjà vu, Sonic ripped off his sunglasses, ready to scream bloody murder at whomever had thrown the ball at him when he saw it.

Amy. A tall, attractive Mobian. In the water. Together. Laughing. Splashing each other. Together.

Sonic gritted his teeth, his green eyes narrowing furiously at the sight. What did that guy think he was doing?! Who did he think he was?! He wasn't allowed to hang out with Amy like that! He wasn't allowed to make her laugh like that! No one was! Except Sonic of course.

"Hey, sorry, man!" the guy said to Sonic. "That was my bad!" He reached up. "Mind passing it back?"

Sonic picked up the ball. However, he seemed to mistake it for a stress ball and it popped in his hand thanks to his tight grip, little flaps of red and white floating down to the ground. Everyone stared at the remains of the beach ball in silence. Then Amy's shocked expression shifted to a glare.

"Uh...I can pay for that," Sonic said weakly. Ha. Yeah right. He was broke.

"You do that," Amy responded coldly. She turned back to the guy. "Sorry, dude. I guess the game's over."

The guy shrugged. "Hey, what can ya do? It was just a ball. Why don't I buy you a new one instead? There's a shop about a mile away where they sell them."

Amy brightened up. "That sounds great!" she said happily. "You rock, man!" A bit bashfully, she punched his shoulder, but underestimated her strength and accidentally knocked him into the water. A crab sat on his head when he resurfaced and they both laughed.

Sonic hadn't even realized he'd been growling until the guy and Amy stopped talking and he could finally hear himself. Angrily, he turned away, crossing his arms. He wasn't upset about this. No way. What was there to be upset about? Nothing, that's what. Amy was allowed to have guy-friends. After all, didn't she already? Tails? Knuckles? Shadow? Yeah. And he had lady-friends - Cream, Rouge...etc. So what was the big deal? Exactly. It was fine.


"You're jealous...," a mischievous voice whispered in Sonic's ear.

"YAH!" Sonic shrieked, whirling around. Tails was standing behind him, dripping wet from his swim and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "W-what?"

"You're so jealous!" Tails giggled, poking Sonic's stomach. "Don't deny it, bro!"

"I am not jealous!" Sonic denied.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Wait, you're not going to do that thing where you switch sides in the middle of an argument and trick me into saying I'm actually jealous, are you?" Sonic asked suspiciously. "You know...the 'are too, are not, are too, are not, are not, are too' thing?"

"Whaaat? Don't be silly." Tails laughed nervously. Scratch that plan, the fox thought to himself, disappointed.

"Good." Sonic turned back to the ocean, watching as the new guy helped Amy slosh through the water back to the beach by gripping her hand. Sonic's face turned red and he hissed.

Tails' eyelids lowered and he slid his hand slowly down his face. "Wow, you are so jealous, man, it's not even funny."

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!" Sonic roared in Tails' face, his eyes completely red.

Everyone on the beach turned to stare at Sonic, including Amy and her new guy-friend. The red coloring on Sonic's face deepened.

Then suddenly, Amy giggled. She nudged Sonic playfully, grinning at him in that cute way that filled his stomach with butterflies. "Is that why you were being so weird earlier?" She pinched his arm. "Don't be jealous, silly. You're still my Sonikku."

The guy, who was standing behind Amy, looked pretty let down, but Sonic felt better. When Amy turned to talk to Tails, Sonic blew the guy a raspberry, which was gladly returned.

"If you're her so-called 'Sonikku,' then you can buy her that beach ball," the guy spat at Sonic. He turned to stalk off, but tripped over the remains of the beach ball, which were still on the ground, and landed face first in the sand. Embarrassed, the guy scrambled to his feet before running off, not looking back.

"Ha!" Sonic laughed, doing another victory dance. "I showed him!" He could totally replace Amy's beach ball with the money he didn't have!



Um yeah. This one was kinda parody-ish. I thought it was funny, so shut up.

Shut up and review.

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