Thrown Away

Authors Note:

Hey, I'm new to writing. In fact I have failed the writing portion of my English classes for the past 3 years of high school. I am now a senior and beginning to getting better. So I welcome any and all constructive criticism. All I ask is that you are nice. Thank-you

Disclaimer, I own none of the SVU cast. I only own Oliver and Kelly, Elliot is divorced and his kids ages are different. Maureen is 19, Kathleen is 17, the twins are 12 and Eli is 5

Chapter One: Thrown Away

This is Kelly's story

AN: Kelly is 7 and Oliver is 2

One Month Earlier

"I'm sorry mommy." Kelly Said, her voice trembling in fear.

"What did I say about calling me that? My name is not 'mommy' it's Heather, I am not your mother!"

Kelly's mother always told her that she was a rape baby (not that she knew what that meant) and that her baby brother Oliver was just a mistake. Kelly didn't care though she loved her baby brother with all her little heart and always protected him. She was only five when he was born, but she learned how to change diapers, make bottles and even taught the basics such as walking and how to talk. His favorite word right now was 'Kell'. She never did teach him how to say mama knowing that her mother hated being called mom, or any variation of the word.

"I'm sorry Heather. I didn't mean it."

"Yeah you're always sorry, you little spawn." Heather spat angrily.

Kelly knew that this wasn't gonna end well. It never did when she stole food but she always took the beating to keep Oliver safe.

Heather stared at her oldest child and said in a livid tone "I can't believe you ate the last of my chocolates. You little bitch, you just can't keep your hands off of thing that aren't yours, can you?"

"I'm sorry Heather, but there was no other food and Oliver was hungry. I couldn't find anything else." Kelly was really getting scared now. In all the times her mother got mad she never had that look in her eyes. She actually looked like she was gonna kill her.

"YOU… WILL…NEVER… STEAL…FROM…ME…AGAIN!" Each word was punctuated with a hard blow from a paddle that her mom always used when she got mad. "And I'll get that little bastard brother you love so much next time." "NOO! Please no, he's just baby, please." She whimpered in pain at each blow to her chest and back but never cried. It was always so much worse when she cried. Kelly lay on the floor until she heard her mother's car drive off. She was headed to the nearest bar no doubt.

Kelly decided that she needed to leave. She wasn't gonna chance her little brother getting hurt.

Kelly was freezing. It was a cold February night and she had nothing but a ratty old towel to cover up with. She had given her only sweater and their two blankets to Oliver to try and keep him warm. He was snuggled up as close to Kelly as he get. All the sudden there was a woman standing in front of her.

Olivia was walking around her building to find the dumpster. It was just past two in the morning and she had just closed a bad case. She heard a noise coming from the other end of the court yard. She walked in that direction and looked the ally. What she saw honestly shocked her (and that's hard to do considering her job).

Kelly looked up at the woman, moving her matted bleach blonde hair out of her face she looked at the woman's face and saw a tear run down her face. When the woman moved toward her she pushed Oliver behind her and scooted backwards.

The lady then crouched down to Kelly's height and whispered "it's okay, I won't hurt you sweet pea, and I'm a police officer."

Kelly whispered back barely audible "can I see your badge?"

"Sure you can sweetie, my names Olivia" Olivia whispered warmly as she handed the girl her badge.

"What your name?" Olivia asked carefully moving closer.

"Kelly" she whispered softly.

"Well hi Kelly, is that your little brother?" Olivia asked.

"Yea his names Oliver" she told Olivia, her teeth chattering.

"Where's your mommy sweetie?"

This lady seemed nice so maybe she could help. She was really cold and she was afraid for her brother. He brother was just starting to stir so she made a quick decision.

"Heather doesn't love us." Kelly murmured sadly.

Olivia decided that she wasn't leaving Oliver and Kelly out here in the cold. It was 30 degrees outside and there was a snow storm coming.

"Kelly would you like to come in side with me? I can get you all warmed up and get you some food" Olivia asked

Food sounded really good right now. She was really hungry and she knew that Oliver would be too. She hadn't eaten in days. She gave her food to Oliver yesterday.

Just as she was about to answer Oliver whimpered and said "tummy hurts kell." He buried his head in her lap and she knew she needed help.

Kelly looked up at Olivia and said "please." referring to the previous question.

Olivia saw the sadness in the little girl's eyes when she said please, the little girls crystal blues eyes looked too old for her years.

"Come on, you must be freezing." Olivia said

Kelly looked at Oliver "come on Ollie, Livia gonna help us. Right? " When Olivia nodded Kelly stood up and heard Olivia gasp.

Olivia watched as this young girl stood up and offered her young brother her hand. He immediately grabbed it and that's when I saw the blankets fall completely off Kelly. Doing the job she does she see some bad things but this is one of the worst things she had seen. She watched as she saw Kelly attempt to pick up the boy who didn't appear to be much older than a year or maybe 14 months. Kelly picked him up and he was chest to chest with Kelly's arms under his butt. Though Olivia could see the pain in her eyes, that's when she spotted the bruised and swollen wrist. Olivia immediately offered to take the boy.

"Here sweetie let me take him, he looks heavy." Olivia offered and Kelly hesitantly allowed Olivia to take Oliver.

AN: Please let me know what you think. i have most of this story written so i will update soon. TBC