Here ya go, my first slashfic :D Vecpio stuff, gonna develop slowly, with plenty o' fluff and angst (but mostly fluff), and general cuteness. Enjoy!

Vector and Espio were taking a stroll through the park at sunset. It had been ages since their last adventure, so they made a point to exercise daily to keep in shape. The third member of their group, Charmy Bee, was away playing with his "friend, not girlfriend" Cream the Rabbit, so they were alone as they made their way along the lightly wooded path. Espio glanced up at his crocodilian friend, whose tall, muscular body dwarfed his own.

Suddenly, Espio stopped walking.

"Vector, what are we doing?"

Turning around, the crocodile replied, "We're goin' for a walk, silly!"

"No, I mean... what are we doing? With our lives?"

"Whaddya mean, Esp?" The crocodilian tilted his head quizzically.

"Look at Sonic and Tails. They have a mission in life - they save the world from Dr. Eggman. Knuckles, he guards the Master Emerald. Mighty dedicates himself to a life of non-violence. Shadow is trying to be a good person to atone for the bad things he's done. I don't know about Rouge, but she seems like she's always got something planned. Miss Vanilla is committed to being a great parent to her daughter. Even Amy has a purpose - she wants to find true love." Espio looked down at his feet after saying that, and paused before continuing. "You, Charmy and I spend our days doing nothing in particular. Do not get me wrong, I... love you guys, but... Do you ever feel aimless? Like something is missing?"

Vector scratched his head, apparently getting the impression Espio wasn't just talking about dedicating himself to a cause. Seemingly unsure how to continue, he answered, "Erm... that's some pretty heavy stuff Esp. I thought ya enjoyed hangin' out with us..."

"Oh, no, I do, more than anything!" Espio said quickly. "But don't you feel like we could be doing more with our lives? I've just felt so... exhilarated during our last journey, knowing I had a goal and that I was working toward it, no matter what the cost. And having you and Charmy along was the icing on the cake."

"Hrmm... To tell ya the truth, though I'd been perfectly content with the way things were, a teensy part of me did feel... I dunno, unfulfilled, I guess. But I'd do it for the rest of my life as long as I was with you guys. Yer my best friends! Darn it, I'm startin' to sound like a sap." The crocodile looked embarassed.

Espio's expression changed.

"Do you... have any dreams?" the purple chameleon said, suddenly.

"Whaddya mean, 'dreams'? That's a loaded term, Esp." Vector seemed to know what Espio meant on the surface, but he could obviously tell the chameleon had something else on his mind. He hoped to goad it out of him.

"Just answer."

"I'm gonna go with 'plans', since ya don't seem ta wanna elaborate." Vector crossed his arms, realizing Espio wasn't going to spill the beans. Then he faltered. "Erm... well... honestly..." He stopped. "Nah, it's a stupid idea."

"Tell me."

Vector sighed. "Promise ya won't laugh?"

"I would never." Espio was still wearing the same imperceptible expression.

"Okay... argh, I know it sounds silly, but... well, I always had this idea of you, me and Charm runnin' some sorta... detective agency." Vector shut his eyes, expecting a snide remark.


Vector looked at Espio and frowned. "Ya think it's dumb, don'tcha?"

Espio stepped closer. "No! No, Vector, I think it's a great idea! I just never expected you to say something like that! You seemed so content with life, I had no idea you had such an interesting dream!"

"So... whaddya think?"

"About becoming a detective?"


Espio smiled. "I would love to. And I bet Charmy will feel the same way."

Vector's face turned pink. "Awr... Yer the best, buddy..."

Espio found himself unexpectedly pulled into a hug, squeezed tightly against the much bigger reptile. He could feel the hard muscles of Vector's massive chest against his face, the crocodile's biceps squeezing his sides. He could even feel Vector's heartbeat, which seemed a little faster than it should have been. Suddenly, the chameleon felt uncomfortably warm.

Looking down, Vector remarked, "Wow, Esp, yer entire body is red! Are ya mad or somethin'?"

"U-uh, y-yeah, mad! I'm just so angry that you had to feel ashamed about your dreams!"

Vector looked puzzled. "If ya say so..."

He didn't stop the hug, though.

As they made their way back to the shack they called home, Espio pondered to himself.

Espio had lied to his crocodilian friend. The reason he had turned red wasn't because he was angry. The real reason was, well... even he didn't really know.

Ever since he met Vector, the chameleon had felt a connection with the crocodile that he had never known with anyone else before. At first he'd thought it was because they were both reptiles, but he didn't think it was that anymore. He felt an ache in his chest whenever the crocodile was away from him, and a warmness when he was nearby. He found himself staring at Vector for no reason, simply taking in his form. Being around Vector just felt... good, but it also didn't. Somehow whenever he was around, the chameleon felt nervous, like there was a knot in his stomach. He couldn't speak eloquently, he felt self-conscious...

The only thing he could conclude from this was that he was either allergic to Vector or that he... was in love with him.

Espio couldn't understand his feelings. Guys were supposed to like girls, not other guys. He wondered if anyone else thought like him. Perhaps he just felt safe around Vector due to his size. Or maybe this was how best friends felt around each other? Regardless, he'd never brought up the subject with the crocodile, who was very straightforward and would probably think he was weird.

So Espio pined for him in silence.

He did legitimately think Vector's detective idea was good, but the main reason he had agreed was because it would make Vector like him more. Vector could have said he wanted to start a garbage disposal service and Espio would have jumped at the opportunity to stay close to him.

"Somethin' on yer mind, Esp?"

The chameleon jolted back to reality, unaware of how deeply he had been lost in thought. "Uh, I was just trying to think of a name for the detective agency." He paused. "N-not that it's really my decision - it should be up to you."

Vector smiled, looking down at his friend. "Aw, yer gonna be on equal terms with me, buddy. Don't think like I'm some big boss or somethin'. Yer supportin' me, so I wouldn't feel right givin' ya orders or anything. So thinka this as a joint venture." He patted Espio on the back.

"Thanks, Vector. That's kind of you."

The pair got home and found Charmy already there, engrossed in a colouring book on the floor.

"Yo, Charm! Whatcha doin' back so soon?" Vector said, pulling out a seat at the nearby table and planting himself there, his feet resting on top of the table.

"Hi Vector! Hi Espio! Cream had to go home early because she was sick."

"Yikes. I take it she didn't like yer smoochin' skills?"

Charmy turned bright pink. "She's not my girlfriend, Vector!"

Espio chuckled, walking over to the bunk bed he and Vector shared, climbing to the top bunk (which was his) and lying down. "Sure, she isn't."

"I mean it! Quit it, you guys!" Charmy flew around in a circle, buzzing angrily.

"So, shall we tell 'im the news?"

"What news?" Charmy perked up.

"Well, ya see, Espio and me were on a nice little walk, and we got to chattin', and we decided that we wanted to try somethin'."

"Vector, could you have worded that any more ambiguously?" Espio said, covering his face to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"I'm gettin' there, hold yer horses! As I was sayin', we decided we wanted to try somethin'. Charmy, whaddya say we start our own detective agency?"

"Detective agency? Like Sherlock Holmes and stuff?"

"Kinda!" replied Vector, beaming. Espio smiled and shook his head, admiring Vector's pearly whites.

"Cool! Can I be in it too?" Charmy hopped up and down on the floor.

"Of course ya can buddy. Yer a part of this family too."

"'Family'?" Espio said. "You've never called us that, Vector."

"Well, I mean... yeah, you guys are kinda the only family I got."

"You're such a big softie." Espio teased.

"A-am not!" Vector turned red.

"So what are we gonna call ourselves?" Charmy asked.

"I have no idea, Charm."

"How about the Chaotix?" the bee replied.

"The 'Chaotix'? Where'd ya get that name from?"

"I dunno, it just popped into my head just now!" Charmy said.

"I kinda like it," remarked Espio.

"Yeah, me too. Wait... now I remember, didn't we call ourselves by that name back on Carnival Island all those years ago?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot," Espio said.

"Me too," added Charmy.

Vector grinned. "All right, it's settled. From now on, we're known as the Chaotix Detective Agency!"

"Yay!" Charmy squealed.

The three chatted and laughed for the rest of the night until they went to bed.

Espio thought about the day's events. He felt so proud of Vector for deciding to follow his dream. And he felt good for being the one to encourage him. I hope he likes me even more because of this, the chameleon thought. He couldn't believe he was actually going to be a detective. He rolled over and looked down at the sleeping crocodile below him. Vector was snoring lightly as he always did, quietly enough that Espio found it cute rather than annoying. Watching his chest rise and fall under the blanket, his muzzle twitching every once in a while, Espio melted.

Oh... who am I kidding. I'm in love with this croc.

That's it for the introductory chapter, will post moar when I write moar :X Feedback is appreciated! See ya!