* Please review! JetNova, here you go! Thanks for talking about this with me!*

Robert strolled through the crowded bar with his hands in his pockets. He was scanning the crowd as he made his way to the bar. He needed to drink and forget. He and Mena were breaking up, he knew it and she knew it. They just had to say it but the saying it part was the hardest part. They'd say it, then he'd have to find a new place to live and move out. And than he'd be alone. He hated being alone, being single. He hated sleeping alone. Robert sighed as he reached the bar. He leaned against it and quickly ordered a drink.

" Robert?" He turned around slowly at the voice he hadn't heard in four years.

" Holy shit." He said with a grin breaking over his face. " If it isn't Miss Jillian Winters." The dark haired beauty smiled and the two moved towards each other at once. Robert's arms went around her waist as hers went around his neck. She closed her eyes and sighed. " What the hell are you doing here? I thought you moved across the country. " He asked when they pulled away.

" I did but I'm back." She said. Her hands stayed on the top of his shoulders while his stayed at her hips.

" I haven't seen you since you drove away from me." Robert said. He kept his smile as he patted her side. " Let me buy you a drink."

" Just a coke, please." Jillian said, letting her hands slip from him.

" Coke? You quit drinking, Baby?" He asked. He took her hand and pulled her closer to the bar so she didn't get hit by any of the drunks that were bouncing around.

" No." She said. She needed to pull her hand from his but she didn't. Robert smiled and looked at the bartender.

" Can I get a rum and coke?" Robert asked. His thumb started to make slow circle against her hand, the way he used to do every time he held her hand.

" Sure thing, Robert. You want that on your tab?" Jeff asked.

" Yeah, put her on my tab." He said.

" No, that's okay. I'm not going to drink another one. I have to drive home." Jillian said, making him look at her. Robert smiled then looked back at Jeff.

" Just put whatever she orders on my bill." He said.

" Rob, I'm serious. I'm not drinking much tonight." She said. He winked and squeezed her hand.

" So where are you living?" He asked. She did not want to tell him that. Last thing she needed was for him to show up.

" Do you still have your studio? Still taking pictures of beautiful women?" She asked, making him laugh and rub against his chin with his free hand.

" Yes and yes." He said. He said a quick thank you to Jeff then pushed the drink to her. " Let's go outside and catch up." Robert said.

" Yeah, okay." Jillian said, picking up her drink.

Against her better judgment, she let Robert take the lead. He interlaced their fingers as he pulled her through the crowd. Why did he still make her feel warm and fuzzy still? She almost felt light-headed, as if she was already drunk. He always had that effect on her. He squeezed her hand as he weaved her around the group of people, towards the outside. He looked the same, only his hair was longer. The back reached his collar and the sides were over his ears now. It looked messy, like he had just crawled out of bed and came to the bar, but that was nothing new. Robert always looked messy. It was one of the things she had always found hot about him. His eyes were still the same bright blue and his smile still made her heart beat strong. His skin was warm against hers and he smelled amazing. Like smoke, soap, and spices. She had always loved the way he smelled. Jillian shook her head, she was not going to think like that.

" So, " Robert started once they reached outside. " why are you back?" They both leaned against the railing, facing each other.

" Job transfer." She said, bring her cup to her lips. She didn't fail to notice how Robert's eyes went right to her mouth.

" Well lucky me." His casual draw said. She had always loved how his voice could be soft and rough sounding at the same time. She closed her eyes as she took a long drink.

" And why are you lucky?" Jillian asked, bring the cup down. Robert grinned, chuckled and looked away.

" Because," He took a drink then looked back at her. " maybe I have missed you." Jillian smiled.

" I'm kind of surprised I saw you." She wasn't surprised. She knew he'd be there. That was the bar they always come too.

" Why? This is our bar. We met here. We had our first kiss here and almost had sex in that back hallway, if you remember." She laughed and nodded.

" I remember." She said, making him smile. His smile had always been planted on his handsome face when she was around.

" How did you like Maine? Was it everything you wanted it to be?" He asked. Her moving to Maine was one of the reasons they had broke up. One.

" Maine was great. A little cold and rainy but it was great." Jillian said. " What have you been doing with yourself?"

She listened as he talked about his work. She took a few drinks, nodding and smiling at him. Her mind was racing. She shouldn't have agreed to have the drink with him. All her old feelings for him were stirring, threatening to come to the surface, and she couldn't afford them. Robert was wild and would never change. He was all about what felt good in the moment and not worrying about the future. He was unstable and she needed something stable. Something like what she had with Shane, her boyfriend of two and a half years. After Jillian finished her drink, she set the cup down on one of the tables outside with them.

" You want another one?" Robert asked quickly when she finished her drink. " Let me get you one." When he turned to go back inside the bar, Jillian reached out and grabbed his arm.

" No, that's okay!" She said, making him pause. Robert smiled and stepped back to her.

" You want to go for a walk than?" He asked.

Please say yes

" No, I can't. I need to get home. I'm sorry." Jillian said, slowly dropping her hand from his arm.

" At least let me walk you down to your car." Robert said. He just wanted to spend a few more moments with her. He wasn't lying to her. He had missed her, like crazy.

" Yeah, sure. Why not?" Robert smiled and set his cup down.

He took her hand and starting leading her back into the bar. That was nothing new. Every since he had met her, he hadn't been able to keep his hands off her. When they were casually dating he would touch her lower back or shoulders. When they became an actual couple, he only touched her more. He held her hand, kept her tucked up tight against him, or was always kissing her. He'd kissed her mouth, her cheeks, her hands, the inside of her wrists or her neck. He hadn't cared who was around. When he wanted to kiss her, he'd kissed her. It was that kind of passion she missed, that type of passion Shane didn't give her.

Robert was rubbing his fingers against hers as he pulled her through the bar. He couldn't stop his smile when he felt her other hand take a hold of his arm. Her hand slipped up him to his elbow. She pulled herself against him because there were so many people around them. Usually, Robert hated it when everyone showed up at once but that night he was grateful. He had an excuse, a reason for pulling her against him. Her skin felt just how he remembered it feeling. It was soft and warm.

Once he stepped out of the door and into the night, Robert knew he should let go of her but he didn't. In fact, he squeezed her harder. When he felt her pulling away, he pulled his arm towards his body, forcing her to move closer to him. She dropped her hand from his arm and the second time she tried to take her hand from him, Robert had no choice but to let her go.

" I'm parked over there." Jillian said, pointing to the far end of the parking lot. Robert smiled and placed his hand gently against her lower back. They walked quietly towards her sliver Honda Civic. He wasn't surprised at her choice in car. She had always loved Honda's

" So you finally got a another car?" He asked. Jillian had driven the same Honda for almost ten years when he met her. She laughed and clasped her hands together in front of her.

" I sort of had too. My other car finally died." She said. She took note of how lightly his fingers were circling against her skin.

" You must have been upset. You loved that car." He said.

" I did." She said. She took her keys out of her little messenger bag then faced him when they finally reached her car. " Thanks for the drink and walking me out here." Robert nodded as he rubbed against his chin.

" It was great to see you, Jill." He said. Jill. No one called her Jill but him. Shane didn't like nicknames. He always called her Jillian or Sweetheart. But he called all women Sweetheart.

" Yeah, it was nice to see you too." She said.

" Come by my studio, please. " Robert said.

" Rob, I don't..." Jillian started.

" No pressure, Jill. I just want to have lunch or something. I just want to talk to you again. We used to have a good time together. I'm not asking you out on a date, you pay for yours, I'll pay for mine, but I want to see you again, okay? I'd like to be friends. You meant a lot to me, you still do." He said. Jillian sighed. She couldn't deny that she missed him. She couldn't deny that what he was saying was true. They used to have a blast together, until they fell apart.

" I'll see what I can do, okay?" She asked, making him smile again.

" That's all I can ask for." Robert said.


Shane lay beside Jillian, on his side with his back to her. He was passed out, like he always was after they had sex. She was staring at the ceiling, completely unsatisfied, like she always was after they had sex. It wasn't that Shane was bad in bed, she had just never had an orgasm with him. He was a strictly man on top type of guy. He didn't like doing oral and he didn't believe in toys. The only guy who had ever gotten her off with sex alone was...

Jillian shook her head and closed her eyes. She brought her hands to her eyes and started to rub them. No, she wasn't going to think about Robert while she was in bed with Shane. But how could she not? Her sex life with him had been great. He had been up for anything, anytime. He did whatever it took to give her an orgasm.

Robert was as carefree and wild in bed as he was in real life. He was crazy, untamed and...wild. Those were the only words she had to describe him. Shane was stable, Robert wasn't, and she needed stable, she reminded herself. Shane was in control of himself. The word control wasn't in Robert's mind frame. Shane was planted firmly against the Earth. Robert's head was always in clouds.

Jillian sighed and closed her eyes.


Robert was laying with his hands behind his head while he stared at the ceiling. He was laying on his couch in the apartment he shared with Mena. She was sleeping in their bed. She had been sleeping when he had come home and he didn't want to crawl in next to her. They had been dating for two years but it hadn't been an easy relationship. It was like nothing like he had had with Jillian.

Jillian was easy going, Mena was uptight. Jillian was fun, Mena hated to have fun. Jillian could drink like him but Mena didn't like drinking. Jillian's smile was beautiful and her laugh could turn heads. Robert couldn't remember the last time Mena had smiled or laughed. Jillian got his sense of humor and had a good one of her own. Up until the last few months of their three year relationship, things had been perfect between them. He had loved her, adored her. He couldn't even remember why they had broken up. Maybe she couldn't either. If he was lucky, she didn't. There was no way she had moved back just because of a job offer. He was going to remind her of how much fun they used to have. This was it, this was the second chance he had been wanting.