Authors Note: This is going to be a three chapter Ron/Hermione and I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for reading! Please R&R! (Also if you like my writing I have another story too!) Thanks and Enjoy!

It was crisp and cool for late September. I sat on a worn rug at the Burrow just in front of the fire place with Ron by my side. I smiled as he held my hand tracing random circles on my palm. It was late evening and we sat alone in the living room, still stuffed from enormous helpings of the birthday cake Mrs. Weasley made for me. I looked at Ron and saw that he was fidgeting and shifting nervously. My curiosity peaked out but I decided I would let him tell me what he was worried about on his own. It was easy for me to read Ron, I'm not surprised though we have known each other since we were eleven and have been dating for over a year now.

"Hermione you know how much I love you right?" Ron said suddenly

"Of course I do and I love you just as much, why?" I asked wondering if there was something wrong

"Well we have been together for over a year," He paused "And I've been in love with you since I was twelve years old."

"I know that Ron, but why are you telling me this?" I asked

"Just give it a minute or two Hermione, and then you'll understand."

"Okay, continue." I nodded

"Well I know that there is no one else in the whole world that I could ever fall in love with. There is no one as smart, beautiful, brave, caring, loving, kind, or amazing than you are. There is no one else that I could ever need or love more than you Hermione." He paused I couldn't believe all of what he was saying. But it made my heart pound even louder than it does when he says he loves me.

"We have been through a lot together and you have helped me with so many things, especially after the war. I reckon that you should win a medal for all that you've done for me, and how amazing you are, you know?" he stopped and fidgeted a little more.

"Well I think that for your birthday you deserve something extra special, something that means a lot. So that's why this year I have given so much thought to what I should give you for your birthday…"

"But Ron you already gave me your gift, remember you gave me the book I wanted, personalized note parchment and a lovely ink well." I interrupted "If there's something else too you must have spent a fortune!"

"Hermione, there is no need to worry about the cost of your gifts. I can't put a price on what your love is worth to me and your gifts this morning were so I could give you something and save this gift for when we were alone." He stated

"Anyways, like I was saying I put a lot of thought into getting you something special. I realized that there is no one I want to spend my life with other than you. So I bought you this." He said with a final grin

He then pulled a ring out of his pocket. It had a gold band with a blue topaz in its center. It was the exact colour of Ron's eyes; my favourite colour. On either side of the topaz there was a small diamond. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"It's a promise ring," He said after a moment of two "I think we're a little young for engagement but the least I can do is promise that I'll always be yours and I intend to marry you one day." He smiled at me

"Oh Ron!" I said crushing myself to him "I love it! And I want to marry you one day too!" I said kissing him passionately when we pulled apart he placed the ring on my left ring finger.

"I love you Hermione."

"I love you too Ron."

Before I went to bed I took off my beautiful promise ring to look at it more closely. I loved it more and more every second. That's when I noticed something on the inside of the band. Ron had it engraved! I realized. In tiny letters it said 'I promise to…' upon looking at it I smiled and placed the ring back on my finger before I fell asleep.