When Harvey woke up, he found he had slept for 12 hours straight. He still felt tired, but at least he could think again. As he lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, all the memories came flooding back.

They couldn't have made a bigger mess out of the whole thing if their lives had depended on it. He could come up with so many things he should have done differently. But hindsight is always 20/20.

Harvey let out a deep sigh and got out of bed. He needed a shower and breakfast.

Mike woke up to the sound of someone opening cupboards and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It felt very comforting, at least until the memory of his last encounter with Harvey entered his brain again. That comfort was gone in a heartbeat.

Oh God, did I really say all those things to Harvey? Mike could not believe his own stupidity. Now that he'd gotten some long overdue sleep, he could see things a lot more clearly.

CTS Investments. Of course. Major potential client. Jessica had told Harvey time and time again that he could not afford to lose that one. She said she would tolerate no excuses. None. If Harvey messed up, that would be the end of both him and Mike at Pearson Hardman. He suddenly realized something. "Rach?"

She stuck het head around the door. "Ah, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"Better and worse. But at least my IQ has reached acceptable levels again. I want to ask you something. Did you call Harvey to tell him that I was coming?"

"No, I wanted it to be a surprise. Of course I can kick myself now."

Mike fell back on the bed and covered his eyes with his hands. "The only one who deserves a gigantic kick, is me. So he thought you were going to call him first. He had no idea I was coming?"

"No. He left his phone with Donna with instructions to pick it up the minute I called so she could explain why it was impossible for him to answer, himself."

Mike let out a deep moan. "Yeah, I know. CTS Investments. If he hadn't charmed that creep off his feet we would both be out of a job. Oh God, I am such a monumental idiot. There should be a Nobel Prize for stupidity. That would really look good on my mantelpiece."

He sat up straight. "I can not believe the things I said to him. Why didn't you just shoot me?"

Rachel smiled. "If guns were allowed on the premises, Donna probably would have."

"Oh God, Donna." Another moan. "She must hate me."

"She does, but it won't last. Now get out of bed and take a shower. You need to freshen up and eat something. Then you can figure out how to fix things."

He looked at her, a large frown above beautiful, blue eyes. "You really think I stand another chance?"

"Yes, Mike. I do."

Harvey had taken a long shower and made himself breakfast. While he sat at the kitchen island, drinking his coffee, he stared at his phone. Such a stupidly small thing had played a vital part in the whole mess: the text message had started it all; and the missed call had ended it all. Ultimately, it had been a series of miscommunications. He raised the coffee mug to take another sip when he had a sudden epiphany. The mug still in midair halfway to his lips, he realized. Of course. That was it. The only clear way out. He had to take a big risk. Maybe Mike would turn him down, but…He envisioned their last kiss again. He had to hold on to that feeling.

Harvey picked up his phone.

"Mike, you're phone is ringing!" Rachel yelled from the kitchen.

Mike walked in from the bathroom where he had taken a long, hot shower. He searched for his phone and spotted it on the table. He read the caller ID, and gazed dazedly at Rachel. "It's Harvey," he said numbly.

She gave him an encouraging smile. "Pick up! You wanted another chance didn't you? Well, here it is."

Mike picked up the phone and sat down. He took a deep breath and answered it. "Harvey, I…"

"Don't, Mike. I do not want to have this conversation over the phone. Will you come to my house?"



"I'm on my way."

Mike put down the phone and smiled nervously at Rachel. "He wants me to come over. Do you think he's going to kill me or fire me?"

"Maybe he'll fire you first and then kill you." She handed him his clothes. "Whichever one it is, there is only one way to find out. Get dressed and go."

Mike had tried to think of all the things he wanted to say and how he wanted to say them. He must have thought up a thousand things in a thousand variations by the time he got to Harvey's. But now that he was standing before the man's front door, he worried that he wouldn't be able to manage a single word. With a deep breath, he rang the doorbell.

Harvey looked gorgeous as always. He was wearing a grey shirt and jeans, he hadn't shaved, and his hair wasn't as perfect as it usually was. Mike thought it only made him even sexier, especially with the serious expression he had on.

Mike walked to the living room while desperately trying to figure out what to say. He turned around to look at Harvey and opened his mouth.

Harvey shook his head. "No Mike, don't. Don't speak. I want you to listen to me without saying a word. When I am finished you can decide whether you will stay or leave. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. But hear me out first."

Mike managed a nod.

"Mike, I think we both did and said a lot of stupid things in the last few days. You know what I think the problem is? We're lawyers. We always want to be two steps ahead of the truth. We anticipate that people lie. That they never really tell you what is going on. And, in order to win, we have to be sure. So we doubt everything. Normally a great tactic. But this is different. We suddenly found ourselves in a situation that turned both our worlds upside down. We trusted each other completely when it came to our work. And as friends we also knew we would never betray each other. But then love entered the equation. And all of a sudden we couldn't communicate anymore. It's like we spoke different languages."

Suddenly, the serious look on Harvey's face became a warm smile. "But when we kissed, we understood each other perfectly. You told me everything with that kiss. And I know you could tell how I felt about you through that kiss. The truth is, Mike, that those kisses made me believe we love each other. We just can't find the right words."

Harvey walked over to him and pulled him into his arms. "So why don't we stop talking for the next few hours and you give me a chance to make you feel how much I love you." He gave him a light kiss on his lips. Mike barely felt it but it was enough to make him want to stay there forever.

"I want to make every inch of your body and soul feel how much I love you, Mike. I want to make you mine. And when I do, I want you to open your heart and surrender to me, so you'll realize that you're safe with me. I will always take care of you."

Mike felt like he was about to cry. He could not believe how much he loved this man. It was like he was coming home after a very long, exhausting journey. He surrendered without hesitation.

Harvey lifted Mike's chin and looked him in his eyes. "You want to stay?"

The best way to let Harvey know that he had completely understood what he had been saying was answering him in the only way that would leave no room for any doubt. He closed his eyes and kissed him.

Hope you've enjoyed it! Please don't hesitate to leave a review or drop me a line. Love to hear from you!