Author's note: Hello, Everyone! I'm back with another short story. Don't worry; I'm still working on "Airplanes in the Night Sky" and "Their_Majesties at CairParavel. gov." This story is set pre-Prince Caspian. It's probably like four or five months after the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Peter and Edmund are at school. Peter is really struggling and getting into trouble. Edmund has shown everyone how Aslan has changed him and now he is trying to hlep Peter. Now if only Peter will listen, but that's a different story.

This is Part 1. Not sure exactly where I'm going with this story, but it will at least have Part 2. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Fragments of Glory

He was tormented by his struggle to hold on to his fragments of glory; to hold on to what he could not be; what he would never be again.

The struggle occupied his mind constantly. When would he return? Did his country think he abandoned them? He was so absorbed in these thoughts, he barely noticed his settings. He ignored the chaos and the shuffle to make it to class on time. He blocked out the sounds of the school boys around him.

"Pevensie! Look what you've done!" a boy angrily accused, gesturing to his books that were scattered on the ground. Peter turned around, abruptly yanked out of his world of self-pity.

"Really, McAllister, you should watch where you're going," Peter replied hastily.

"Watch where I'm going?" laughed McAllister. "You were the one who ran into me. What's so important in your big head that you can't even watch where you're going?"

"Nothing that you'd care about," Peter retorted bitterly. "If you even care about anything more than being a bully!"

"A bully? Really, Pevensie, I thought you would use more mild language," McAllister remarked coolly.

"Oh, so that isn't mild?" asked Peter.

"Are you calling me a liar?" McAllister demanded.

"And how am I supposed to answer that?" Peter questioned.

"Answer no," McAllister sneered. "Unless you want a fight."

Peter took a deep breath to steady himself. It took great effort to keep his quick temper in check.

"Let it go, Brady," Peter replied and turned away. Brady McAllister stopped in surprise. None of his victims walked away like Peter had just done. It usually came to fists. And so it would, McAllister vowed.

"Coward!" he yelled after Peter, loud enough for all the boys in the hallway to stop and turn. "Stand up for yourself like a man, Pevensie!" At this, Peter winced and paused mid-stride. This was an insult to his honor. No one called Peter Pevensie a coward. But biting back stinging remarks and thoughts of malice, Peter went on again.

Seeing that even his taunts could not draw Peter back, Brady took one of his school books and struck Peter across the back with it. Peter stopped in his tracks. This is what Brady had been waiting for, for he knew that Peter would never submit to the indignity of the blow.

Peter's shoulders rose and fell steadily as his anger boiled. McAllister had no right to speak to him in such a way. He was the High King of Narnia after all. But he heard Lucy whispering, "Not in this world."

Brady's taunting voice broke in again. "Peter Pevensie is a big coward. He won't even defend his honor." Peter whirled around, ready for a fight. He wouldn't let Brady get away with this. He would show Brady McAllister that no one got away with calling him a coward.

Unfortunately, this was what Brady was waiting for. And he struck first. The blow fell on Peter's lower lip. The two boys stopped for a moment at the sight of blood, but Peter could restrain his temper and anguish no longer. He was so angry: he was angry at Aslan; he was angry at his siblings; he was even angry at Lucy's unblemished faith. All the months of torment and bitterness had built up and exploded in this moment as Peter's hand clenched into a hard fist.

This was more than McAllister had bargained for when he first saw Peter's unraveled state as an easy target. He didn't realize how fast Peter's calm demeanor could fade. Peter was ready to strike at any minute.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm and forced him to stop.

"Let it go," the dark haired boy advised. "It's not worth it."

"I shouldn't have to let it go!" Peter retorted bitterly. "I-I'm-"

"I know," the other boy answered. "But you have to let go. That's not how it is in this world."

Brady had no idea what they were talking about. He was just thankful that the other boy had stopped Peter's fist. He now realized that a small crowd had gathered around him. A name was being passed from boy to boy.

"Edmund," one said.

"He's Peter's brother," another said.

Brady began to piece it together. So Edmund was Peter's brother and was trying to keep him out of trouble. They must be close, Brady figured, if the younger was able to calm the elder. How would Peter take it if he, Brady, began to pick on Edmund? Would Peter stand for it?

"Come on, Peter," Edmund pleaded. "The fight isn't worth it, and you know it."

"Edmund!" Peter snapped. "I have sorted. Just leave me alone. I don't need you constantly interfering with my life." Edmund glanced up at his brother in surprise.

"But, Peter, I'm not-"

"I wish you weren't even my brother!" Peter exclaimed heatedly. A gasp of shock rose from the mouths of the other boys. This wasn't the same Peter Pevensie they had known last year.

"Peter!" Hurt flashed in Edmund's dark eyes. "Why – why would you even say that? I don't believe it."

"Then don't, you little traitor," Peter retorted smugly as he watched the keen betrayal in Edmund's eyes. "Why would I even want a brother like you? You could have nearly killed us all. Look what could have happened to the girls!"

"Don't bring Susan and Lucy in to this," Edmund pleaded.

"And why not?"

"Peter." Edmund clenched his jaw to keep from yelling. "This is something for us to discuss privately." He leaned up towards his brother's face and whispered, "Peter, look at yourself! Is this who Aslan chose as High King? Why are you clinging so tightly to the broken shards of your past identity? It's time to start over. Start a fresh page. Peter, please."

Peter began to calm down a bit. His breathing steadied and he thought about what Edmund had said. He knew Aslan didn't want him to act like this. But why should he care what Aslan thought if the Lion had let his kingdom be taken from him. The hurt swelled and mingled with his pride. His rage was taking over his mind.

"Peter, please," Edmund whispered again. Peter sighed and turned away to follow Edmund.

"I'm not finished with you, Pevensie!" Brady threatened darkly at Peter's retreating back.

"Nor I with you, McAllister!" Peter retorted as he looked back. He sent Brady McAllister a last disdainful look, the fire in his eyes still evidence of his burning rage.

A/N: Part 2: coming soon! Please review. :)