Ino walked into the Hokage's office cheerily and danced nearly the whole way there.

She had a wonderful encounter with Sai just earlier before someone had called Ino to come to the Hokage's building instantly. This was a bother for her because Sai was quite the looker, and she wanted nothing more than to speak to his beautifulness.

She knocked on the Hokage's door softly.

"Come in." Tsunade's voice rang from within.

Ino happily opened the door and strolled in. Her face nearly humming a tune right off the bat as she approaced the Hokage whom was sitting down in the hokage's chair with her hands crossed over her mouth.

"Lady Tsunade; you called me?" Ino asked with a sincere smile on her face.

"Yes Ino. I was wondering, how well are you with kids?" Tsunade asked casually.

Deja vu hit Ino. She was just talking to Shikamaru earlier about wanting to be a mother.

"I love them." Ino replied happily.

"Good." Tsunade replied and smiled as she stood up.

Ino inspected the room thoroughly. No sign of Shikamaru or Shizune.

"My Lady, Shikamaru came here earlier didn't he?" Ino asked happily; oblivious to the whole situation consisting of Shikamaru and those absurd chocolates.

"Yes he did. Bring him in!" Tsunade replied as she commanded someone from the other door to come in.

The door opened as Shizune emerged dragging someone into the room.

Ino blinked a few times as she looked at the being who was with Shizune.

There in front of her, was a little kid. Possibly about five, with adorable round plump cheeks. His hair was long and black too; tied up in a high spikey pony tail. He was amazingly cute. But he looked awfully familiar to Ino. His eyes were the same as Shikamaru's. Those lazy, sexist, irritating eyes she grew up her whole life with.

Ino bent over in front of the scowling eyed child. He stared at her in embarassment and utter anger. Although she had no idea as to why he was like that. He was even wearing an oversized Nara sweater that Shikamaru and the other Naras would wear.

Could this boy be a Nara? Ino asked in her mind as she smiled at the little boy.

"Hello. My name is Ino Yamanaka. What is yours?" She greeted happily and stuck out her hands toward the little boy who tried to jerk away but evidently fell onto the ground.

"That is Shikamaru Nara." Tsunade answered from behind them.

Ino smiled and turned back to the little boy who had fallen. She delightfully put her hands under the boys arm pits and picked him up; positioning him in a sitting up position.

"Wow, you have the same exact name as my teammate, Shikamaru Nara. Are you two related? I bet you're nothing like that idiot." She gently said as she insulted him.

Tsunade sighed and rubbed her head. This is not going to be easy. She groaned in her head.

The boy tried to speak. But his voice was nothing but air, he was blushing heavily. His eyebrows furrowed and irritated. He plucked at her hands.

"Ino... That is your teammate, Shikamaru Nara." Shizune answered as she stood over the little boy.

Ino's smile instantly at the little boy.

"What?" Was all she said as she stared back and forth between the kid and Shizune.

She soon turned her head around toward Tsunade who was standing behind them; her arms crossed and she had the look of 'upset stomache' on her face.

"What is she talking about?" Ino asked.

She glanced at the little boy who was without a doubt, pouting and immensely embarassed.

"That is, Shikamaru." Was all Tsunade said.

Ino's eye widened as she looked at the little boy. Her memories of her younger days rushed back to her mind as she stared at him.

He looked away from her. He didn't want to look at her. He was apalled by the circumstances he was in.

"Shi-Shikamaru...?" Ino asked horrified as looked at him, wanting him to answer her.

Shikamaru looked back at her. Her eyes searching for an answer in his.

He tried to speak again.


"Shikamaru... Is it really... Is it really you?" Ino asked and picked him up from the ground and stood up. She plunged him onto her as she carried him from his butt so she can look at him.

Shikamaru looked away. He didn't want to be held like that. Esspecially by Ino, but he couldn't protest, he couldn't walk, couldn't speak, heck he couldn't even sit. He just looked away.

He had eaten the chocolate. It had turned him back into a kid.

"Ino, your assignment is to carefully watch and take care of Shikamaru until we can find a 'cure' to turning him back to normal." Tsunade suddenly interrupts as she flops a manilla folder onto the desk.

Ino turned around with the little Shikamaru still in her arms.

"You will report if there is any continuation to his aging and if he progresses." She continued and refused to look at either of them.

Ino was speechless. Shikamaru couldn't talk, so he was speechless.

"Why... Why can't he talk?" Ino asked as she craddled him in her arms protectively.

Tsunade looked up for an instant and turned around to face the window.

"I believe its because the transformation was too sudden and his body hasn't gotten used to the circumstances he's in." Tsunade replied.

Ino didn't say anything. She pulled the little boys face from her shoulder and looked apologetically at him.

"Don't worry. I will take care of you." Ino smiled as she looked at him.

Shikamaru looked at her with the face of, Oh hell no.

"What about his parents?" Shizune asked as she interrupted them.

"I have already informed the family and friends that Shikamaru left on a A-ranked mission and won't be back for a long time." Tsunade jestered.

"Ino, you are to tell no one of these things. Not even your father to whom you're living with. Change his name or whatever. Call her mom, I don't know; just don't do it." Tsunade continued. "And absolutely NO visiting the Nara's! You are dismissed."

"Yes Ma'am!" Ino yelled in reply as she picked up the manilla folder and walked out with little helpless Shikamaru in her arms.

"Tsunade-sama..." Shizune whimpered.

"Don't worry Shizune. I know they'll be fine." Tsunade replied still looking out the window.

She could see Ino and Shikamaru walking down the stairs from the corner of her eyes.

I hope...

Ino and the little Shikamaru walked into the streets of Konoha.

She felt a little uncomfortable as she passed by numerous shops and restraunts while holding onto a kid. Eyes were staring up at her. Shikamaru burried his baby face into her shoulder and refused to look up to face the onlookers.

Why the fuck does this have to happen to me?! Shikamaru cursed in his mind as he tried his hardest to cling onto Ino. It was hard to control his body. Still guessing it was because of Tsunade's theory that he just wasn't used to his new (or old) body.

Shikamaru began to slip a little.

Without hesitation, Ino bumped him back up and positioned him securely over her shoulder once again. She was quick to knowing he was about to fall off.

"Don't worry, I got you." She informs as she turned a corner.

Maybe she wasn't a bad mother after all. Shikamaru thought to himself as she began dazing on top of her shoulder. She had extremely soft skin, almost as soft as his was right now. She also smelled like flowers; possibly from the shop.

Just then, Naruto, Kiba, Lee, and Choji were clustered up before her.

Shit! Ino thought as she attempted to turn back around and head a different direction

"Hey Ino!" The loud voice of Kiba rang through her head like a horror movie. She stopped instantly with shivers up her spine.

She was NOT ready for a confrontation.

Shikamaru heard Kiba's loud and annoying voice. He momentarily looked up to see the gang of three of the loudest ninja's in all of Konoha walking up towards them and Choji. Instantly he burried his face back into Ino's shoulder. His body twitching and moving around.

She knew he knew they were comming.

"Don't worry, stay calm. I got this." She informed as she turned back and faced Shikamaru away from the oncomming group. "Just act natural."


If Shikamaru could, he would facepalm himself right now. HECK he'll facepalm her!

"Ino? You're acting so strange." Choji announced as he stared at her confusingly and looking at the bundle of clothes in her arms.

"Yeah you are..." Naruto agreed.

"Who's that?" Lee asked with interest as he looked at the little boy in her arms. He did afterall had the better view of him.

"Smells like Shikamaru." Kiba said as he sniffed the air.

Shikamaru's grip tightened around her. For once, he was scared shitless, out of his mind. He did NOT want to be found as a child. Tsunade would kill them both and he would be the laughing stock of Konoha.

"No. He's..." She hesitated and held onto him tighter.

Think of a name! A name you'd call your own kid! Ino yelled in her mind.

"He's Shikato. Um, Shikamaru's kid." She yelped when she said, SHIKAMARU'S kid.

The four boys gave her a stupid stare.

"What?" Was all Choji said.

"Yeah, he's Shikamaru and Temari's kid." Ino continued.

That damn fucken woman! Shikamaru cursed in his mind as his nails began to dig into her skin.

"Shikamaru never told me he had a kid." Choji suddenly says and thinks.

Think of something quick!

"He just barely found out today! The sand village sent Shikato here and told Shikamaru to take care of him. Instead, Shikamaru decided it was right to visit Temari!" She just couldn't stop stuttering.

"So, he left his kid with you when he was supposed to take care of him himself?" Kiba asked with the look of, What in the world is going on?

"Yeah, that jerk just threw him on me and left for Suna!" Ino continued.

There was an awkward silence as Ino pushed Shikamaru back onto her shoulder securely.

"Aw, I want to see how he looks like." Naruto announces and looks over to the little boy on her shoulder.

Shikamaru hid his face deeper into the nape of her neck.

"He's a little shy." She answers and speedily walked off.

"See you guys around!" She yelled behind her and walked quickly away.

Shikamaru felt like crying. Even though he was a man, he couldn't help but feel so helpless.

As soon as they both made it to the shelter of the Yamanaka's home, She positioned him on her bed and stuffed pillows to support and comfort his immobile back.

"Stay here, I'm going to go get you something to eat." She said as she skipped out of the room.

Shikamaru concentrated and pulled his fists to his face and began to immediately cry helplessly into them.

After a few moments passed, Ino came back up stairs to find the little Shikamaru crying like the child he was. A huge feeling of sadness hit her. She had never seen him cry, even as a kid; even when Asuma died. She placed the mug of hot chocolate and cradled him. Shushing him and saying sweet little things to him.

"Shikamaru... Don't cry ok?" She shushed him.

Sure he was an idiot and a sexist; but he was still her long time friend and teammate.

"I'll be here." She said again as she laid his head onto her lap.

Unconciously she began humming. A song long ago when they were kids she used to sing.

Shikamaru stopped his cries and closed his ears on her silk-like- angelic voice.

Maybe... Marybe she isn't a bad mother after all...