Chapter 25 Of teachers and students

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters

A/N: Thankyou to vegeta and future trunks for your review and to everyone else who has favourited and followed the story! Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday I was so tired I got home at 7pm and was asleep by 7:30! Here is chapter 25! Enjoy!

Vegeta awoke early peeking out of his window to see the darkness of night still hanging over the earth, the street lamps still burning bright yellows and whites. Quickly closing the curtains again he got up to take a long shower; he had exerted himself a bit too much yesterday doing P.E and the workouts in the free period. Whilst the water ran down over his aching muscles, the jets of water relieving the tension deep in his body, he took a deep breath and began to relay the past days events in his head and the woman. That beautiful fiery woman who was now his girlfriend. He really did care about her he just wasn't the best at showing it. Especially in front of others. Somehow she seemed to understand that, she seemed to have some unnerving deep understanding of him. Vegeta rubbed his hands against his face and sighed. He'd had a really good if limited few weeks with her when they were released from hospital. It felt almost normal. Not that Vegeta had ever really known normal but it felt pretty close to it. She had dragged him to see cheesy movies or they had gone out to dinner and they'd talked, given he had been a little more reserved than normal. and he felt bad about that but she didn't seem to mind. Then there was the matter of his father who had up and left again. It had turned out that an investigation into Vegetas home life because of his had started the evening of the crash which meant his mom was not allowed any contact with him - they both also had to deny all knowledge of his father. If they had choked and his father had been caught then his henchman who do all of his dirty work would've been on them like a tonne of bricks - family or not. That was why Vegeta always kept to himself and didn't let anyone in. He couldn't. Not until he had enough money to afford living on his own, then he could really sever all ties to his family - that was why he was so hell bent on his football. Seeing his fingers turning into prunes he decided he best get out the shower and get ready for the day. He placed a towel around his waist and ran another over his hair as he walked back into his bedroom to dress.

Vegeta walked down the road dressed in his usual navy jeans, t-shirt and his favourite leather jacket, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. He was going to arrive at the womans house early - half an hour early. He hoped her mother wouldn't mind. His thoughts drifted to the hospital. She had been so needlessly kind to him; always visiting and fussing, had he had enough to drink, was he hungry, were his pillows plumped enough, did he need more, was his bed at the right angle for him. She was almost overbearing - but he appreciated it, so he let her, she was kind soul one that seemed to have never encountered evil. Before he knew it he had arrived at the Capsule Corporation. He took a breath and knocked on the door.

Bulma was humming a tune as she danced about her bedroom getting ready to meet the day when she heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? It's too early for Vegeta. Shrugging it off she continued her humming which lead to singing, she didn't have an awful voice but it wasn't amazing either. She threw on a blue jean mid thigh skirt, thick skin coloured tights as it looked cold, a white tank top and a cardi over the top. The heiress made her way downstairs wondering when Vegeta was going to turn up, she still had ten minutes until he was going to arrive so she'd have to have a quick breakfast. As she made her way to the kitchen she could hear her mother laughing. Is dad here? He's normally locked away in his lab by now… As Bulma entered the kitchen her jaw nearly hit the floor. Vegeta was sat there face red as Bunny chatted away to him. He turned as Bulma walked into the room smirking at the expression on her face.

"Morning Honey-bun!" Bunny chimed to her daughter

"How long have you been here Vegeta?" Bulma asked. "Morning Mom." She said her eyes never leaving Vegetas. He's so damn handsome. Even if he is arrogant.

"Long enough." He smirked at her a glint in his eyes. "You ready to get going or what?"

Bulma stood there in silence for a few moments deciding whether she wanted breakfast or not. "No its okay I'll just grab a granola bar and we can be on our way." She made her way over to the cupboard to get a granola bar, why do I feel so nervous? Is it because he's in my house? He's been here before though. Yeah and you were nervous then. Sighing inwardly as she turned around with a smile. "Okay I'm all set! Let's go Vegeta! Bye mom!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway to grab her coat, stuffing the granola bar into her pocket.

"Do you have everything today? P.E kit? Cookery ingredients? Underwear?" He said deviously the biggest grin on his face.

"Wha! WHY YOU JERK!" Bulma screeched cheeks blazing. "How.. What. For your information Mister, we don't have P.E today, or cookery! And of course I'm wearing underwear! White lace if you want to know!" she smirked at him hands on hips as she watched his face turn scarlet at the mention of lacy panties. She also heard her mom squeal followed by an 'oh my' from the kitchen.

"What. Lace." Vegeta said stunned and taken aback Damn woman. She really turned the tables on this one. "Whatever woman let's get going." This time he grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door still blushing as the image of her and her white lace panties singed his brain, the thought pleasing but completely inappropriate.

Bulma pulled her granola bar out her pocket letting go of Vegetas hand to unwrap it before she took a bite savouring the taste of the sweet crunchy oats and tangy berries, it wasn't really breakfast but it would have to do. She eyed Vegeta from the side, he seemed lost in thought, that or he was still reeling from her earlier comment.

"Want some?" She asked nudging him with her elbow. He turned to look at her before looking at the granola bar in her hand then back up to her again. "It isn't poisonous you know. And I don't have any germs." she held it out further. "I mean its not like you haven't kissed me and -" she was cut off.

"Fine give it here." He pulled the sticky bar from her fingers and took a bite chewing it vigorously. "It's not too bad, but it doesn't beat bacon." Bulma smiled at him as they made there way into school. They got to form early so spent the time chatting before the teacher came in.

"Hmmm, advanced math first, then history, geography, advanced science then last period is business studies…" Bulma grimaced. "What a hard core day." Vegeta just cruised along side her hands behind his head as they made their way to advanced maths.

Much to Bulmas disappointment there was a seating plan in place and she was sat next to Launch. Phew, glad I got to sit next to a friend. Poor Vegeta is stuck with Nicole. She eyed the plan that was stuck on a felt board at the front of the class. Goku is sat with Raditz, Marron is sat with Launch and 18 and Krillen are together. Tien is….. Sat with some random guy. She looked over to where Tien was sat. I've never noticed him before. Tien was sat next to an average looking guy with brown hair and green eyes. Bulma turned to Vegeta who looked absolutely mortified.

"Uh…no way. Not happening. I will not sit next to that wretch for the rest of the year!" He said punching two holes through the board which soon enough clattered to the floor, earning some worried looks from his classmates.

"You big dumbass! What did you destroy the whole thing for!" Bulma shouted at him.

"If I destroy it he won't know where I'm supposed to sit!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Cool it Vegeta!" He heard Goku and Tien saying somewhere from the back of the class.

"Oh and you don't think he has copies on his computer?" Bulma said shaking her head as Vegeta stood there in a stunned silence.

"Damn it." He huffed and stomped over to his seat making sure that he was sat right at the very edge of the table, chin in hand looking extremely unimpressed. Soon enough the teacher arrived confused at the disarray of students stood around chatting. Had they not seen the seating plan. He looked over at the board he placed up at the front of the room, only it wasn't there. It was on the floor. Destroyed.

"WHAT! WHO DID THIS TO MY BOARD!" He screeched. The whole of the class fell silent staring at the teacher in front of them. He knew exactly who would cause this kind of destruction in his class. There was only one student who would dare cross him. Or any teacher for that matter. "YOU!" he pointed at Vegeta. "Did you do this?" All of the students looked at Vegeta. "If someone doesn't own up then you're all in after school detention for two weeks with extra homework!" he barked.

"It was Vegeta!" A whole bunch of them shouted. Vegeta glared at each of them.

"Cowards!" Vegeta muttered.

"I knew it! Out Mr Ouji! Hopefully you'll arrive to my lesson in a better manner tomorrow as well! Be thankful I'm not adding a detention on top!" Vegeta glared at him before storming out. Secretly relieved he wouldn't have to spend the hour with the wretch Nicole. He didn't know where he was walking to until he found himself outside the sports hall. Perfect. I'll do some exercise that always clears my head.

Vegeta was throwing some punches at the big red punching bag. He had just done twenty minutes of jogging and needing to switch to avoiding killing his legs, he had one more check-up Friday to see if he could take up driving again.

"Mr Ouji." Vegeta turned around to see the coach. "I appreciate your dedication to sports and physical fitness by you should be in advanced math." he eyed his number one student carefully. "So what happened?"

"What makes you think anything happened?" Vegeta said throwing another punch at the bag.

"You've been on your best behaviour since you started seeing that girl. Miss Briefs." he stated. Vegeta sighed and turned to look at him.

"It was nothing. I just lost my temper. Now if you excuse me I really need to shower before my next lesson." Vegeta said as he walked off, towel hanging on his shoulder.

Bulma sat in history chewing her pen absentmindedly, advanced math had been so uneventful, everyone was scared to death of upsetting the teacher after Vegeta had destroyed the seating plan and the board. That jerk! He didn't even turn up at break. She was brought back into reality as the gang entered the classroom.

"Hey B!" Launch said as she sat to her left. "We tried to catch you up when you walked out the canteen, but you were too quick! What's up?"

"Yeah we thought maybe you were seeing Vegeta." Chi said winking at Bulma as she sat down on the other side of her, 18 sitting next to Launch and Marron sitting next to Chi.

"Sorry guys!" Bulma said laughing slightly. "Yeah well I was hoping to see him here, but obviously he isn't here yet. I wonder where he went." As if her question had been answered Vegeta appeared in the doorway. He looked straight at her making her heart jump about in her chest. Goku and the rest of the boys followed close behind him as they all sat down together with Raditz sitting next to Marron, the ten of them occupying the whole of the back row. Before Bulma could say another word the teacher was starting his lesson. So she just turned to face the front of the class again chewing the end of her pen.

Marron was happy that she was sat next to Raditz again. They were becoming really close friends.

"Hey Raditz." She said smiling at him whilst blushing slightly.

"Hey Marron." He scratched the back of his head smiling at her. "Looks like we're sitting together again, eh?" he patted her on the shoulder.

"Yeah! Looks like we are!" She giggled flicking her hair over her other shoulder "I like sitting next to you anyway!" Raditz grinned at her. She sure is pretty.

"Yeah I like sitting next to you to Marron I-"

"Pay attention at the back please." The teacher interrupted. Raditz and Marron looked at the teacher then back at each other, smiling, before paying attention to the lesson again. Next to Marron the girls were giggling knowingly.

The bell rang for the end of the lesson and the group made their way over to geography. Vegeta caught up with Bulma and grabbed her wrist pulling her back, she turned to face him and was met with a kiss.

"Where were you?" She murmured, poking his arm teasingly as they made their way together to geography hanging back from the group.

"I went to the sports hall. What else was I supposed to do." Bulma pursed her lips he was right. "How was math?" He asked wanting to change the subject.

"It was quiet. No one dared to upset the teacher so the lesson was pretty much silent." she laughed. "No thanks to you!" he smirked as they walked into Geography deciding to sit together at the back. The teacher put on a video about global warming. After a while Bulma started fidgeted in her seat, she could feel Vegeta staring at her but she didn't want to look at him. Nervously she started clicking her pen before Vegeta took it out her hands snapping it in half.

"What was that for Vegeta?!" Bulma hissed under her breath, staring daggers at Vegeta, she loved that pen. Even more so when she knew how much it wound him up.

"It was annoying me woman. You know how much I hate that incessant clicking." he looked into her eyes, they always displayed her emotions so clearly.

"Yeah well you wouldn't stop staring at me!" She said leaning in closer in an attempt to intimidate him.

"So you noticed?" Vegeta said a smile playing at his lips as he slid his hand onto hers making her blush furiously.

"How could I not notice you were drooling all over me." She rolled her eyes at him turning away from him to watch the video.

"Can a guy not stare at his girlfriend?" The question caught her off guard but she chose to ignore it, he had won this one.

ChiChi was sitting with Goku during this class at the side at the back - well trying to sit with him but he wouldn't keep his hands off her - well her legs. The lights had been turned off to watch the video and Goku had taken this opportunity to tease her. Ever since they had had sex they both had become more and more open about their feelings towards one another; but still, there was a time and place. Goku slid his hand up and down the inside of ChiChis thigh slowly when he neared the top again she grabbed his hand in hers she'd had enough of him teasing her now, he'd been touching her legs and arms and placing quick kisses on her hands, neck and cheek for the best part of the lesson which was very sweet and ChiChi was really flattered and turned on by it but they were in class. She was surprised that no one had noticed.

Launch had decided to sit with 18 in Geography it was a lesson that they both found fascinating especially the global warming side of it. Launch thought the polar bears were very cute - not that they were the reason that she liked geography; she liked everything about, from the volcanoes to the tectonic plates to earthquakes, everything. 18 was the same as her. Even though the lesson was watching the video the two girls still decided to take notes.

Krillen, Raditz, Tien and Marron took a table of four in the middle of the classroom and they all sat and watched the film all very disinterested in it. Roll on lunch. Thought Raditz. He really didn't like Geography very much at all. In fact he didn't really like many of the lessons at school at all even more so now they all had to take advanced classes and on top of that he had to take extra advanced lessons too.

The ring of the bell couldn't come quickly enough as they all filed out of Geography; ChiChi and Goku flustered, Tien, Krillen, Raditz and Marron bored out their brains, Vegeta and Bulma were both laughing whilst Launch and 18 came out looking like they had just been to see a celebrity - they were ecstatic. They all made there way to the canteen for lunch, Vegeta was starving as he had skipped break. They all got their lunches, Goku, Vegeta and Raditz all got three helpings as the girls Krillen and Tien sat in awe at how much the three of them could put away. Bulma bit into an apple liking the crunch it made as she bit through the crisp skin as she thought about the Geography lesson again. Vegetas question resounding in her head 'cant a guy not stare at his girlfriend?' and that devious smile he'd had on his face as he had said it to her. A smile that made her feel all dizzy and tingly, it made her senses feel on fire, like he could devour her. She looked over to him now stuffing his face trying to beat Goku and Raditz at an eating contest.

"Dammit Kakarot! You beat me!" Vegeta said annoyed, "only just though!" he said as he put the last of the chicken into his mouth.

"Ha! Just too slow Vegeta!" Goku chuckled, the two of them turning to see how Raditz was getting on only to find that he had appeared to have given up on the contest to talk to Marron and Tien.

"I'll beat you next time!" Vegeta exclaimed. Before looking to Bulma. "Still eating rabbit food woman?"

Bulma puffed her cheeks and put her apple down on the table. "Its called being healthy jerk! A girl needs to watch her figure." she folded her arms over her chest.

"Well you don't need to worry about that. Here you can have this muffin." He pushed it towards her as the rest of the group watched in amusement, they all knew he was winding her up.

"I'm fine without it thank you Vegeta." Bulma said picking up her apple and meeting his gaze taking a large bite out of it.

"I'll have it!" Goku picked up the muffin, unwrapping it from its paper case before eating it whole.

"Hey that was mine!" Vegeta shouted.

"I thought you didn't want it! You offered it to Bulma!" Goku replied putting his hands up.

"Yeah because all the woman eats it fruit and granola! Whatever Kakarot it doesn't matter."

"Gee Vegeta you don't need to get so worked up." ChiChi said scowling at him, how dare he talk to my Goku that way.

They all had advanced science next with that stupidly strict science teacher ,Bulma wondered if all the advanced teachers were being ordered to be extra strict by the new principal, it was like you literally weren't allowed to talk except to answer a question. As they entered the classroom she was relieved to see that they could sit wherever they wanted, she decided to sit next to Launch and ChiChi, leaving a disgruntled Vegeta to sit with Goku.

"So Launch, what's your plan of action to get Tien to actually kiss you on the lips?" Bulma asked her friend amused as a small blush crept onto Launchs face.

"Hey, yeah Launch! We definitely need to plan that one!" Chi said excitedly stars in her eyes.

"Not in my lesson you wont be." The teacher said slamming his hands on the desk in front of the girls making them all jump. "Please concentrate on the lesson, or I will be separating the three of you." Yep, he's still being strict as usual. Bulma sighed in frustration. Were they ever going to be able to laugh, joke and plot like they used to in lessons. Then again it is the final year I guess we should focus on school at school.

The bell rang for last period before the teacher had even finished his lesson so everyone just packed their things and made a beeline for the door, Business Studies Bulma thought to herself. I have not missed that subject. Although it is relatively easy for me. The group entered and saw that all the tables sat two students per table so they would have to split off into pairs. Vegeta grabbed Bulma and dragged her to a table at the back before anyone else could try and ask her to sit next to them. Chi sat with Launch, 18 sat with Marron, Goku sat with Krillen and Tien sat with Raditz. The teacher looked up from his desk at the sea of students when his face fell.

"No. I don't think so. Not you two. Not there." The class looked confused. Who was he talking about? "You two." He pointed at Vegeta and Bulma. "You two are nothing but trouble in my lessons, infact I barely recall one where you both attended for the whole lesson." he paused glaring at them. "You can sit together but you MUST come and sit at this desk right in front of me. So I can see what you're doing at all times." Vegeta and Bulma looked at each other in shock before moving to the front of the class.

"So Raditz, you and Marron are getting on well then? You guys seem really close now that she isn't going out with Krillen?" Tien asked the burly man sat next to him.

"Yeah we are. She's a really great person, I realised that when she started seeing Krillen, that's when it really hit home that I liked her. I might ask her to go out somewhere this weekend, what'd you think?"

"I think that's a really good idea if you like her. Where would you take her?"

"Why you after ideas for Launch?" He grinned at Tien. "Probably the movies. There's a new film out about some gangsters who rob a world bank - well try to. It's got some sweet cars and hot chicks. Marron said she didn't like action films though so maybe not that one…" He trailed off.

"Oh that's a good idea. I'm taking Launch to the fair Sunday." Tien smiled at him.

Chi and Launch luckily got a table in the corner at the back of the class so there conversation could barely be seen or heard.

"So Launch what are you doing this weekend?" Chi asked her brunette friend.

Launch tucked a strand of her brunettey blonde hair behind her ear as she bit her lip. "Tien is taking me somewhere as a surprise Sunday." She said her icy blue eyes meeting Chis dark ones seeing the excitement in her eyes as Chi mentally ran through all the possible places that they could be going to.

"Oooh that's so romantic! He hasn't told you! I wonder where he could be taking you?" Chi said her eyes gleaming. "We need to plan a kiss to!" she paused for a moment thinking "How about a sleepover Friday night at mine?" Chi suggested.

"I think that's a brilliant idea Chi! That gives us plenty of time to chat and plot." Launch gave her friend a warm smile. "We haven't had a sleepover with B yet. And it'll be a good chance for those two to make up." She pointed to 18 and Marron who looked like they'd rather be anywhere else other than sat next to each other. "After everything with Krillen." Chi nodded in agreement before looking over to Krillen and Goku who both seemed extremely confused by the lesson.

When Business Studies was over the teacher commended Vegeta and Bulma for their good behaviour and said that if they continued he may just one day let them chose where they sit. They both grimaced at the praise and quickly bolted out the door when the bell rang for the end of the day. Bulma said bye to her friends with a quick hug before taking Vegetas hand as they began their walk to her house.

The wind whipped harshly as the overcast sky grew darker, rain threatening to fall. Bulma gave a small shiver, which didn't go unnoticed. Vegeta let go of her hand.

"Come here woman." He said as he placed his arm around her waist as they walked pulling her closer to him.

"Th-thanks." She shivered in reply.

"What are you doing tomorrow evening?" He asked her.

Bulma looked up at him as she replied "nothing at the moment, why?" She asked as her feet crunched through some fallen leaves.

"There's this film out that I want to see-"

"I'd love to come." she smiled

"But you don't even know what its about woman." He scowled at her, for all she knew it could be blood guts and gore or worse.

"I don't need to…" she said softly as they stopped walking, Vegeta staring down into her deep blue eyes they really were never ending, he pressed his thumb to her cheek watching as her cheeks grew a darker shade of pink and kissed her. Her lips were cold from the winters air, but as their kiss deepened and their desires became stronger her lips soon warmed up, melding into his. Her arms snaked up and around his neck and his tightened around her waist, she touched her tongue to his lips gently at first but when they didn't part she pushed harder both of them moaning slightly as her tongue met his. We don't have enough of these moments. Was the thought that ran through Bulmas mind as she tangled her fingers in his hair and his hands roamed up her back to her head pushing her mouth harder against his. They stayed kissing for a few more moments before breaking it off and hugging just as the first rain drop started to fall from the sky. Bulma looked up as the rain got heavier the sky now a dark gray. She held her palms out feeling it on her now hot skin.

"Let's get you home out this rain woman before you catch a cold and cancel our date." He said smiling to the blue haired woman still in his arms. She looked back into his warm black centres smiling too before giving him a quick kiss on the lips as they made the last leg of the journey to her house.

A/N: Well that's the end of chapter 25! What do you guys of me writing about every lesson? The next few chapters will be nice and calm with the usual flirting - but they are all a calm before the storm!

R & R
